What Is So Bad About MechWarrior 4?
Posted 16 February 2012 - 05:17 PM
A.) The mechlab was different in MW4 from earlier games. MW4 had weapon type specific slots (energy, ballistic, missle, omni), while previous versions simply had slots of various sizes.
B.) some mechs had default configurations or even slot configurations that were not or could not support canonical weapon loadouts
C.) The clan mechs were not so overpoweringly better than the IS mechs
D.) The designers invented new mechs instead of using similar canonical mechs
I think there are many more, but I do not know what they are. Please help me understand the loathing for MW4.
Posted 16 February 2012 - 05:41 PM
yeah it was fun, I still play Meknet Mercs .. .. ..
A: mechlab on MW$ was about one of its best,,, and worst features, balanced in layout, but annoyingly repetitive in nature. If stop and look at it, the lab created just as many problems as it solved, aka armor dumping to load out single shot kill weapons groups...
b: which is natural, you really can't load out mechs with what ever you wanted. it just is unnatural...
c:remember that MW4 takes place in 3067, the clan technology had been caught up to with omni IS mechs
d: yeah Hence the term Franken Mechs.,., as much as I like a Behemoth_IIC it is just a freak of nature
Edited by Opus, 16 February 2012 - 05:41 PM.
Posted 16 February 2012 - 06:48 PM
It did have a few nice features - well rounded missions, relevant salvage, pretty maps. But there were also a bunch of really mediocre things that brought the whole level down. Ah well, I still play the Mektek : Mercenaries but I don't enjoy it as much as firing up MW2 : Mercenaries and legging some clanners.
The real travesty began with Mech Commander. Your pilots are just so stupid, and they didn't even try with the Mechbay. Then came Mech Assault. I actually got this for the XBox, played for half an hour then returned it - it was that lame. And now they're planning on bringing out Mech Assault 3 this year? Good luck! It's an uninspired series with an oversimplified game engine. Thumbs DOWN!
Posted 16 February 2012 - 07:15 PM
Although they didn't explicitly add any ballistics or energy weapons that worsened the already growing epidemic of poptarting, Mektek did add many "enabler" mechs, like the Behemoth, Canis, and Warlord (correct me if I am wrong, but I do not recall a single alt variant of the Atlas that included Jump Jets?? As I am not a canonhead, I am unfamiliar) that completely warped the online servers into 1-shot slugfests. I think the biggest gripe people have is the imbalances in weapons, and what appeared to be a step backward in combat simulation (ie: arms move with torso twist, not independent, or no C3 computer).
Personally, I thought it was a great game and enjoyed it to the fullest. There is still a sizeable community that plays the game, and the majority of players on Gameranger are able to host their own servers as a means of escape from the glaring flaws, trading for good, ol fashioned mech brawling. I still consider this game to be one of the greatest I have ever played, despite the drawbacks.
Edited by Lord Trogus, 16 February 2012 - 07:55 PM.
Posted 16 February 2012 - 07:27 PM
There was also the issue that the numbers just didn't work. I did some math and found that the heat sinks dissipated a different amount of heat for each mech. Even the damage and cooldown times for some of the weapons weren't accurate. I had set up what I call a "punching bag" (an Uziel with no weapons, heat sinks, or electronics, only armor and minimal speed), giving each part of the mech 18-20 damage points worth of armor. I then fired 6 ER medium lasers at one of the parts. This should've caused 18 damage and instantly destroyed the part I hit, but it didn't even put it into the yellow.
I was also pretty disappointed with the scouting missions. Maybe I just suck at scouting, but I couldn't finish the steiner mission that had you scanning the buildings for 20 seconds. At some point I got frustrated and went in with an Annihilator with four Clan LBX AC20's and massacred them all to finish the mission. Other than that I think there are only two other missions that involved scouting. I sincerely hope there will be a greater focus on that part of the gameplay.
Unfortunately my experience has been entirely with the single player campaign, as I could never get my multiplayer to work correctly.
Edited by buttonmasher, 16 February 2012 - 07:29 PM.
Posted 16 February 2012 - 07:45 PM
It just represents a huge step to the side. The graphics were cartoony, the story wasn't all bad but the actors were... not to mention the extensive redesigns of just about everything... which basically goes hand-in-hand with the cartoony feel.
MW1, MW2 and MW2M were all limited by technology, but really set a good precedent. Mechwarrior 3* was pretty nearly the pinnacle of capturing the "feel" of such a massive war machine, the thing really felt heavy, the weapons were generally well modeled (AC aside, but that's personal preference) then we had MW4. The feeling was gone. And on top of that they dumbed down the look of everything and threw in 'mechs that had to be ret-conned in later (grumble grumble).
*I was not a pirate's moon fan, but that's for another post.
Posted 16 February 2012 - 07:48 PM
Posted 16 February 2012 - 08:02 PM
Voice acting is meh. That duncan fisher guy is alright but some of those minor characters clearly didn't understand what they were saying.
It was like the scripts had no punctuation.
Steel Raven, on 16 February 2012 - 07:48 PM, said:
That always bothered me. Some of those missions like Overload, or the supply depot assault, and the Templar factory assault would pit your 2 lances against almost a light battalion. What happened to attackers needing 3 times the force of the defenders?
I was never able to play the Steiner ending with my copy, corrupted file. Recently i downloaded the game from mektek and was finally able to do the last 3 steiner missions. Anyone else notice that Zel Vickers starts as a man and ends as a woman?
Edited by Sug, 16 February 2012 - 08:03 PM.
Posted 16 February 2012 - 08:31 PM
MW3 did feel more realistic and was probably better made game overall, but you couldn't play it endlessly like MW4 online. Graphics were slightly better in MW4 but yes cartoonish.
Posted 16 February 2012 - 08:36 PM
The ballistic weapons don't seem as hard-hitting - the animations aren't as good.
I didn't like the new laser sounds.
The new PPC looks bad imo.
[more small reasons]
Posted 16 February 2012 - 09:49 PM
No, wait, I didn't.
Anyway, considering the game hasn't aged well, the biggest problem was the pinpoint weapon accuracy, turning the game more into a point-and-click adventure (at least when you were playing with a mouse).
Posted 16 February 2012 - 10:15 PM
Compared to MW3, I shoot out too NGNG in saying it had a very dark feel. It was a long journey to one of the darkest most threating part of the universe. But with Hyden and WTFClock, MW3 was amazing with the physics. I felt the difference in the size and maneuverability even between the 45 ton Shadow Cat and the 55 ton Bushwacker had a completely different feel but still a moving mountain! Oh yeah, and there was infantry that could explode when shot.
We were promised crowds of people in MW4!? Nice way to drop the ball MS. Not saying I am that sadistic but this was happening at this timeline often. We saw this activity from the novels, sourcebooks, and MW2M news feeds. Love to see this in MWO, people will get too distracted chasing down harmless civilans then watching their backs. And we can hold the ELH and other units to protecting the civilians at any cost.
Posted 16 February 2012 - 10:16 PM
MW3 was a much better single player game.
Edited by Moorecroft, 16 February 2012 - 10:17 PM.
Posted 17 February 2012 - 07:45 AM
Where the complete feel of mechs and game play was drastically changed.
Posted 17 February 2012 - 10:00 PM
But some people are too fixated on TT rules and less on gameplay.
As mentioned before MW4 was a multiplayer game first and a single player second.
MW4 had
-more types of game modes (CTF, King of the Hill) rather than the boring MW2/MW3 of just destruction.
-lag shooting was kept at a minimal; you hit at what you shot at (unlike the lag-shooting fest of MW2/MW3)
-no advantage of having a mouse/keyboard over a joystick
-different types of armor against different weapons
Posted 17 February 2012 - 10:21 PM
Hayden, on 16 February 2012 - 07:45 PM, said:
It just represents a huge step to the side. The graphics were cartoony, the story wasn't all bad but the actors were... not to mention the extensive redesigns of just about everything... which basically goes hand-in-hand with the cartoony feel.
MW1, MW2 and MW2M were all limited by technology, but really set a good precedent. Mechwarrior 3* was pretty nearly the pinnacle of capturing the "feel" of such a massive war machine, the thing really felt heavy, the weapons were generally well modeled (AC aside, but that's personal preference) then we had MW4. The feeling was gone. And on top of that they dumbed down the look of everything and threw in 'mechs that had to be ret-conned in later (grumble grumble).
*I was not a pirate's moon fan, but that's for another post.
^ Big time
From the studio that brought you quotes in 'Mech Assault like, "The Puma is a variant of the Cougar that I developed for anti-infantry operations" to the 100 ton Mad Cat with it's variant, the Timber Wolf. Fasa Studio sucked. I was very dissapointed with MW4, especially with the jump that MW3 took from MW2. Hardpoints in the 'mech lab made most of the variants impossible.
How can you make a game where the Atlas is just a big target, and call it Mechwarrior?
Posted 18 February 2012 - 12:15 AM
Edited by Seth, 18 February 2012 - 12:16 AM.
Posted 18 February 2012 - 01:21 AM
The poster above me made some points I'd like to touch on, such as MechWarrior 3 boating and lag shooting. Boating is a result of a fully customizable MechLab. "Every 'Mech is an OmniMech" describes it best. Lag shooting as I see it was just a fluke in the game engine or people's Internet connections, which was never really addressed.
I find MechWarrior 3's single-player campaign the best of the entire MechWarrior series. It only outclasses MechWarrior 2 and its expansions simply because of the game engine.
MechWarrior 4 was like a foreign knockoff of a quality product. There were times playing through the campaigns it seemed like there was so much more that they could have done, and didn't. Graphics seemed outdated even when the game was new. Every map you played on was accesible if you mounted jump jets. Didn't matter how high or low something was, you could get there with no effort (jump-jetting to ascend cliff faces and auto-walking up sheer surfaces). Weapon effects and dynamics were appalling. The edges of maps would fall off into nothingness. Then there's the "piloting a toy robot" effect.
I could probably go and make a comprehensive list, but I have a headache.
Posted 19 February 2012 - 10:11 AM
Posted 19 February 2012 - 08:17 PM
Horatio Blakeney, on 16 February 2012 - 05:17 PM, said:
B.) some mechs had default configurations or even slot configurations that were not or could not support canonical weapon loadouts
C.) The clan mechs were not so overpoweringly better than the IS mechs
D.) The designers invented new mechs instead of using similar canonical mechs
THIS and:
E. Missing LRM's turned around more than once until they finally stroke their target.
F. Devs tuned some of the weapons extremely down while boosting others (M-Lasers did only did 80% while L-Lasers were boosted to 187,5% damage compared to boargame values. That way Light and Medium Mechs which design relied upon thoose weapons, were merely useless and too less dangerous than they should have been!). And then used lame excuses why they did it!
G. Senseless mixing of Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Tech. LAMS, Reactive and Reflective Armor... urgh!
H. Cartoonish deaths of limping Mechs which all went critical when shot down... *shudder*
MW 4 was soo much less settled in the BT-Universe and more a FPS, that some still refer to it as MechQuake, QuakeWarrior or MurksWarrior 1™ (that's german for CrapWarrior 1). The immersion of piloting a Huge Robotc War Machine was almost nonexistent.
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