Merc Corps Name: Armageddon Unlimited (aka Wolf Mercenary Combat Command/MCC)
Web Site Address:
Recruitment Policy: http://www.wolvesau....cruitpolicy.php
Forum Address:
VOIP Type and Address: No Guts No Galaxy TeamSpeak Server, , Password is mechwarrior, Sponsored Units, Armageddon Unlimited.
Team Active Since: September 2013 for our most recent iteration (previous iterations in Oct. '97 - Sept. '99, May '02 - Mar. '04, May '07 - Feb. '08, and Oct. '11 - Sept. '12, having played in all sorts of leagues prior to MWO)
Created For MWO or Existed Already?: Tabletop unit formed in early-mid 1985, opened Online play in late '97
Type of Community: MechWarrior Online, Group Social, MilSim
Other Games Actively Supported: We will vet other games, leagues, and MMOGs as encouraged by the membership.
How Many Members Expected to Play MWO?: Around 324 (this game is not going to be as small as previous iterations) for 3 full RCTs for 1st Brigade; we will make changes as necessary down the road; we are growth-oriented.
Total Team Members: 17 active and semi-active as of as of 1 October 2014/3049.
Atmosphere/Environment: Family, Friends/Comrades, warnings for both adults and parents; we're trying to remain as clean as possible, but with more people, unruly will sometimes be the rule. Religious are welcome but are advised that, although we are sensitive to the existence of various belief systems, the religious individual must be, as well.
BattleTech Lore-Based Team?: Yes. Though AU is not contained within the canon of BattleTech lore, yet, our history, TO&E, operating procedures, and everything we do is heavily influenced by the BattleTech mythos and standards.
Mech Faction Preferences if Any: We welcome all factions, as long as they understand 1) We're mercenaries, 2) We're a MilSim unit, and 3) this Merc Unit comes before other extra-game factions, and should be a player's ONLY MWO faction. Though, historically, AU started from a former member of the Armed Forces Federated Suns, we have worked for every House, many corporations, and are likely to do so, again.
Members Mainly Located Where, Geographically?: World-wide, but mainly North America. We are seeking members from around the world to be able to, eventually, play in 24-hour ops. Commander's in various time-zones and parts of the world will be raised to take the mantle of command during their play-periods, to keep us rolling at all times.
Command Style: Three increasing levels of overall unit structure; presently at level 1, with modifications. New MechWarrior's are not expected to be military disciplined, just nice and punctual; however, increasing rank and position requires increasing ability to be responsible and willing to put time and effort into AU, and the MechWarrior's under one's command. We have fun at all times, but when it's time to get serious, members are expected to be as professional as possible, focused and dedicated to the mission.
Means of Advancement: Achievements, Awards, Positions, Brevet and Full Ranks. Your career with Armageddon Unlimited is in your hands, but the more you participate in various aspects of Armageddon Unlimited (on both the AU and MWO forums, in the game, doing things to improve AU, taking on positions of responsibility, etc), the better you will do. If you only want to be a MechWarrior, you NEVER have to go higher; if you wish to advance, however, the means exist to get you to your goal as quickly as you're willing to work hard.
Average Community Age: 21 - 47
We are looking for dedicated individuals to form a training cadre, to fill several positions within AU necessary to the proper functioning of the unit, and MechWarrior's ready to give some of themselves to advance the unit. Families and individuals, all nations (as long as you can speak English well enough or have a translator readily available), military and civilians, all belief systems (as long as you don't try to force it on anyone else), BattleTech/MechWarrior veterans and those new to the game... all are welcome.
Edited by Kay Wolf, 01 October 2014 - 10:27 PM.