As I understand canon, all Mechs are powered by a fusion engine. These engines are rated in regards to power, weight etc. These fusion engines power all the Mechs functions, systems and sub-systems, to include the myomers, actuators, energy weapons and jump-jets.
To continue my thought process, I believe it safe to assume the different engine ratings should correspond with potential power output. With this I also think it safe to assume these engines operate at levels commensurate with the requite need for said power… i.e. a Mech standing in one place doing little if anything but looking pretty’s power needs would not be at maximum load, thus the fusion engine would effectively be at “idle”.
This same Mech moving at a full trot (If you can picture a Mech trotting) and firing all it’s energy weapons would then potentially be placing maximum load on the engine and as such the engine would be operating at max capacity. Same theoretically should apply to use of jump-jets...
Working off of all these grand assumptions…
1.) Should it take longer to recharge energy weapons at full trot versus moving slowly and or at a stand-still?
2.) Equally, if a Mech equipped with jump-jets use said jump-jets, again recharge should also take longer to recharge?
I pose these questions in regards to governing battle tactics as they pertain to energy management during battle as well as potential Mechlab modifications in regards to engines…
My experience online as will in my single-player games with the various MW iterations is that players (myself included) tended to play the game at full throttle… Rarely reducing speed for engagements and changing direction (In this we typically went full speed in reverse as well..).
a.) I think modeling engine load and subsequent management of your fusion engines power would be a great detail that would add depth to engagement tactics as it forces a pilot to take into consideration weapon recharge time relative to speed… Which would indirectly reduce the propensity of all battle to be at a full sprint.
b.) This also gives way to more in-depth Mech configuration management as availability of lighter more powerful engines might be a logical module to update when available as a purchase and or a XP grind-thing…
Just throwing ideas out there that might be cool / easy implementations that deepen MW:O so it can take on more of a “sim-feel” than an “arcade-feel”…