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#1 InnerSphereNews


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Posted 24 March 2012 - 08:00 AM

Sat. March 24, 3049: One Star Faith files legal claim of “defamation of character” against “Hero or Traitor?: The Kerensky Legacy” author.

#2 CoffiNail


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Posted 24 March 2012 - 08:03 AM

Well he better, traitor... pfft, he was betrayed by the other House lord who were just hungry for power!

#3 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 24 March 2012 - 08:20 AM

The One Star Faith is a religious congregation that began in 2801 when Simon Kroeger of the Tamar Pact world of Graceland had a vision of Kerensky's Lost Fleet in orbit around a glorious paradise world, what he called The One Star. Being a very wealthy Merchant, Kroeger used his finances and charisma to generate a strong following among his Lyran countrymen. Even after his death, the Elders of the One Star Faith contine to host investigative pilgrimages throughout the Lyran State borders as their growing numbers search heartedly for this glorious Paradise lost. However, these pilgramiges, performed every 30 years, have yet to uncover any evidence of the Kerensky Fleet's location. A side-effect of these pilgrames has been a transition of many followers from riches-to-rags as the devout choose to sacrifice personal wealth for their faith, funding sweeping migrations to and from the far regions of Skye, the Black Nebula, the Bolan Provence, and even into the verges of the lawless periphery.

More can be found about them in an other ISN feed

Edited by Prosperity Park, 24 March 2012 - 08:53 AM.

#4 verybad


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Posted 24 March 2012 - 08:48 AM

View PostCoffiNail, on 24 March 2012 - 08:03 AM, said:

Well he better, traitor... pfft, he was betrayed by the other House lord who were just hungry for power!

Umm, you might want to familiarize yourself with the events. The Great Houses weren't really involved. It was a coup against the Terran Hegemony by Stephan Amaris....

Also, the Great Houses didn't owe him anythig. They listened to what the Cameron's had said, but he was a political leader. Kerensky was a General. Nothing more, nothing less. He could have taken control over the Hegemony, he had the loyalty of the SLDF, which meant he still had the biggest military in existence.

He ran away.

#5 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 24 March 2012 - 08:56 AM

If it were only so simple as "He Ran Away," as many have said, then why did the military Run Away with him? Do you think it was all blind following, or were there some kind of situational circumstances that extended beyond just "Kerensky was a tired old man?"

#6 Dlardrageth


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Posted 24 March 2012 - 09:34 AM

When Kerensky heard of the murder on the First Lord, he struck his head hard on a dropship bulkhead in shock. After that he started getting frequently weird ideas. Unfortunately Jerome Blake wasn't around to convert him in time to the true way that is held up by the Blessed Order of ComStar. So instead he threw a hissy fit at the "House Lords", stomped his feet, clicked the heels of his red high heels three times and spirited himself and some followers off to Kans... errr... the Pentagon Worlds. There they evolved into munchki... errr... the Clans.

About as good as any attempt at explanation, I guess. B)

#7 Starne


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Posted 24 March 2012 - 10:01 AM

Was Kerensky a coward and traitor? Absolutely. He could have stayed in the Inner Sphere. Sure, the House Lords would have tried to disband the SLDF, but if the SLDF was loyal enough to Kerensky to abandon the people they were sworn to protect and run off into the unknown with their collective tails between their legs at his bidding, they would've stayed by his side and fought for him. Would the first succession war still have happened? Of course. Would it have been as bloody if not bloodier? Who can say. The point is that any chance the Inner Sphere had at recreating the Star League turned to dust the moment Kerensky and the SLDF ran off to die in shame in the Deep Periphery.

Frankly, a rebuilt Star League with a Steiner, Davion, Marik, or even Kuritan First Lord would be better than the generations of brutal warfare the Inner Sphere was forced to face. Don't want any of the Great Houses in direct control of the Star League? Fine by me, put Jerome Blake or one of the SLDF generals on the throne instead. Anything would have been a better option than what happened. Except those messed in the head Liaos(*). In all honesty, a Marik would have been the best choice as a new First Lord. They have the most experience keeping disparate nation-states working towards more or less the same goal.

* No offense intended to any Capellans. I'm sure some of you are good folks, but face it: Most of the Liao family are insane. Not 'HaHa' insane, or even 'Ooh! Pretty Colors!' insane, but 'Running naked through the halls brandishing sharp objects at people and chewing on the furniture' insane.

#8 Thorn Hallis


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Posted 24 March 2012 - 10:30 AM

View PostStarne, on 24 March 2012 - 10:01 AM, said:

* No offense intended to any Capellans. I'm sure some of you are good folks, but face it: Most of the Liao family are insane. Not 'HaHa' insane, or even 'Ooh! Pretty Colors!' insane, but 'Running naked through the halls brandishing sharp objects at people and chewing on the furniture' insane.

Propaganda! There is no furniture in the celestial palace!

#9 Kenyon Burguess


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Posted 24 March 2012 - 10:41 AM

View PostStarne, on 24 March 2012 - 10:01 AM, said:

In all honesty, a Marik would have been the best choice as a new First Lord. They have the most experience keeping disparate nation-states working towards more or less the same goal.

well its never too late for a fresh start. feel free to throw your support in with Marik right now B)

Edited by Geist Null, 24 March 2012 - 10:42 AM.

#10 Mason Grimm

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Posted 24 March 2012 - 10:48 AM

View PostDlardrageth, on 24 March 2012 - 09:34 AM, said:

When Kerensky heard of the murder on the First Lord, he struck his head hard on a dropship bulkhead in shock. After that he started getting frequently weird ideas.

I KNEW this was there the Flux Capacitor came from!!!!

#11 Thomas Hogarth


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Posted 24 March 2012 - 11:41 AM

The problem with Kerensky taking the SLDF with him was that not all of the SLDF left. Plenty of regular army forces stayed behind and formed the core of the individual houses forces. It was these forces - small compared to the SLDF proper, yet quite large enough for what was to come - that ravaged the inner sphere. Without Kerensky to reign in the regular troops with more loyalty to individual houses, the succession wars happened.

I claim that there is a good chance that the SW would have either not happened or at least been a burp in comparison to what did transpire. None of the houses would be likely to make a move with their meager forces (which they would want to carefully husband) against the SLDF.

So what is the end result? Kerensky was a man with the worst of character fortitude, and has the blood of millions - if not billions - on his hands. Furthermore, the flaws in his character are magnified by his son who is demonstrably worse than his father. Ergo, the Clans as we know it are the inherently flawed offspring of a traitor and coward. I agree with the author and hope the lawsuit is ruled in his favor.

#12 Anita Chess


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Posted 24 March 2012 - 12:00 PM

I think one doesn't exclude the other. One girls hero is anothers traitor.

#13 FinnMcKool


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Posted 24 March 2012 - 02:17 PM

I think there must have been a woman involved .

(how else will Hollywood pick this up?)

#14 guardian wolf


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Posted 24 March 2012 - 06:17 PM

Seriously, Kerensky took the SLDF away from the Houses to make sure that they wouldn't completely annihilate each other. In other words, the kids of the house just had the parents die. The then start taking the guns from the house and try to establish dominance over each other, but before they can act, a brother of the parents, an uncle comes in and takes all the guns before the kids can use them on each other, therefore they have to revert to sticks, which can really hurt, and sometimes kill, but they won't completely annihilate like the guns would.

#15 Starne


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Posted 24 March 2012 - 06:51 PM

Sorry, Wolf, but that arguement does not hold water. That would only be the case if the core of the SLDF, the most powerful military force in human history had not been as loyal to Kerensky as they were. As I said above, if the SLDF was willing to go running off into the unknown with their collective tails between their legs when Kerensky called for it, then they would have stuck by him, rather than return to their houses of origin, as so many Kerensky apologists claim. Face it, if they were willing to abandon their homes, their duty, and in some cases their family at Kerensky's urging, they would have defied the House Lords for him, had he asked. He did not ask. What he did do was commit one of the most egregious and shameful acts of cowardice in human history. Not only do I believe that Kerensky was a coward and traitor, but I also believe that he is at least partially responsible for the death of every man, woman, and child that has died over the course of the Succession Wars.

Had the bulk of the SLDF remained, the Houses would not have been willing to fight each other, and risk fighting the SLDF as well. The core of the SLDF was lightyears ahead of the House armies in terms of equippment, training, experience, and technology. Any House stupid enough to act in an agressive manner would not only have to face the forces of their intended victim, but the might of the SLDF, as well. And if you think that the Houses could have united against the SLDF, you're dead wrong. Even then, most of the Houses would sooner spit on each other, than they would ally with one another.

Kerensky was a coward and traitor, common sense, and all of the evidence supports this statement. Simply put, Kerensky was presented with a choice. Do the difficult, but morally right thing, or do the easy, but morally wrong thing. He chose poorly.

#16 William Petersen


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Posted 24 March 2012 - 08:06 PM

View PostStarne, on 24 March 2012 - 06:51 PM, said:

Sorry, Wolf, but that arguement does not hold water. That would only be the case if the core of the SLDF, the most powerful military force in human history had not been as loyal to Kerensky as they were.

Did you miss the whole 'exodus civil war' and the second exodus? Loyalty only goes so far, and every man has his price.

#17 verybad


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Posted 24 March 2012 - 08:36 PM

View Postguardian wolf, on 24 March 2012 - 06:17 PM, said:

Seriously, Kerensky took the SLDF away from the Houses to make sure that they wouldn't completely annihilate each other. In other words, the kids of the house just had the parents die. The then start taking the guns from the house and try to establish dominance over each other, but before they can act, a brother of the parents, an uncle comes in and takes all the guns before the kids can use them on each other, therefore they have to revert to sticks, which can really hurt, and sometimes kill, but they won't completely annihilate like the guns would.

No he didn't. The SLDF was the only thing that had PREVENTED them from annhiolating each other for the relatively peacful years that the Star League existed. As soon as he left there was a massive power vaccuum, and the Great Houses spent the next 250 years in a state of warfare. The succession wars resulted in the loss of over 1000 inhabited worlds, there inhabitants, and the death of TRILLIONs of people.

All the great houses have hundreds of thousands of nuclear weapons in their control, the SLDF fleet was probably the only thing that could have prevented their use.

If Kerensky thought he (and more importantly the SLDF)'s absense was going to reduce the level of warfare, then he made a massive and easilly predictable mistake.

#18 Arctic Fox


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Posted 24 March 2012 - 10:26 PM

View PostMason Grimm, on 24 March 2012 - 10:48 AM, said:

I KNEW this was there the Flux Capacitor came from!!!!

Which Kerensky then immediately used to get rid of James Cromwell by sending him 300 years into the future. Of course, it all makes sense now!

#19 Gozer


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Posted 25 March 2012 - 09:49 AM

I'm with Starne on this one. Kerensky has no honor. He abandoned his duty, and worse than that, he suborned his men and had them turn their backs on the very people they swore to protect!

Any student of history could have predicted what happened, hell any parent of two or more kids knows what would happen. Hell even if you have siblings yourself you should know better! If Mommy and Daddy leaves the kids kill each other. Sure they may only be able to punch, kick, bite one another but kids get smarter and soon they're all beating, stabbing, and shooting each other! Kerensky didn't take with him all the toys the kids could kill each other with, just the shiniest and most obvious.

Seriously I don't understand how people can support such an obvious traitor. Kerensky and all those who follow him are honorless dogs who should be killed on sight! (I know I'll get my chance in a year or two. :) )

#20 guardian wolf


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Posted 25 March 2012 - 10:01 AM

Those forces would have defected without a strong central leadership, that ended with the Cameron family. They would have been turned not only on the whole of the houses, but also would have turned against each other. There would have constant anarchy, and the fact of the matter is, that the SLDF would not have been challenged directly, but instead would be engaged with a shadow war on all sides, as all of the great houses would have tried to carve up a piece of the SLDF pie. The houses were united against Cameron because Cameron basically declared war on all of them. This ended quickly, and Kerensky saw what others could not, even if he stayed, there would have been war and chaos, and the SLDF would not be able to stop it, due to the fact that they would immediately turn on each other like the great houses. Everyone has a price, and Kerensky saw this, and so he made the best decision available to him, to leave, and take what equipment he could with them to deny them their war making capabilities.

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