Groundpound, on 06 October 2012 - 11:51 AM, said:
By the time the game is able to support either of the two Jenner special variants, it will be able to support the Jenner-F and Raven-3L as well, so they'd already have their three variants.
That said, my vote is for either the Jenner Samuli or the Dragon Yorioshi. Both significantly diversify the hardpoints on the chassis; the Samuli carries a missile slot somewhere other than the CT allowing for bigger launchers, and the Yorioshi has an energy point in the CT of the Dragon (which normally only carries missile slots). Yen Lo Wang I could see working as well, if they found a way to compensate for the lack of melee; it'd effectively be an -AH but with lasers in the CT instead of the missiles.