Posted 05 December 2011 - 01:57 PM
Posted 05 December 2011 - 06:50 PM
Posted 06 December 2011 - 10:15 AM
... to see the ashes and dust of the enemies we've destroyed.
Posted 09 December 2011 - 09:17 AM
Posted 09 December 2011 - 09:34 PM
degrifter, on 09 December 2011 - 09:17 AM, said:
Yeah more or less. I mean, sometimes we get our ***** whipped and there will always be that one guy who's better. But I've found that having reliable, skilled people working together pretty much trumps just about anything.
Posted 10 December 2011 - 12:11 PM
Spectr, on 10 December 2011 - 10:42 AM, said:
A well-disciplined fighting force will always emerge the victor in battle. BWC is a well-organized fighting force and always will be, because we maintain proper discipline. From our disciplined and regimented structure to our discipline through training, we set the standard for battlefield excellence. We engage our enemies, we kill them, we trample their corpses and clean our boots in their blood.
We make our enemies fear and hate us.
We are indomitable.
We are the Black Widow Company.
We are coming.
Posted 10 December 2011 - 04:58 PM
Posted 11 December 2011 - 06:15 PM
Posted 15 December 2011 - 09:44 PM
I just put up an application on your forums, but I figure it might be good to toss something up on here too, if that's alright. I saw that you're a group of current/retired/former military personnel and I figured I'd love to be part of something like that. And seeing as I'm in the Army (at least the National Guard part of it) and been through one deployment, I'd fit in alright. HA! I'm wanting to find a good, solid structured team to work with for this game. I am a huge mechwarrior/battletech fan. I have been since I was just a kid. I know most of the ins and outs of "mech warfare" and I'm sure that I'll be a great asset for the team during operations. I know I will bust my hump as hard as I can to be on as much, and as good, as possible. Let me know what you think. I'm willing to o through whatever application process is necessary. The only thing that still gets me is that I can't seem to find where the SOP signature forum is on the forums. It's aggravating me to no end...
Posted 16 December 2011 - 10:47 PM
Posted 18 December 2011 - 10:16 PM
After all that, I have to build the gaming chair to mount it all on. LOL!
Edited by Vile Joker, 18 December 2011 - 10:18 PM.
Posted 21 December 2011 - 09:13 AM
Vile Joker, on 18 December 2011 - 10:16 PM, said:
After all that, I have to build the gaming chair to mount it all on. LOL!
I'm just going with my Saitek Cyborg joystick, honestly. I don't see a need for a bunch of extra stuff - as long as I can kill tangos better than anyone else, I'm not seeing a need for anything more. I also don't plan to gear up until I see more in the way of game news.
Posted 22 December 2011 - 04:37 AM
I have one question, who runs the mess hall?
Fraggle, All I can see in the public forums is the recruitment posts
Edited by Johnny Pheonix, 22 December 2011 - 06:07 AM.
Posted 22 December 2011 - 08:59 AM
Johnny Pheonix, on 22 December 2011 - 04:37 AM, said:
Our S-3 Operations officer, Oikirv, handles our chow at real-world functions (namely, weekend-long paintball scenarios). He is a master chef - his steak will make funny things happen in your mouth. It's soooo tender it'll make you cry and beg for more.
Johnny Pheonix, on 22 December 2011 - 04:37 AM, said:
We are a private club, so to speak. Only registered users can view our forums at all, and the only thing they can see is the recruitment board. Once they're admitted, the boards open up more. Rank has its privileges, as well - certain boards are only available to NCOs and officers.
Posted 25 December 2011 - 09:05 AM
Firefly, one question I did have was about the BWC Paintball that is set up. Does the BWC do anything for Airsoft at all, Myself and a bunch of my friends here in the midwest are avid airsoft players. I'd like to get in touch with you sometime about possibly setting up a BWC element for national airsoft events and such.
But as for the game controls, I figure that I am going to be working to make a whole little "cockpit" around my computer, not only for MWO, but also for the flight sim games that I want to play on my new system as well So getting that controler set-up will be benificial for me as I'd use it across several different peices of software.
Posted 28 December 2011 - 05:05 AM
Vile Joker, on 25 December 2011 - 09:05 AM, said:
Firefly, one question I did have was about the BWC Paintball that is set up. Does the BWC do anything for Airsoft at all, Myself and a bunch of my friends here in the midwest are avid airsoft players. I'd like to get in touch with you sometime about possibly setting up a BWC element for national airsoft events and such.
But as for the game controls, I figure that I am going to be working to make a whole little "cockpit" around my computer, not only for MWO, but also for the flight sim games that I want to play on my new system as well So getting that controler set-up will be benificial for me as I'd use it across several different peices of software.
I've seen a few of the cockpit set-ups for flight sims. Those guys go all-out. I don't have that much space in my flat.
As for airsoft: I've played a few times, and I've never been impressed (no offense). The mil-sim factor is a lot easier to achieve but the fact that discerning a target hit is so difficult (and reliant upon an honour system versus a blatantly obvious visual system) turned me off, primarily after I lit up a few guys and half of them decided not to call themselves out. It also tends to bring out a lot of wanna-be poseurs, guys who wear military icons on their uniforms that they didn't earn. I once ran into a Ranger fake/poseur out in San Diego CA. I've heard of that happening a lot, though naturally that would be second-hand info. BWC does have one or two guys that airsoft, my advice would be to bring it up in the Off-topic forum on the BWC boards.
Edited by Firefly, 28 December 2011 - 05:06 AM.
Posted 29 December 2011 - 10:22 AM
I finally figured out how to apply.
Edited by Eigeir, 29 December 2011 - 01:00 PM.
Posted 30 December 2011 - 12:22 PM
@Firefly: Yeah, I've been doing a lot of looking on the cockpit setups on Google and such. It's just sickening what lengths people will go to. but hey, if I had the money to play with, I'd end up doing something like that, too. I just need to get a good enough job to give me that much spending cash. LOL!
It sucks because I know I'm going to be stuck with a keyboard/mouse and single monitor set up for a while until I save up enough take the next step. But, hopefully, that will make me enjoy it that much more when I get it.
I know what you mean about the airsoft stuff. Thankfully, around where I live, we have a real good community. We all work to weed out bad eggs, make sure people;e are playing by the rules and things like that. I know that the honor system has been a real turn off for a lot of people, but most of the time people will abide by it. Especially when the risk of not doing so is getting kicked out of the current event or even a permanent ban if you do it too many times. I've always been under the mindset that, if they want me to shoot them more at 30 rounds per second pushing 380FPS, I'm more than willing to oblige. They'll call hit sooner or later and with a lot more of a frowny face. LOL!
With the posers and what not, you get that everywhere. It's part of the game, really. I know most of the people wearing patches and such haven't earned them. No 17 year old kid is going to have a tower of power on his left sleeve. But it's part of the game. Airsoft is almost like Halloween in the respect that you get to dress up like a soldier and run around shooting people legally and safely. My team and I do a full fledged PMC load out for out clothing and equipment. Have any of us don contracting? Unfortunately, no (cuz there is a f**kload of money in THAT business). But it presents a team with a well defined, organized, and disciplined structure. It gives us a good "face" for people to see.
But yeah, I'll toss a thread up in the forums and see if I can bring in any hits. It'd be cool to possibly get together at some of the national events or even locally depending on locations.
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