The character would all start out dispossessed 'Mech warriors. Approached specifically because they are dispossessed. The firm has a very simple order, they want to put together a new unit using old 'Mechs. The basic jest being, that the 'Mechs in question, lie in a swamp of a foreign (if now somewhat enemy) power. The group is being provided techs, security forces, and a few vehicles to get in, get the 'Mechs started and get them out as safely as possible to a landing zone for extraction. At which point the characters can decide to sign on and keep the 'Mech or collect a reward and move on.
I'm not sure if I want to run it or not, but would really like to either try or find another GM that'll let me play in it.

The other thing would be, what time period would people want this placed in? 3026 when the houses all are still at war? 3040 just after the Fedcom war? 3053 just after the clan stall at Tukayyid? or 3057 just before the truce ends? when exactly?
Like I say this is just something that's been kicking around in my head for some time and thought I'd see if there was any interest in someone running it or wanting to play in it? It could even be a community GM type game where for example I start it off, once the players get the 'Mechs someone else would take over for a mission type campaign or sortie and the someone else for the next one, and so, and so on.

Thoughts? Interest?