Please tell me where I can find information that will answer the question; Have the devs coded the input systems in such a way that multiple input systems can be used simultaneously?
I am already aware Paul Inouye is using some kind of FCS, possibly a logitech g940. That does not however answer the question as the g940 is a joystick, throttle and pedals on *one* usb controller (as far as windows/games know).
I would simply like to know for certain if that game can map the inputs from two different usb game controllers. Most games on the market at the moment only map axes and button inputs from one controller rendering rudder pedals useless unless mapped to virtual keyboard outputs. I know already the devs have announced TrackIR support, which is a good sign, but I cannot find an answer to the above anywhere.
Edited by cyberFluke, 10 March 2012 - 02:59 PM.