Time Zone: Eastern United States & Global
Community Focus: Casual, Moderate and Hardcore Players
Website: 312th.org
312th Black Trident Regiment TS3
Address: BlackTridentCommunity.312th.org:15533
Note: Restricted server Privileges must be assigned on entrance, members only
Facebook Group / Facebook Page
unOfficial Allies of House Solveinean:

House Kurita
Official Enemies of House Solveinean:

House Davion
Daily Update: 02/26/2014
So what is new about the 312th Black Trident Regiment? I have had many ask this question and more over the last few months. We have never left the game, though we have become silent and that is because of the much need it rest. We have gone through many transformation and learned who are loyal and are here for the long-term. We are always adapting and changing as Wolniewski continues to build a foundation for community that is both online and offline.
The latest project involved is the upgrade of the format of the website, the art, the lore and well making it more more beneficial for its members. There are future talks of video chat directly on the website an introduction video to the group and its history, the goals it set for its self and more. We are first a community and second a gaming group, we are looking for individuals that want more then just a group of people to hangout with once in awhile, rather a extended family of friends. The veterans of our group are already in the move to receiving their second year here and with it the veteran patches to proudly wear upon their jackets or shirts. So there is a lot going on and their is benefit to being a member of the 312th Black Trident Regiment, the closeness of friendship.
The 312th Black Trident Regiment is a part of the House of Solveinean, an unofficial player-run faction that is declared a Mercenary group by the Battletech Universe Rules. We are an unofficial House that resides within the Deep Periphery. We have our own personal lore and our Commander is currently writing numerous novels about the House of Solveinean and however he recently stop talks with "Tops" to become an official house in the Battletech Universe. We are also a mercenary group that has been here in Mechwarrior Online since August of 2012 when Mechwarrior was still in closed beta.
This is an Adult Community - we take training to a whole new level as we are not content to simply just exist. We seek to consistently improve upon our Skills and Abilities as Mech pilots, Lance Commanders and Company Commanders. When you join our unit you will be put through rigorous training throughout your time with us. We are a tightly knit unit and although we have had our own personal struggles throughout this time, we have remained together and look forward to Faction Warfare.
We are a Division that believes in Team Work and Loyalty to the unit. We focus on Tactics and Strategy and require team speak 3 for our method of communication. We are a House and not merely a Mercenary Unit and have many different factions that fly under the banner of the House of Solveinean but all are a part of the 312th. We do encourage ex-military and law enforcement to join us, however we do welcome all as long as you are at least twenty-one years old or older. Otherwise, you will need to gain approval from the regiment through a trial period.
The 312th Black Trident Regiment is made up of three different Companies and each Company accommodates three specific play styles within the Regiment. Those three play styles are as follows: Elite to Hardcore players are found in "The Gold Tridents of Damnation", Moderate play style members can be found in "The Blood-Stained Tridents" and those members that play casually are members of "The Black Mask of the Tridents". In reality all members start off in "The Black Mask of the Tridents" Company and move on to "The Blood Stained Tridents" or "The Gold Tridents of Damnation" as time and desire will allow for it.