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BattleMech Technology; an education!

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#181 VinJade


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Posted 03 May 2016 - 11:38 AM

this is a nice thread, next time someone tries to say that BT engines explode I will direct them to this thread, thanks for posting it.

side note;
Yes I didn't read this until today, lol.

#182 Strattus


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Posted 04 November 2016 - 03:55 PM

View PostMensloWolf, on 09 May 2016 - 05:52 PM, said:

"Lastly, when a BattleMech is shut down, its actuators lock into place in whatever position they were last in. This can result in everything from keeping a 'Mech upright in its gantry in its 'Mech bay to causing a 'Mech to lock up in mid-stride and fall over onto its face on a battlefield."

How come this doesn't happen in MWO? This would be absolutely hilarious! XD

AhhPosted Image .... reminds me of the Alpha days.... nothing like knocking that annoying Jenner to the ground for getting too close!! Those Atlas hands were pretty good at swatting the flies back then.... Posted Image

The game's physics engine used to have the falling dynamic, but it has since been removed.... I would take a melee component over the falling dynamic any day!

And yes...... I just read this for the first time too! Thank you so much for the post, well deserved props, even if you are the messenger, Pht!

#183 Lord Seddok


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Posted 20 September 2021 - 12:43 PM

This was quite interesting! To be honest I'm a little bit sad that the Neurohelmet's is mostly used for optimizing the balancing a bit and most of the magic is done by the BIC - would be cool if it was truly some kind of "Being one with the Mech" via the Neurohelmet, but this gives it all a real Technical-fluff that still sounds realistic for the time it was invented (I mean at RL-time, not Loretime).

There only remains one question for me: How do you Torso Twist?
I always thought the Main control stick is used for turning the mech + aiming up and down, while the feet pedals are for torso twisting thus aiming left or right - as I really started getting into Battletech via MW:O, you may see where I got that from: When you turn left or right, your Character turns the Main control stick appropriately left or right (at least I remember it this way). But as the Technical Manual states here, it is the Feet pedal who let you turn right or left (to be honest, that sounds quite more practical, aiming in all directions with one stick instead of splitting it up to multiple control components xD) . How exactly is Torso Twisting achieved then? Via aiming with the Main control stick e.g. aiming at the left corner of your HUD, so your Mech torso twists to the left?

#184 Rumble Chicken


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Posted 11 February 2025 - 01:52 PM

I have alot of mechwarrior software and material that came with many versions . I am just asking any suggestions on where to sell it . Reasons besides ebay or some place like that . I had thought there might have been a more suitible place for this mechwarrior stuff to be sold . Anyway thanks

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