Based on the
Not You / Tú No meme:
Let me explain why I put these Clans in the photo:
Clan Wolf - Actually had the founder Nicholas Kerensky to join them, Absorbed Clan Widowmaker and kept their Bloodnames. Carved inside of the Inner Sphere faster than the other clans through cooperation. Created the Wolf's Dragoons mercenary unit. Spawned Natasha Kerensky and Ulric Kerensky. Made an Inner Sphere mercenary a bondsman and later on, a Khan.
Clan Jade Falcon - They look good in green. They spawned a really awesome trueborn, Aidan Pryde, who had a daughter named Diana, who later fought and won the Pryde Bloodname. They also have Nicholai Malthus. They also have a cool logo.
Clan Ghost Bear - Founded by a married couple. Espouses family values among their clan. They made the Kodiak Totem Mech. Merged the Free Rasalhague Republic through cooperation into the Ghost Bear Dominion (and later on the Rasalhague Dominion). Changed from Crusader to Warden and led the other Warden Clans out of the Great Refusal.
Clan Diamond Shark - A warrior-trader clan with a democratic attitude. Values the views of laborers and merchants. Created the HarJel system. Preserved their former totem and switched back into their original name later on.
Clan Nova Cat - They created the Nova Cat Omnimech. Joined the 2nd Star League during abjurement. They have cool bloodnames, a cool logo and a cool clan name. Spawned the Spirit Cats.
Clan Snow Raven - They have the largest fleet among all the Clans. Worked with the Outworlds Alliance and later merged into the Raven Alliance.
Clan Goliath Scorpion - Started the first precursor of the Elemental Battle Armor. Helped train the Wolf's Dragoons unit to prepare for the Inner Sphere. A few of them actually joined the Inner Sphere as a reserve clan. They conquered the Castilians and the Umayyads to form the Escorpion Imperio.
Clan Hell's Horses - Created the Elemental super-soldiers. Values and respects warriors, like solahma and freeborns. They moved out to the Inner Sphere. Made peace with the Ghost Bears, and got revenge on the Crusader Wolves while making an occupation zone for themselves. Restored their Warden status.
Not You:
Clan Steel Viper - Their founder tried to kill Nicholas Kerensky's wife. They never allowed freeborns into their touman. Mirrored the Smoke Jaguars views on how to be jag-offs to their civilians. They got themselves ejected out of the Inner Sphere after getting beat by a freeborn. Their Khan got so butthurt that he instigated a
McCarthyism-based clan civil war and ironically got annihilated.
Honorable Mention:
The Smoke Jaguars were initially going to take the spot of the middle picture, but they already got what they deserved with their a-hole attitude. The only good thing about them is that they made Protomechs, but that's it.
Edited by Will9761, 28 September 2019 - 10:23 PM.