What I noticed watching the game play/interview video is IMO the mechs "fall" in every sense of the word, a bit too fast, unless this is taking place on one huge planet and that was intended
Gravity and momentum do not scale, at all. So a mech tripping and falling would not fall at the same rate as a person or human sized robot would tripping and falling in the same manner.
A person falls at 9.8m per second per second and so does Mech on a planet as dense as earth (sorry for the for metric I'm from Australia), but the mech is a lot bigger and most of it is further from the ground so it would take however many times higher of the ground it is compared than a person, to fall.
So if a mech is 20 times taller than a person it would take 20 times as long to hit the ground than a person sized object would if it toppled in the same way
Smaller planets would mean less gravity =slower falling, heavier planets would mean faster falling, slower running, etc.
I think this is really important to convey the big scale the battles are taking place.
It may or may not be implemented but I just wanted to put it out there and it may be as simple as tweaking a few gravity values for the fall rate, and tweaking the death animation speed to like 0.5 etc.
You can get a really good sense of how fast mech sized objects fall from videos like this
This building is about the size of a mech and has correct gravity values for earth
The time it takes for that single piece to fall from the top corner of the building to the ground is about how long a mech should take if it topples.