MaddMaxx, on 16 May 2012 - 09:31 AM, said:
Sadly, even after 10 "different" explanations, across 3 variants of the system BV - BV2 and some supposed new fangled BV3 , with none showing why BV should reign supreme, that still leaves a hybrid or tonnage.
It might help if instead of "BV" we used the term "cost" or "price" in cBills. The short version of why we need to use cost/price over tonnage is that, with different levels of technology, tonnage is not a good representation of how much "mech" there is in a mech.
In this game, we will essentially be dealing with three levels of technology: 3025/IS level 1, 3050+/IS level 2, and (eventually) Clan tech. Each tech level allows you to pack more "mech" (be it firepower, speed, or armor) than the last. This will make prior mechs obselete. I don't think that the devs envision a system where older mechs become obselete. Additionally, a system where older mechs become obselete either gimps new players if only older mechs are available at start (vets will all be in advanced tech mechs) or shaft veterans if everyone has access at start to new mechs (all that money you spent upgrading yoru HBK-4G ... WASTED! now that its 3050).
Consider the following three mechs:
-AS7-D (3025/IS level 1): max armor, 3/5/0, AC20, 4xML, SRM6, LRM20
-AS7-K (3050+/IS level 2): max armor, 3/5/0, GR, 2xERLL, 2xMPL, LRM20, AMS
-Dire Wolf A (Clan tech): max armor, 3/5/0, GR, 3xcLPL, 2xSSRM6, AMS
All of these mechs are 100 tons, and yet the AS7-D is clearly outclassed by the AS7-K, and the AS7-K is clearly outclassed by the DW-A (I'm assuming you know just how dominant cLPLs are in CBT). With tonnage as the only balancing factor, the Dire Wolf becomes the "end game" mech, and the Atlases just stepping stones.
Now, you might point out that the AS7-D is the only standard engine mech in the list. Well, thats true. However, even if XL mechs are balanced against standard mechs via gameplay mechanics (XL engines being more fragile), you still have the problem of clan tech. The AS7-K is clearly inferior to the DW-A, and the AS7-D will be inferior to any clan-tech standard engined 100 tonner. Additionally, if clan tech is allowed on IS mechs, then any IS mech with clan tech will have an automatic advantage over anything with the same tonnage using only IS tech.
Maybe tonnage only could work with just IS mechs (endosteel and FF armor is still a problem since there's no trade off for most mechs), but with clan tech, it is necessary to include cost ... otherwise clan tech becomes end game tech, or clan tech becomes non-player-character tech.