Generally I like what I hear but some things left me seriously disappointed:
InnerSphereNews, on 14 March 2012 - 09:05 AM, said:
To destroy a BattleMech, you have to destroy the head, destroy the center torso, or destroy both legs.
Helllllo again, mech explosions out of nowhere.

And here I was, hoping that PGI would do that right... Silly me. It was stated, that mechs
can fall and stand up. Why not let them set themselves upright and shoot when both legs are gone? Looks like devs think it's better to make perfectly undamaged, except for the legs, mech explode/be considered destroyed, rather than let them still pose a threat in combat, at least as a stationary turret. Bye-bye, logic and realism.
InnerSphereNews, on 14 March 2012 - 09:05 AM, said:
Right now chain fire is a lower priority than some of the other stuff we’re working on so, while we hope to have it in for the launch, it has yet to be fully designed.
This left me confused... Chainfire is
not there? A low-priority task?

Hmm... Must be missing something here...