Hackworth Rangers [HACK] invite you to consider joining our Unit.
Who We Are
We are a medium-sized, friendly, IS mercenary unit which has been steadily growing for over a year now. Our shared aims are to win through superior teamwork, nurture individual piloting skills, and most importantly, have fun while playing together.
We are not a hardcore “grind” unit. While we expect our members to be active participants on forums and Teamspeak, we do balance our gaming around our real world commitments to job and family.
There is a wide spread of pilot skills present in our unit - from very experienced top-tier players to those who have just started playing MWO. What unites us is a shared desire to progressively get better and to enjoy each others’ company while doing so. Our Tier 1 pilots freely share their extensive knowledge and experience to help build the skills of lower tier pilots, and host team training sessions every couple of weeks.
Most of our pilots come from Europe and the US, though we also have members from South America and a few from Oceanic countries. Our ages range from mid-20s through to the 50s, and our most active timezone is the EU primetime up to early-mid US primetime.
Currently we have about 50 members, 20 of whom play most days of the week in the Group Queue. We also field larger Faction Warfare groups (8-12 man) several times a week. We plan to set up a competitive team in the not-too-distant future.
Why Join Us?
You are looking for a unit which:
* is friendly, comprised of decent people who enjoy playing together;
* likes to win, develops strategies to do so, and is commited to continual improvement;
* recognizes its members have real life commitments, and doesn’t treat MWO as if it’s a second job.
You are prepared to:
* check in at our forums (forums.mwohack.com) just once a day to keep up with the news;
* group up with your team mates in group drops;
* enhance our teamwork by using Teamspeak.
You are:
* an experienced pilot… or a novice. But either way, you want to get better;
* a team player. You value your team winning as much as you value personal success;
* an adult;
* not an a******.
How to Give Us a Try
You can find our forums at forums.mwohack.com and our TeamSpeak on the American Comstar server (ts na1.mech-connect.net), channels under [HACK].
The following leadership members are on point for recruiting purposes, so feel welcome to drop in to our TeamSpeak channels and talk to one of them: Locabiosol (CO), Nerdboard (Lead Recruiter), Chortles, and Tegamaster.
You can also message me (Nerdboard) on the mwomercs.com forums or contact me ingame. Some [HACK] gaming content can be found on:
* Youtube: Locabiosol Mwo, JHackworth, DragonTnk
* Twitch: DragonTnk, SvennK
Edited by Nerdboard, 25 April 2016 - 12:36 PM.