Enough talk about TT. Digital versions of Mechwarrior are not Canon anyway.
Posted 08 September 2012 - 05:53 PM
I'm just getting a little tired of the constant ranting on many levels, on many forums about how this game is unbalanced, that XL engines worked a certain way in TT, that certain Mechs "should" be available, etc. etc.
The fact is, you can go to the Battletech wiki, and quote anything you want to....that will not change this game. NO DIGITAL VERSIONS ARE CONSIDERED CANON. Although many are referenced and in the past, even during TT games those digital versions are commented on.
This game stands on its own as, IMO, the single best Mechwarrior experience thus far. I don't need everyone and their brother telling me that they've played for 30 years....I would say THE MAJORITY OF US HAVE. Anyone who really cares about this game, and the Mechwarrior universe most likely has some background playing TT or similar digital games.
So if you think because you've played TT for years that your poop doesn't stink, you might want to humble yourself a little. Be a little more OPTIMISTIC and by all means start having more fun, and be a welcome host to those that are younger players that want to start playing this game. There's nothing like first impressions, I hope that all who read this will assess their own behavior, and be as welcoming as they can to new players.
Try not to start your conversations with, "back in table top...", or "when men were men and giants walked the Earth, I started playing Battletech." Pfft. Because some of us are very good at this game, some of us played table top, some of us didn't....
RELAX and ENJOY the beta. If you haven't gotten your attitude together by release, well, then expect your face to get stomped in by some noobs, because their ears are open, and they know who you are, and many of them are VERY fast learners.
Thanks all, and by all means......HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 08 September 2012 - 05:58 PM
Posted 08 September 2012 - 05:59 PM

Posted 08 September 2012 - 06:08 PM
Edited by DaveKell, 08 September 2012 - 06:09 PM.
Posted 08 September 2012 - 06:35 PM
Posted 08 September 2012 - 06:40 PM
But honestly, I think that we should keep the game restricted by lore, if anything. If TT implementations can be implemented, then add them. If it needs to be tweaked, tweak the range digitally.
But for the love of god, don't turn MWO into a MechAssault Online.
Posted 09 September 2012 - 03:43 PM
Sephlock, on 08 September 2012 - 06:35 PM, said:
By reference, I was stating that most of the DIGITAL versions do use some CANON from the TT. Otherwise you wouldn't have ANY of the same mechs. This game is obviously built with references to TT, but those masters of TT will have no advantage in this game by means of knowledge alone. Which means it really doesn't matter if you've been playing for 20+ years (myself included) or 3 weeks. MWO stands alone as what it is...a new DIGITAL game that is in more ways similar to other Digital versions, and will not be much like TT. Basically that's where I'm coming from.
Posted 09 September 2012 - 03:51 PM
Giant 'mechs' weighing as much as an MBT fighting each other with huge firepower. I'm fine with that. In fact, that's what Mechwarrior games are about for me! I can't help it!
Forgive me for committing heresy but some 'canon' aspects are in my opinion superfluous, would never work in a real-time PvP game.
After spending some limited time in these forums I'm under the impression that a certain portion of the player base desires the nitty-gritty nuances to be part of MWO or strict adherence to 'canon' just because. I disagree but I respect that point of view. It's just that some aspects would in my opinion be 'extra hassle' slapped on this product just to be in-line with 'canon'.
Another 'faction' wants what I perceive as unesessary 'grind' and time sinks. Maybe I misunderstood your point of view but please, there are enough time-sink and grind-a-thons out there. There's a good reason why I stay away from them. The moment MWO turns into a grind-fest, although it will sadden me, I'm out of here. If I have to grind for a month to be able to get a mech then spend a week gathering c-bills to repair it only to be cored in the first match to start all over again, forget it.
However, truth be told, barring the repair debacle, this is the most fun I've had with a Mechwarrior game for years. We've waited too long for something like this. So my fellow betazoids and PGI, don't blow it.
Edited by Firefaust, 09 September 2012 - 04:01 PM.
Posted 09 September 2012 - 03:54 PM
lartfor, on 08 September 2012 - 06:25 PM, said:
straw man is a straw man.
Hardly retracting...if by me mentioning TT in a thread that is anti-TT you are implying a straw man...I could have just stated: don't talk **** about how badass you are at TT while PLAYING MWO.
In no way was this post an alienation of speaking about TT. I made that clear. There is no fallacy in asking people to stop comparing paper to plastic.
Posted 09 September 2012 - 03:54 PM
Posted 09 September 2012 - 04:04 PM
RobinSage, on 08 September 2012 - 05:53 PM, said:
Hmm... While you technically be correct in the fact that no books have been written in the name of the digital series, if you take the time to read the about page for MW:O, you will find that the Battletech trademark is all over it. Plus, with the day by day updates on the ISN that follow the "canon" extremely closely, it is very easy to assume that this game was supposedly designed with the intent of bring a digital Mechwarrior game much more in line with the "canon" writtings. Especially with quotes like; " you'll know that we are a premium Free-To-Play game based on the bestselling BattleTech® Universe" , "We want to make sure we bring the roots of the MechWarrior® titles back to the surface and also incorporate the basic rules from the BattleTech® Universe" and "The interface between the MechWarrior® and the BattleMech is being revisited as well."
Posted 09 September 2012 - 04:06 PM
UraniumOverdose, on 09 September 2012 - 03:54 PM, said:
It doesn't matter Uranium. That's my point. Whether the designers decide to use canon or not, it doesn't matter. MWO WILL NEVER BE CONSIDERED CANON. No digital version is. So whatever you see at the final release version may be similar or completely different than TT as far as specs etc. Thus creating the inevitable point of this thread....if you are a veteran of TT, just enjoy the game and welcome new players. The designers are not going to cater to the TT crowd, although they will most likely use many of the attributes (not EXACT figures) to program for balance so that the game FEELS like it should with different weapons systems etc.
Again, I'm not flaming TT, just stating the obvious that just because you are great at TT or you know ALL the rules of TT, has absolutely NO bearing on this game.
Posted 09 September 2012 - 04:06 PM
What is the idea behind this thread really?
Posted 09 September 2012 - 04:07 PM
RobinSage, on 08 September 2012 - 05:53 PM, said:
I never touched this franchise until this beta. And I haven't even played it yet. I know nothing of the background. I tried reading up on it but it gets unnecessarily in depth, and at the same time, says nothing about what differentiates factions from a gameplay perspective.
Edited by Timerider, 09 September 2012 - 04:13 PM.
Posted 09 September 2012 - 04:13 PM
It's not the TT lovers who have their panties in a bind.
Get your Rhetoric straightened out.
Love, Mechwarrior and Battletech fans who do not want to turn this into Call of Mech.
Posted 09 September 2012 - 04:15 PM
Timerider, on 09 September 2012 - 04:07 PM, said:
I never touched this franchise until this beta. And I haven't even played it yet. I know nothing of the background. I tried reading up on it but it gets unnecessarily in depth.
Welcome Timerider....I truly hope you enjoy the game. As I said, IMO this is the very best Mechwarrior experience I've ever had. Including the TT versions. The whole point of this thread was to issue a frustration toward "non-welcoming, holier than thou TT vets, most of which are older than I am 35yrs+ that wish that because this is the best digital version that it should go by the TT rules. I think in some way they think they would have an advantage on many "noobs" because they know CANON. Just don't step in the BS, enjoy the game, and by all means if someone says, "back in Table Top" ensure you kick his *** in game.
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