As far as I can see nowadays MWO gameplay suffers from several problems which were already discussed at forums. Everything below is just IMHO. This post is compilation of my several previous posts
Here are some of them:
1) Gameplay pushes players to use boat configs: 4xppc+, 6xsrms6 and so on due to ability to fire all-weapons-at-one-single-point and ineffectiveness of single weapon configs.
2) Lights are a little bit overpowered ( due to synergy of high mobility, potent ssrm and ecm ability + lag shield and errr... mb broken damage models)
3) XL engines in case of facing boat configes make mech too vulnerable because of ability to focus fire in one single point. And their bonus from less weight is too low to compensate it.
I need to mention that imo, right now balance between weapons and armor is fine,we don't need another armor increasment, we don't need to make random hit mechanics as in TT - it will eliminate competitive part of gameplay and difference between ppl who are trying to shoot directly or just firing in enemies direction, also random hit mechanics will give chance of "golden bullet" shots.
My thoughts about this situation:
1) The problem is not only in convergence but in precision aiming AND ability to keep weapon firing on boat mechs several times.So I suggest follwing changes: we need adjust heat containment level for every mech (decrease it drasticly,), increase passive heat generation while running full speed to 15-20%+, and increase cooldown effect from heatsinks.What it will give us: 4ppcs+ or 6srms6 builds would be able to fire just SINGLE alpha strike and they will be turned off or should overrun reactor with possibility of destroying it, so there will be no need in focus builds or they will be used much more carefully. Also it will partially solve problem with ping difference - ppl with ping below 100 have HUGE advantage with current game mechanics vs ppl with ping 200+.If you would be able to make only one single shot from 4xppc before turning off you will you will think twice. Increased effectivness of heatsinks: you won't be able to fire 3+ppc simultaneously, but you would be able to chain-fire longer, it will increase survivability under fire and you will need more skill for sniping.
Optional idea: (but it needs changes in game mechanics) Other way to solve problem of boat-builds is to add level of power output from the reactor, just for example 80 tonns awesome's reactor would be able to ignite instantly only 2 ppc, imagine -lets make power output from reactor 20 and to fire 1 ppc you will need 10 power, so you can use only 2 of them in 1 moment, for sure you can mount 3 or 4 or even more but in one time you will be able to fire just from 2ppcs, Standard engines will have less power output and XL as far more advanced will have higher output. For simplicity - standard engine 200 will provide 18 power output and XL engine 200 will give us 20 power output.
2) Nowadays lights can run fast, hit hard and can carry ecm ( some of them - obviously most popular), movement mechanics is pathetic - on open area light mechs can run in circles with speed 100+ kph and fire streaks and mlas almost non-stop. High mobility with lag shield and difficultes of hitting at their center torso or leg direclty gives them very high survivability. I suggest to HIGHLY increase passive heat generation while running full speed to 15-20% or even more. Light mechs should choose between using speed to get advantage at positioning or to move slower but fire more often, right now they can just run in circles and fire non-stop at heavy/assault back.
3) XL engines:with ability to fire directly to torso sides, weight bonus from XL engine is too low and mehcs durability penalty is too high. I suggest when the right/left torso sides are destroyed it won't cause instant mech destruction but the effectivness of engine will be decreased also passive heat generation should be increased. Example: Pretty baby with XL340, mech fully operational, speed 69kph, passive heat generation at max speed 4%, and if right/left torso will be destroyed max speed should drop down to 45-50kph and passive heat generation should be 15-20%
P.S. hope anyone from dev team will read this and answer

Edited by Zin, 11 March 2013 - 05:29 AM.