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The Avurian Elite

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#1 Terrus


  • Knight Errant
  • 1 posts

Posted 23 December 2014 - 10:06 PM

Do you have a taste for a laid back atmosphere with a group that plays to win but won't crucify you for a loss? Want a group that has access to a number of voice channels assuring that you won't be forced to migrate if you aren't comfortable doing so?

Wonderful news if this sounds like you, the Avurian Elite, a unit in its early stages, is looking to invest in members who are active, fun to play with, and interested in a non-aggresively competitive atmosphere. As of the time of writing, the Elite are composed of two members of a long-standing tabletop play group (games including Battletech, the Mechwarrior RPG, D&D, and Shadowrun) and is eager to find new partners to play with for lance drops and full 12 man teams. We won't dictate builds, force a playstyle, or require sweeping changes to your playtime or pressure you into missing out on the real world; we are Elite, but we are not elitist. The only stringent requirement we'd have is a comfortable stable of IS 'mechs if you have an interest in community warfare as we are currently on contract with House Davion. If you're interested, reply here, contact Callerofstorms or Terrus ingame, or submit a request for our Raidcall Group, Jaxus Saves.

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