They used to be nicer, PuGs.
And Alpine is so big that unlike smaller maps I can no longer carry the caps for the team alone. 'Please' isn't working... any idea how to persuade people to follow orders more than niceness and logic? I need some extra Persuasion levels here.
Between rubberbanding and this, this is worse. Rubberbanding drops my damage per match from ~ 600-900 to ~ 350-600. It's still enough to place top of the scoreboard very often though.
On the other hand, entire teams chasing Ravens reduces every single mech involved's damage by about 200-300 each. Which effectively hands the game to the other side.
To be fair, there's one thing worse than PuGs. That is, partial premades who have no idea what they're doing. They're even harder to herd than PuGs because they have collective pride in addition to individual pride.
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