Dihm, on 28 March 2012 - 09:05 AM, said:
I think it's time to talk about the Elephant in the room. It's a pretty Mammoth problem that needs addressing.
People keep repeating the same Mechs.
This just proves that I'm your Overlord, since even in a Union, you cannot overcome my variety. No one else Rose to be my Challenger.
People need to read through the puns already used so that they don't become Transgressors too. Sure, there are always those who like to "go Rogue" or be a Vandal, but come on now, show a little creativity! But I guess ya'll ain't that Swift. I've managed to beat you all like a rented Mule! I have both the quality, and the Kuan Ti ty on my side.
I claim Triumph! Don't like it? Come at me bro! Claim your Vengence! Come take on the Colossus if you are a Seeker of your own destruction! Just don't complain when tears flow from your eyes like water from an Aqueduct. I'd be Lion if I said you had a chance though.
Ok Mackie. I was going to stay Loki and be a Stalker of this thread like a Chameleon but you Duan Guang and put me in a Grizzly mood. You claim you're the Champion at mech puns and in Defiance called for a Challenger so, Yeoman, grab your Warhammer because I'm here to Sha Yu your place.
Dr. Zaius is a pun Battlemaster and can Bombard you with puns in a Flashman like a Thunderbolt. Your puns have the depth of a Cyclops' perception. You ain't a Kodiak, Dihm, you're just a Bear Cub. Scratch that, you're just a Kit Fox. Your post couldn't even get a chirp from a Cricket or Grasshopper, much less be the Titan of punnery you claim. I'm here to be your Hitman. Like Beowulf and Grendel or Zeus and Atlas, I'm the King Crab and you're just a Flea. I'm a p-Imp and you're just another Nightstar in my Hornet-work.
You may have not been the Firestarter of this pun Maelstrom, not by a Longshot, but you've made Deimos intricate posts. Your puns are mediocre, Dihm, but mine are Awesome. You were soaring like an Eagle, but I'm Apollo the Archer and my Longbow never misses. Sunder is no one capable of dropping puns faster than a Gunslinger's Quickdraw like myself. I'm the Avatar of punnery, you see? Bishamon top of my pun game. My words wash over you like a Tsunami, then blow you away like a Supernova.
So don't get Mad Cat and turn into a Berserker. You just crossed paths with the pun Annihilator. Cicada-wg, I may be cutting your Legacy short by stabbing you with my pun Katana, but I won't twist the Blade we can Lynx up later and, like Morpheus, I can Nyx your pun weaknesses. You'll be a Grand Dragon in punnery. I'll make you into a Mauler of pun noobs like a school of Piranha on a Turkina, al-Wight?
Now I'm gonna put an end to this post before it makes me a Pariah. Wyvern-ed a break from all this punnery. -drops keyboard on floor and walks away backwards with arms spread in come at me stance-
(That was more fun that it had a right to be. lol)