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"The Eye of God" is Upon You - OOC and sign up

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#1 Oni Storm


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Posted 05 October 2012 - 06:42 AM

please follow link for initial information - more to come here over the weekend


This is the SIGN UP thread for the "The Eye of God" is Upon You Role Play Thread

Starting point: it is the 1st of January 3015 on the Planet of Galatea. You are down on luck and there is rumor circulating that some financial guru has decided to put together a group of dispossessed and go salvaging at some lost BattleMech graveyard.
[Imagine if you will a kind of "Treasure Island" type deal to start out with. So your initial start is going to be akin to 20 year old information or rumors that have been gather by your employer.]

To join the Role Play, please send me a personal message with your interest and some personal goals you might like to achieve for your character (I.E his or her Hopes and Dreams) also include in this at least one major and minor fear (example: loosing your family or a fear of fire etc) you are welcome to go ahead and post a BIO here, but please wait until you get approved and the go ahead before posting to the Role Play thread.

This story will be heavily Role Play based, especially starting out. There will opportunities that arise that might allow the characters chances at great success for sna-tch and grab type actions, but please be aware Character Death is very possible as you'll be stuck without much more than wits, a sidearm, and companions to rely on. 'Mech to 'Mech combat will be rare and all characters start out within the ranks of the Dispossessed, please include how you lost your ride in your BIO. Combats will all be resolved hopefully fairly quickly and without dice interaction. Example: Reese dove quickly behind the over turned table and let off a few shots at his assailants trying desperately to aim at center mass of the one in the lead.

Depending on the time and interest of other GMs the reins will be passed off from time to time, and perhaps from planet to planet. [Yes that's right boys and girls, if we are headed to a planet along the journey, it'll be posted ahead of time and if one of are many and various GM forums gurus here decides "Hey I always wanted to do something at that locale", they can PM me and there is all likely hood they will take over and describe most of the events on that world.] It's Grand New Experiment, with the chance to be a gaming style that is Hopefully eternal. I'll drop in small bits of info or items to be found but each planet if so chosen by a GM is theirs to do with as they see fit as long as our scheduled time frame to the next jump stays within reason. Say about two months of RL at most. Which should carry out to about 8 or 9 days of game time. Once you guys finally get to your prizes and decide which routes you may take. I plan on hopefully washing my hands of most of it and letting the Unit you all form go from there and be picked up and passed about from GM to GM and campaign to campaign. Hope this clears up any confusion.

Warning this Role Play may take awhile as it's going to be more about the journey to get there and the things that are learned on the way both about the characters and about the political situation they are going into. I expect the players to be more of investigators, trying to find out the truths and reasons of what is going on here and the how's and whys. Not a bunch of "lets blast em!" types. There will be be a strong roleplay element as both interacting with one other and various peoples across numerous planets will be required. Government officials, guides, bartenders, locals, merchants, wenches, gigolos, etc.will all need to be reasoned with or interrogated from time to time. This an info gathering campaign as it will be needed to get to the cache and find out exactly how, why, and who knows about it being there.

So get your butts in gear, come up with character concepts round up the gang from our other thread and point them this way, then they can decide for themselves wither to start off on this new grand adventure or not. All characters will start off as Dispossessed Pilots, any other skills are up to you. The start date is January 1st 3015 the start of a new year and new hope for you all.

BIO Requirements - ...continued

Please post BIO in the form of a resume and interview. List your skills what you last piloted, how you lost your ride and why we should hire you. Example questions to think about.
"What can you bring to the team?"
"What do you have to offer us that someone else can't?"
"How far are you willing to go to get a new ride?"
"Aside from a 'Mech what do you personally think we need to do to achieve the goal of putting you back in a saddle again?"
"What other types of employees do you enjoy working worth?"
"If you were hiring for a recovery operation, what type of people would you look for?"


- No clan characters, no spies or any affiliations with said clanners will be tolerated at character creation.

- Use [square brackets] to post Out if Character stuff. If it's short. If you care to elaborate in detail on it please use the tread here to expand on it. Example: Harley couldn't help but think back to that time on the Tharkad with Maj. Cruz [please see "a night to remember" in the Sign Up section]

- No making oneself over powered or grandstanding (This Role Play is about people having fun and being put in sometimes hard and sometimes whimsical moral dilemmas and hopefully come together as a team)

- MOST IMPORTANTLY just have fun, think outside the box and remember it's not real so don't take any or it too seriously, you can always make another character if the worse case happens but please don't rage.

FINAL DISCLAIMER- Also note that there is a slim possibly that the actions and posts herein might later be altered and used as source for an online novel (though chances of such are slimmer than winning the lottery) so all posts will be considered open property in regards to any legal actions against the writer now or future, this also covers the players if they decide to publish works based on the content here-in.

Also Also Note: The Role Play is named after the system and has nothing to do with religion or religious beliefs or lack there of, it is simply the setting.

Posted Image

I present you the Gaul system, in the heart of the "Eye of God" Nebula; Milky Way Galaxy

Edited by Oni Storm, 29 November 2012 - 10:08 PM.

#2 Listless Nomad


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Posted 05 October 2012 - 12:10 PM

Hey I'm game Oni. I'm going to be away from my computer for the weekend, but I'll think up some stuff and post a bio on monday/sunday night.

#3 Oni Storm


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Posted 05 October 2012 - 12:56 PM

Cool cool Nomad, have a good weekend for both of us. I'm just getting numbers and BIO for now will hopefully have a "Foreward" up this weekend and a glimpse at the far far far off beginnings of it all.

#4 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 03:29 AM

Oh shoot, sorry I missed this Oni. Gonna kick around some ideas at work today. Should have something halfa$$ decent by the time I get home.

#5 Oni Storm


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 10:48 AM

The foreward is up :( Hope you guys like it. Read it here


Edited by Oni Storm, 08 October 2012 - 11:33 AM.

#6 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 04:14 PM

Whoa, going back to Hallowed antiquity.

#7 Oni Storm


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 04:19 PM

Yes the foreward sets a brief glimpse into the past, now won't it be interesting to learn what happened to them as you go forth in your adventure. The sick and sad thing is, not only do I currently but the little bastords keep nagging at me and invading my dreams. Meaning if I had the founding right now I could put up a series on SyFy :)

Edited by Oni Storm, 08 October 2012 - 04:19 PM.

#8 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 04:22 PM

It'd be better than some of the programing they air....


#9 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 09 October 2012 - 07:38 PM

Name: Samuel 'Sammy' Maxwell
Callsign: Viper (though he hasn't gone by that in a few years
Date of Birth/Age: OCT 9, 2980 Age 34
Current Mech: NONE!
House Affiliation: Stiener
Military History: Samuel attended the Sanglamore Miltary Acadamey, graduating 2nd to last of the class of 3000. While getting good grades, he performed poorly during mech exercisies. But he preformed admirably in other courses, including foreign languages, technical and infantry portions. He got a posting (sorry dude I know next to nothing about house Steiner) on the planet Summer with the 17th Skye Rangers. He served his six years with the Rangers during which time he honed his meager mechwarrior skills against the occasional Combie raid before getting drummed out of the LCAF on alleged charges of black marketing. As the MPs were making way to do the arrest, longranged lunar sensor stations detected incoming Jumpships at a pirate jump point. Needing every warrior they could get their hands on, the MPs detained Sam till the Dropships broke atmosphere letting him go to meet the Kurita menance head on. The fight was short and deadly intense, Samuel scored three kills, a SRM carrier, a VTOl and a enemy Panter. Heavily damaged Sam tried to flank the enemy by skirting along the edge of a forest, only to stumble into the sights of a Kurita Hunchback. Ammo explosion ensued, his Wolverine dying in an everexpanding fireball and Sammy blacked out. When he finally woke up two days later, he found himself handcuffed to a hospital gerny, but victorious. After a two year stint in military prison, Sam found himself dishonorably discharged, dispossessed, and a open road before him, he headed to Galeata. Since his discharge from prison, he's been offering his services as a mercenary, but as an infantryman. His skills with languages and an assault rifle have paid off as he has gained a reputation as a tough has leather mercenary who know's when to fight but also when to talk.
Physical Description: Once upon a time, Sam was tall and lean, now living the mercenary life, he's put on muscle as well as a beer gut. He keeps his sandy blond hair buzzed down but it's covered up with a hat or helmet depending on the situation. Like many mercs, especially the mudmunchers, he wears camo fatigues, and combat boots. Serveral years of slogging it as a foot solider has left its mark as Sam's body has become a roadmap of nasty scar tissue. Brown eyes stare out of the tan face with a look of want as a battlemech marches by. One could easily tell he was feeling the pang of pain at the thought of never piloting a mech again.
Open Background: (covered some of this in the military history section. But Sam know's a dozen languages. He has a knack for it (PCs and GMs feel free to ***** about me Mary Sueing) He's handy with an assault rifle and around a toolbox. Attended Sanglamore Military Acadamey, has his Sanglamore Sash which he boast about strangling an ISF assassin with one time (he's lying)
Deep Background: Was running a black market operation during a two year stretch, gaining quite a bit of money from it as well, but he got sloppy and got caught. They (LOKI, MPs, whoever) were unable to find a sizeable nestegg that he had stashed away. This money he used to get off of Summer, and get the gear he now uses now that he's escencially just a PBI.

Fears: Spiders (note I'm always gonna pick this one because I'm so damned scared of the unholy things. Also afraid to go home to face his influencial Lyran banker family's wrath)

Marauder Bill's
Galaport, Galeata,
Lyran Commonwealth
December 31st, 3014

The infamous tavern known across the Inner Sphere simply as 'Marauder Bill's was crammed with party goers celebrating the onecoming new year. Bright neon lights competed with the holoprojectors displaying scenes from all over Galeata of fireworks and merry people celebrating in droves watching as ridiciously large clocks ticked off the final moments of the calander year. [Think Times Square] The bar itself hosted standing room only, the peoples faces obscured by a thick pall of cigar, cig, and **** smoke. A ceiling fan lazily chopped throug the haze slowly stirring it as people drunkenly bumped into one another or made out with their 'date' or 'friend' for the night. And through this pack of human sardines Sam stumbled, heading for what he thought was the restroom, only to find himself in a darkened corner of the establishment where a booth sat with a couple of men sitting around it.

It wasn't the bathroom, but he felt drawn to the lone seat before the booth and half stumbled, half fell into it. He smiled at the men who strangely seemed like they were expecting him. Oddly enough he thought of the interview he had earlier in the week where he joined up with the small band known as Gray Death Legion.

"So Mr.-" the shouts and screams of a catfight breaking out drowned out his name. "What can you bring to the team?" Asked man #1.
"Well you know, the basics, really. I can shoot a rifle, I can fix things.. " Drunkenly he stared off into space. "Oh yeah and I can pilot a mech." The men seemed taken back by that last statement.

"What do you have to offer us that someone else can't?" Asked goon #2
"hic...Well's I know how to speak twelve languages. Hic! " He offered inbetween hiccups.

"12 languages, that's impressive, How far are you willing to go to get a new ride?" Back to #1
"A mech?" the drunken Lyran got a far off look on his face as he thought it over the pain of not being a mechwarrior.
"Far." He said simply "Very far."

"Aside from a 'Mech what do you personally think we need to do to achieve the goal of putting you back in a saddle again?" Goon 2 asked, he didn't understand the question.

"I'm not sure I understand the question." He took a pull from his Timburki Dark."I don't know, show me the mech."
"What other types of employees do you enjoy working worth?" Asked one of them, which one? He wasn't sure as shouts of HAPPY NEWYEAR! cut off the question. "Hic! I don't know.. the fun kind?" He stopped and began giggling at his own cleverness.
"If you were hiring for a recovery operation, what type of people would you look for?" Offered goon#2 "Well some combat techs would be nice, hic.. Damn.. you never know how long you'll have before someb-hic ugggh shows up wanting theirhic! mech's back." That answer seemed to please the two suits who nodded like Sam just offered drunken sagely advice.

"BABY THERE YOU ARE!!" A womans voice cried out as a raven haired girl stumbled into the little corner, falling on Sam's lap and nearly toppling the chair and both of them over with it. She wore a glittery pink midrif shirt dark purple with a skull with a pink bow on it. And a black and purplish-pink striped synthetic miniskirt rode up as her legs spread giving the two interviewers quite a show. One looked away, the other cocked his head to the side to get a better view.

Sam stood up suddenly, cradeling the drunken girl who was begining to nod off as he cradeled her.

"Hey guys. hic You mind if we finish this up later? HIC! I atake umm...Coral? on up to the room?" Sam smiled hopefully as the two men nodded yes.

"We'll see you tomorrow sometime Mr..." Sam was already taking uh... Candance? up to their room by the time the man finished the sentence.
A few minutes later, Sam was leaning heavily on the door trying to unlock the door with...Claire? dropped upon the floor when something dawned on him. A break in the drunken haze when he realised somthing. They were calling him 'Mr. Malvern."

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 16 October 2012 - 05:25 PM.

#10 Aegis Fate


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 09:03 PM

Name: Ilia Sharde
Date of Birth/Age: January 26th, 2986, 28
Previous Mech: Stock Catapult, damaged beyond repair during her 'last' combat operation
Ilia Sharde is a name well known, at least she hopes. She is realistically unremarkable, an upbringing in a minor noble family, insertion into a military academy, gaining unremarkable rankings and generally being a middle of the road individual. She however was a dreamer, always thinking of how she would be on the front lines, weapons blazing at the heart of her foes, gaining eternal glory, a household name. Of course when she was given a mech, it was a rather forceful shock at the thought of staying in the back to provide support. She railed against this every time she got in the cockpit, always requesting a better mech. She never got the mech she desired, but she was most importantly given a taste of the cold truth of the world when her mech was wrecked by an enemy assault on some world she can't be given a damn to remember. Her outlook on life gained much more of a fatalistic view, realizing that loot and glory would be the only things to allow her to be remembered in the end. She left military service (for which she can't really remember which, a lot of travel does that) and struck out on her own, looking for the only way to start herself as a figure in the galaxy, mercenary leader. Unfortunately, squandering most of one's money on fruitless endeavors usually ends up with no way to start a mercenary anything. And so she looks for work, taking odd jobs, even the ones with unrealistically high payouts that never truly deliver in full.
Mercenary life has not been well to Ilia, her former claim to nobility eschewed for her to blaze forth her own path, albeit one still not begun. She has became lank, malnutrition because of her lack of funds showing through. Her loose fitting clothing is faded and even her long black hair is a mess. A mess both visually and financially, her sanity and emotions still intact.

Marauder Bill's
Galeata, Lyran Commonwealth
December 31st, 3014

The infamous tavern known across the Inner Sphere simply as 'Marauder Bill's was crammed with party goers celebrating the oncoming new year. Bright neon lights competed with the holoprojectors displaying scenes from all over Galeata of fireworks and merry people celebrating in droves watching as ridiculously large clocks ticked off the final moments of the calender year. The bar itself hosted standing room only, the peoples faces obscured by constant movement and numerous unknown narcotics, legal or illegal. She pushed through the crowd, looking for the single dark corner with the future payment and promises of riches. She sat down squarely in the center of the booth opposite of her potential employers, a sort of smug satisfaction on her face.
They greeted her, addressing her by her current name, briefly sizing up her disheveled appearance.
'So........ What's the job?' she asked, her voice a sort of curious albeit mocking tone, obviously to downplay her other attributes
'What can you bring to the team?' one of the mysterious men asked, ignorant of her previous question.
'Mech experience, a grand total of a couple of years before I lost my Cat,' she replied, attempting to keep a cool head, running the starting demeanor carefully, the mocking tone slightly combined with irritation.
'What do you have to offer us that someone else can't?' the other man asked this time, tone still the same as his fellow interviewer.
'I played support, so I'm used to riding ***** to everyone else, especially when I'm ***** at a kilometers length. Now tell me what the job is?' she continued to pursue the original conversation, becoming visibly irritated at the prospect of being ignored.
'How far are you willing to go to get a new ride?' the first man asked again.
'I'm willing to do any damn thing in the galaxy if you'd just tell me what the job was!' This time she rose, slamming her fist into the table, anger flowing across her face.
'If you were hiring for a recovery operation, what type of people would you look for?'
'I'd hire some bloody tech specialists and maybe a linguistics expert along with some ******** mercs to guard the loot! So tell me what the job is you son of a *****!'
'Then you'll be glad to know the job is a recovery operation, nothing more.' The man finally relented, although as if the entire conversation was planned.
'Then I will be on my damn way!' she yelled as she stormed out from the booth, angered at the entire exchange and the complete and utter denial of her potential glory.
'Thank you, Ilia Sharde for your time,' spoke gently the second man, as if expecting the entire exchange.

#11 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 09:11 PM


#12 Oni Storm


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Posted 11 October 2012 - 01:27 AM

@Aegis nice, put it up in the role play thread with a time stamp of say 23:50 hrs

not quite midnight, but close. Then I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

BTW Approved ;)

Edited by Oni Storm, 11 October 2012 - 01:33 AM.

#13 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 11 October 2012 - 08:54 AM

I like how I just fluffed up Maraduer Bills as a place where I could include that interview/resume portion of the character bio, and it's sprung to life since. I'm not being sarcastic, I'm getting a kick out of it.

#14 Aegis Fate


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Posted 11 October 2012 - 09:22 AM

It makes sense if its the primary interview spot, as it is very well hidden in the throngs of people, think of it as a practical necessity to give a few little reasons for the story here or there.

#15 Oni Storm


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Posted 11 October 2012 - 12:01 PM

View PostThom Frankfurt, on 11 October 2012 - 08:54 AM, said:

I like how I just fluffed up Maraduer Bills as a place where I could include that interview/resume portion of the character bio, and it's sprung to life since. I'm not being sarcastic, I'm getting a kick out of it.

That's how I felt about the portly announcer in the Tharkad RP

Also Also Note: Just an aside I know Gamm and Digital are out and Rogue is on the fence, but all of you guys are always welcome later on on another planet if you guys decide and have free time. :)

Edited by Oni Storm, 11 October 2012 - 01:30 PM.

#16 Shadtiger77


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Posted 11 October 2012 - 03:42 PM

Karl Anthony Reese, Callsign: Wraith

A former Federated Suns Special Warfare Division mechwarrior, Karl made the grade not only for cross training but OCS in his time in the Academy on Mallory's World. Graduating a Lieutenant, he was given command of a medium lance and then was sent on a number of rather hazardous missions against Houses Liao and Kurita. He not only excelled, but got practice in on Orbital Mech Deployment, hitting two planets from the upper atmosphere in specialized drop pods.

On a particularly daunting mission, where they could not get a combat dropship close enough to planet to make the combat drop they needed to get into position to take on a base in the assistance of a beach head, he spawned a brilliant, if dangerous idea. He loaded his lance into specialized infantry Orbital Drop Pods and went in "Skinny" without mechs. Using wing suits once they deployed out of the orbital pods, they actually dropped inside the perimeter of the base, stealing four of the twelve mechs.

Disabling the rest of the mechs in the hangar, they wreaked havoc on the base in the night and then disappeared past the perimeter and into the bush, hiding their mechs and waiting. Next night, they went back, and found the base like an ant hive busted open. Workers were everywhere, but no one was really paying that much attention amidst the repairs. Waylaying a few workers, they tied them up, took their uniforms and went back to the mech barn, their helmets and cooling gear in heavy tool boxes.

They found that the four mediums that had been left had been repaired first, their armor replenished and their weapons loaded. Stealing into the cockpits proved somewhat more difficult, and while they managed it, Karl was shot, the bullet shattering his right arm badly. They managed to get clear, but between the heat, the damage, and the hard ride clear with a broken and bleeding arm, they had to take it to save him. As a one armed mechwarrior is not really that useful, he was retired.

Taking to traveling, he found a doctor on Galeata that could do the work for a myomer replacement limb, and after five years without a right hand, he now has one that is a combination of gleaming black musculature and charcoal gray kevlar. After spending a year learning to use his arm again, and spending the requisite time in the simulators to get his re-certification as a mechwarrior, he went looking for gainful employment. His Resume shows his time in the AFFS SWD but he obviously can not release information about classified missions, so he has been passed up by more than a few of the larger companies.

Here is my submission to character. Waiting for approval before I post to the game thread

Edited by Gabriel Alexander Dante III, 11 October 2012 - 03:45 PM.

#17 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 12 October 2012 - 10:59 PM

Oni, your very first post was after Kerensky sacked Terra and executed Amaris correct? I'm reading 'Star Lord' right now (Yay I got my BT novels!!! though some are missing ^_^ ) But the first chapter prologue has Amaris in it and the year is 2774...

#18 Oni Storm


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Posted 13 October 2012 - 01:57 AM

View PostThom Frankfurt, on 12 October 2012 - 10:59 PM, said:

Oni, your very first post was after Kerensky sacked Terra and executed Amaris correct? I'm reading 'Star Lord' right now (Yay I got my BT novels!!! though some are missing :D ) But the first chapter prologue has Amaris in it and the year is 2774...

Yes it is set just after the meeting with the Counsel Lords where they named Jerome Blake minister of communications and set him about the task of rebuilding and then with Kerensky, striped him of his title as Protector and for him to disperse the SLDF.

Edited by Oni Storm, 13 October 2012 - 01:58 AM.

#19 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 14 October 2012 - 08:46 PM

Name: Eisuke Sato
Callsign: Kosetsu (Snowfall)
Date of Birth/Age: MAR 12 2985
Previous Mech: Hunchback
House Affiliation: Kurita
Background: Eisuke Sato-Kurita was born the second son of a moderately important noble house in the Rasalhague Military District. At the time of his birth, he was tenth in line to inheriting rulership of the District, and even had a remote claim to the Coordinatorship. He received training befitting a young Combine noble warrior: iaijutsu, poetry, painting.

Eisuke graduated from the Sun Zhang Military Academy in 3005, joining the 18th Dieron Regulars as a Chu-i and being stationed on Altair. Though his medium lance didn’t see combat for a year, the troops under his command loved him and eagerly sought their first blooding. They got it in 3006 in the form of a raid on the planet Summer, tasked with securing data from a logistics facility. Eisuke’s lance supported the main assault with flanking movements. Though the lance lost a Panther in the battle, and the raid was ultimately unsuccessful, Eisuke’s Hunchback claimed a Wolverine and a Commando, with the other two surviving members of the lance also making kills. They seemed set for a commendation.

To celebrate their victory, Eisuke’s lancemates convinced him that they should stop by at a distillery on the way back to the LZ. Under the threat of military-grade weapons, they convinced the workers to bring up several barrels, which they tapped and set about drinking. Once they’d had their fill they left, to find that of the three ‘Mechs they had left outside, only one was still there. The other two, including Eisuke’s ancestral Hunchback, were gone. In a rage, Eisuke ordered the distillery burned, before cramming into the spare space of the remaining Whitworth’s cockpit and returning to the DropShip.

The fallout was severe. Eisuke had led his lance to a victory, then thrown it away in a fit of vice. His family disowned him, and the name Kurita was stripped from him to prevent dishonour being associated with the Coordinator. His katana was broken, and though he begged for the right of ritual suicide, he was denied, cast from the the DCMS to be a ronin MechWarrior without a ‘Mech.

Since then, he has been working at a meat packing plant, but when news came of a chance for dispossessed warriors to reclaim a BattleMech, he gathered his meagre savings and set out for Galatea.

Physical Description: Originally small and graceful, Eisuke’s meat packing work has bulked out his chest and upper arm muscles, leaving him short and stocky. His black hair is long and uncared for, save for being tied back in a simple knot to keep it out of the way; he has sworn not to cut his hair until he has restored his honour.
Fears: Regaining his honour, only to lose it again. Though he already considers himself tainted and shamed (and isn’t particularly concerned about any further shame), to clasp honour again and have it taken away would be more than he could bear.

Marauder Bill's
Galeata, Lyran Commonwealth
January 1st, 3015

Eisuke watched the drunk stagger upstairs with disgust. Such a lack of discipline. Hopefully the interviewers saw what Eisuke saw and rejected him. Men who spent their time poisoning their minds had no place behind the controls of a BattleMech.

With purposeful steps, Eisuke walked to the table and sat down.

“Mr...Sato?” the first man asked, looking at a sheet of paper in front of him, “Welcome. I’d like to start by asking what you feel you’d contribute to the team?”

“I can pilot a BattleMech. I have advanced training in hand-to-hand combat, specialising in blades. I graduated with honours from the Sun Zhang Military Academy, so I can provide the tactics and strategy to best employ such skills as well as simply be the meat to use them.”

“What do you have to offer us that someone else can’t?” the second man asked

Eisuke ground his teeth together. “Got a lot of ex-Sun Zhang dispossessed on that list?” he asked.

“Uh...no, I suppose not. How far are you willing to go to get a BattleMech?”

Eisuke carefully locked eyes with the second man. “I’d be willing to sacrifice any life. Even mine.”

The second man glanced away, as the first resumed the questioning. “Aside from a ‘Mech what do you personally think we need to do to achieve the goal of putting you back in a saddle again?”

“Find someone to honourably use that ‘Mech against. Or take it from. Either would work.”

“What other types of employees do you enjoy working with?”

Eisuke glanced up the stairs where the drunk had taken his date. “Those committed to the goal, not wasting time on petty distractions.”

“If you were hiring for a recovery operation, what type of people would you look for?”

Eisuke ticked things off on his fingers as he counted. “I’d have a pilot capable of operating the target, a transport vehicle crew capable of moving the target. A negotiator to deal with local authorities or power, legitimate or not, and some hired guns to deal with any power that decided to ignore our negotiator.”

“Alright,” the first man said with a nod, “Thank you for your time, Eisuke Sato-Kurita. We’ll be in touch.”

Eisuke stepped away from the table. He wasn’t quite sure what had rattled him more, the fact that they called him Kurita or that they knew his full name in the first place.

#20 Oni Storm


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Posted 14 October 2012 - 10:03 PM

Very nice Sparks put the bar bit up in the main thread would you? say timestamp 23:55

Edited by Oni Storm, 14 October 2012 - 10:04 PM.

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