Hayashi, on 20 May 2014 - 04:31 PM, said:
after coolantgate and mc to form mercs fiasco the 3pv + gendisc destruction sealed it, the community was destroyed, over to SC split that whites and blacks in reddit the show was starting to die all over the net. this was when the community died
GalaxyBluestar, on 24 August 2013 - 03:53 AM, said:
what a sad graveyard the first time ever nobody's posted a meme in 24 hours. i hope things change soon for everyone.
i wanted to make a comeback on the 400th page but the game is truely indecline with just a handefull of money invested hopefulls and whiteknights who are happy with the arcade mechassault 3 that's coming. for those who wanted a true battletech sim, for those who spent money i'm in sympathy with your hopes for what this game was talked up to be. i'd like to confess i spent no money on this game, never did, yes i spent no money i'm a free player who waited to see what the true game would bring and i'm saddened it's come to this.
I'll miss you all mechwarriors... and meme thread. lots of love.
and in the true cheeky spirit of this thread i'll do something i wanted to do which is bad but what does it matter now. i'll like myself

loved you guys

i'll miss you all!

suckered in on the loyalty points, retained the hope that they couldn't pull a no CW again that nobody exsists who is so incompetant. paid my way to not be a freeloader, it did no good. pgi are truely hopeless.
so the community died and has dwindled with repeat fails but now it's confirmed. they can't do it now the game's dead, no way they could possibly build it. PGI only have a mess and a store.
2012 hopefull 2013 mistakes but hopefully they got the picture 2014 N.O.P.E they did not, fail company has failed blown every chance for a 2 year stretch. no more, their loss thksbye
Edited by GalaxyBluestar, 21 May 2014 - 04:11 AM.