You ever take issue with what amounts to a trivial matter and try as you may, you cannot get over it? I've got one and I'm going to share it with this community...
Windows / view-ports on our beloved Mechs. (There I said it... and I'm feeling better already)
While I'm all for a bit of artistic licensing and I'm willing to overlook small gaffs in scale and proportion... The random scale of the cockpit windows / view-ports really is off-putting for me. We all presume the cockpit is roughly in the head area and the eyes or the Mech equivalent of eyes is representative of the view-port from the Mechs cockpit. Taking this fact into account, most Mechs present with what can be considered reasonable proportioned view-ports... Then there's the "other" ones...
Taking into consideration for mass, weight, and overall size... Off the top of my head I can name at least 3-4 Mechs who view-ports are grossly out of proportion / not relational or logical:
- Madcat
- Battlemaster
- Griffin

(Images are for reference and not to scale)
Doing side-by-side analysis against all other Mechs... The cockpits, hence the view-ports would scale to what could best be likened to a foyer or a concert hall. The Madcat is the worst offender and immediately comes to mind for this... From a canonical stand-point, the pilot in a Madcat occupies roughly 1/5th of the cockpit volume... However from a scaled-visual representation the pilot could literally fly a kite in their cockpit and maybe play a little handball.
It goes the other way too... There are some Mechs (mostly light, couple medium...) where the cocpits would be akin to riding in a 50-gallon drum...
Thankfully, I'm pleased that the art department for PGI has a little common sense and as so far have taken this into consideration... The positioning of the cockpit in the left eye of the Atlas (Admit it... how many of you assumed the entire head represented the volume of the cockpit?) The "eye-patch" for the Commando (monocle?) Even a nod to the Hunchback needs to be given as the interior cockpit appears to give way to the exterior shape and it's perceived interior volume.
I do hope this is a common theme from PGI with all the other Mechs...
I apologize for this picayune diatribe but I felt a need to share.

Edited by DaZur, 07 March 2012 - 06:09 AM.