As such, if you would like to join in, please post and record the following:
All benchmarks should be done on the in-game preset settings and the following resolutions for each. Minimum recording time is 60 seconds, and it must be in-game on a map.
Low Setting: Benchmark at 1366x768 (or 1280x800) Please state which.
Medium Setting: Benchmark at 1600x900
High Setting: Benchmark at 1920x1080
Pilot name:
Mech Piloted during recording:
Map Played:
Settings level: (Ex. "LOW", "MEDIUM", "HIGH")
CPU: (If overclocked, state overclock frequency and base frequency.)
GPU: (If overclocked, state overclock frequency and base frequency.)
RAM Type/brand/amount: (state speed and timings if overclocked)
Recording Length:
MSI AB/ FRAPS: (Inclusion with video optional but helpful)
Minimum FPS:
Average FPS:
Maximum FPS:
Edited by Vulpesveritas, 04 October 2012 - 12:21 PM.