CCC_Dober, on 11 April 2012 - 09:54 AM, said:
I'm getting a lot of hate from your Clan buddy. Any particular reason for that?
You're getting "hate" because you're trolling. This will be my final reply on this particular matter. If you insist on pursuing this discussion, my advice is that you take it to PM - if you insist on derailing our recruitment thread I will start reporting your troll posts.
The fact that we have 21 pages of recruiting thread with multiple people asking to join us, as well as a healthy roster of new recruits from this specific forum, tells me that we're doing something right outside of this forum. That you don't know who we are does not concern me in the least. Your opinion, such that it is, matters a sum total of: zero. I'm genuinely sorry to be abrasive to you, person that I've never met and never heard of before, but that's the way it is - you brought this on yourself with your rude and trolly behaviour. Your opinion of me or more importantly of BWC affects nothing. More to the point, this is not a dick-measuring thread - it is a recruitment thread, no matter how you may wish to try and troll it to your own purposes. I intend to keep this on track and if you insist on trolling, I will be a jerk and start reporting your posts. Either join, or don't. That's what this thread is for.
What you think, frankly, does not matter to me. What matters is that *I* know who we are, that *WE* know who we are, and that our ten-year history of online gaming speaks for itself to those in the know. I could be trite and smarmy with you and post a "Let Me Google That For You" link, but it serves no purpose other than to reinforce the fact that I'm a sarcastic a-hole who cares not for the random opinions of someone trying to call my team out and get some "Gotcha!" moments for his e-peen wall of fame. And in keeping with that, I will also say this: we don't follow these "fairly standard" established norms that may or may not exist in terms of proving ourselves. We have nothing to prove. We go out there, we have fun, we may win and we may lose. That's the only thing we need. I have a wall full of awards on my "I Love Me" wall at home, and some of them include accolades given to Black Widow Company. I don't need to run around the internet telling people that I'm a hardcore internet bad-***. I just don't. People who run their mouths about how awesome they are, in my experience, generally are not awesome and need to throw up a wall of flak to disguise the fact that they have low self-esteem or a lack of skill.
You see, the majority of our members are military veterans or active-duty servicemembers and the bulk of us, serving or not, don't have this deep, burning sense of need to show their peen0rz online. We are an accomplished group, both real-life and online, of people. We are well-established in multiple games and we are established off the internet as well, both as people with careers and as a fraternity of paintballers that regularly win awards. I'm terribly sorry that this doesn't jive with your sense of entitlement towards Q&A sessions with perfect strangers, and I'm incredibly sorry to disappoint and crush your sense of ownership towards online credit-rating, but if you don't like my answer to your incredibly rude question, as you say, "tough". You can claim all you want that it wasn't intended to be rude but the bottom line is, you came into our thread and attempted to troll in a rather rude manner. And here you are playing the martyr acting like you're somehow wounded that I responded the way that I did. So you're really not going to like this reply.
"Never heard of you guys"
"Seeing is believing"
"Lotsa pretenders"
There's nothing to "believe". We are who we are and we're not pretending to be anything we're not, nor claiming to be anyone that we are not. I feel 100% confident that A.) you did not read the first page and B.) you probably wouldn't have a legitimate reason to troll had you actually done so. Why don't you be incredibly specific about what your issue is, and stop trolling? You've got a lot of balls, or more likely an over-inflated sense of entitled yet arrogant ego, to come into some random stranger's recruitment thread for a video game that isn't even out yet and mouth off like that. It sounds like you're trolling, or trying to measure your e-peen with people you've clearly never met. I'm curious as to the why, and I'm curious as to what your specific issue with us is.