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Would YOU like to see a tree for Vehicles?

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#1 zverofaust


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 05:34 PM

The Devs have said there's no plan whatsoever to include vehicles for the time being but I think it'd be interesting to do so. There are some interesting and cool vehicle designs out there from the Mars and Morrigu to Oro and Challenger etc that are on par with most medium/heavies. They'd also be quite easy to code and implement from a development point of view. They're just vehicles! A box with wheels practically.

#2 feor


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 06:24 PM

I would like to eventually see vehicles, PBI, PAI, and ASFs in game.

but they need to get the mechs in place and functional first, then expand to combined arms.

Edited by feor, 03 November 2011 - 06:24 PM.

#3 VYCanis


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 06:26 PM

hovers, wheeled, tanks, and vtols yeah. as they are all dedicated specialists of some sort or another and can provide some interesting gameplay stuff.

but please no ASF

#4 wolf74


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 06:37 PM

Yes I want to drive them, but there not so easy as you say. Due to the fact there two core basic way I see you have to pick from for coding.

1. One Tank One Player, Player Drives from a Turret Location. When the Player Fire at a target from the Turret, the Weapons on that side of the Tank in the correct arc also fire. Limiting the Tank to a single Direction of fire at all times.

2. Multi-Crew Tanks. Up to 5 Players can be in a Tank, (they count as one unit on the battlefield)
1st. Front weapons & Driver (Host player most of the time, they can pick which seat to sit in)
2st Turret Control
3rd & 4th Side Guns
5th Aft weapons.

If they do due tanks I would like to see option 2 personally.

As for the armor tanks Normally had Higher Armor Value then most Mechs of the same Weight class on a Given side but there had a Lot of little weak point in the armor that lets them be disabled, This part may have to be toned down just a bit for fun factor.

#5 CloudLevi


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 06:48 PM

If you look at some clans' structures, they're broken down into Battlemech pilots, aerospace fighter pilots and battlearmor pilots. MechWarrior Living Legends captured this fact in allowing players to pilot a jet as well as a Battlemech or BA, and I heavily agree that tanks should be fully implemented ASAP. There's no reason not to and there are more W.O.T. players associated with the current standing Clan Coyote than there are active MechWarriors. I don't fully appreciate there being that kind of segregation in a brotherhood...

...So give us our tanks!

#6 Nebfer


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 07:00 PM

Yes I would like it if they implemented vehicles at some point.

in 3050 theirs a number of interesting vehicles, Demolisher , Shrecks, Bulldogs, Ontos, Von Luckner, Manticore and Galleon To just name the tracked vehicles.

#7 Rain Man the Excellently


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 07:18 PM

I would only agree with adding tanks into a MW game iff the full spectrum of units were also added. So it would have to at least include VTOL, infantry, aerospace, and tanks. All of these together would be cool and could create a lot of depth when played together. However, I would rather the game only focus on mech vs mech combat, because mechs are cool and tanks are boring. Besides, there are plenty of other games that focus on tanks.

#8 Havoc2


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 07:18 PM

Battlearmour 4 the win.

Who wouldn't want to jump all over the place in an Elemental?

Edited by }{avoc, 03 November 2011 - 07:19 PM.

#9 Sartris


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 07:43 PM

Yeah, I'd love to run a Saladin.

#10 VYCanis


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 08:41 PM

problem with having ASF is that unlike every other unit you NEED a dedicated AA unit to waste it. And AA duty is a thankless job that is usually not very fun

ASF players are a wrench in the balance.

meanwhile any other units is capable to some extent of engaging another

#11 Phades


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 08:53 PM

View PostVYCanis, on 03 November 2011 - 08:41 PM, said:

problem with having ASF is that unlike every other unit you NEED a dedicated AA unit to waste it. And AA duty is a thankless job that is usually not very fun

ASF players are a wrench in the balance.

meanwhile any other units is capable to some extent of engaging another

He who rules the skies rules the battlefield. All the more reason to field some of your own. Mechs are multi-purpose warhorses, but if you get to cheat on design and setup and ignore the obvious aspect of the sky, then it will distort the game down the road. It would be best if they are able to keep the game open and flexible as possible.

#12 Johnathan McKenna


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 10:19 PM

I would prefer that they focus on getting the mechs right first. If that works out they can get working on vehicles.

#13 CobraFive


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 10:37 PM

Later down the line I'd like to see vehicles appearing as NPCs. Either as map features, or reinforcement/summons. I don't think they should spend the effort to make them pilotable.

#14 fakey


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 11:08 PM

I'm with cobrafive on this one. In terms of gameplay other forms of vehicles appearing as NPCs either as allies or enemies would be great but making them playable gets us away from the primary focus of the game, which is mechs blowing each other up.

Something like calling in airstrikes from ASF or having the House you're working for deploy tanks to support in the engagement would be good to see, particularly if any sort of campaign mode is introduced to the game.

#15 ice trey


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 11:29 PM

I wouldn't want to see vehicles come into the game... or rather, I don't want to see manned vehicles in the game.
Vees tend to be crewed. There's a gunner, a driver, loaders... that's not really something that they could accurately simulate in the game.

Instead, I'd like to see vehicles be sort of like AI units that would act independently on the field, giving support for their team, and attacking whichever opponents there might be.

The only thing is, while I want them to be more frail than 'mechs - with repeated damage ruining it's motive system (Just like Battletech), Mechwarrior 4 took things way too far and made them barely as durable as a house of cards. Only the Devastators really ever had any sort of survivability, and they had to be right on top of you to dish out any sort of damage.

#16 Rodney28021


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 06:26 AM

Maybe i would like vehicles if the devs put it in but not as much as i like Battlemechs. BT Vehicles are sooo disadvantaged compared to Mechs, to be fair the vehicle player would have to be limited respawners in a battle against Mechs. This is Mechwarrior, Battlemechs only for the players. Now, i am for vehicles put in as combat pets under control of a player, AI controlled minions of the player.

#17 BFalcon


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 06:40 AM

View Postcobrafive, on 03 November 2011 - 10:37 PM, said:

Later down the line I'd like to see vehicles appearing as NPCs. Either as map features, or reinforcement/summons. I don't think they should spend the effort to make them pilotable.

Agreed - likewise with infantry or battlesuits (infantry help immersion a bit and strikes home just how big your mech is, for one thing.

Anyone remember those Savannah Masters in MW3? Man those things were annoying to hit...

#18 Adrienne Vorton


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 06:44 AM

not really to be honest... would be funny to have them supporting you, maybe with a commander ability to give them orders somehow...but generally, nah i don´t need a special vehicle tree...

edith: oh i see the post above adds perfectly to mine xD

Edited by Adrienne Vorton, 15 June 2012 - 06:45 AM.

#19 Kael Tropheus


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 06:44 AM

Hells yeah. I would love to be zipping around in a gunship sniping a mech and dropping below the hill to pop up somewhere else. Vehicles and BA would be an excellent addition to the game and not hard at all to add in.

#20 screw ball


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 06:47 AM

i personally think they should do it, there are some definate heavy hitters in the vehicle world
i could see clans of tanks rolling around destorying everything

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