Hi all
I wanted to create a sub which I could point people at as a summary for the various simpit work that people are doing on the MWO forum, so here goes.I also wanted some thoughts on which mechs people thought these simpits seemed most likely to be from.
Links to current simpits here on the MWO forum, with best (IMHO), most recent 'overall' pic (That I am aware of), in alpha order by pilot name. If any of the creators of these simpits would prefer a different pic or have something more up-to-date, or if I've missed anyone's work, please LMK:


My thoughts on what mech his simpit would be - Vulture/Mad Dog (Due to the simpit's similarity in shape to Choowy's):

Loc ***

My thoughts on what mech his simpit would be - Stinger:

...because of it's size, and orientation, i.e. I think it's layout would transition well to the LAM layout for the Stinger/Wasp, and it's small so a bigger version might suit the Phoenix Hawk.

Inspired by:


My thoughts on what mech his simpit would be - Mad Cat/Timber Wolf:


My thoughts on what mech his simpit would be - Hunchback (Because I plan on it eventually looking a bit like this):

Turbo Corvair v1

My thoughts on what mech his simpit would be (I don't know why. but as soon as I saw TC's work I thought it looked like a Cauldron Born):

Turbo Corvair v2

And obviously based on MWO's:


I guess from the name, wasp1 might be indicating the design is inspired by:


Edited by repete, 29 October 2012 - 05:41 PM.