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Ace's Catapult 2.0

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#1 AmericanAce114


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Posted 17 January 2016 - 06:40 PM

#2 mikerso


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Posted 17 January 2016 - 07:51 PM

After watching parts of your video, you have unused tonnage when you drop. Max that out by using two med pulse and adding another ton or two of ammo. No need to use a macro to chain fire those lrm 5. A one number firing group can chain fire if you hit backspace. I do this on my heavier missile boats. You are correct in saying the lrm 5 has a tighter grouping, and it is my launcher of choice if the mech has more than two missile hardpoints. That being said the downside to lrm 5 is in the enemies and their ams. Lrm 5 is alot easier to shoot down with ams. An enemy team tightly grouped with ams will be untouchable by those lrm 5 on chain fire. Your firing group set to your six slot will help negate that.

Otherwise great pointers and review, and I hope a few from an old lrm vet can help you as well.

#3 mikerso


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Posted 17 January 2016 - 07:58 PM

Another pointer remember when backing to cover, keep your reticle over your opponent. If your teammates have him locked, you can use this to launch, go back into Cover, and still keep your missiles on track. Remember to keep your reticle on that opponent til they disappear from your radar. If your lock reticle goes away before your missiles hit, they will lose target lock and can be dodged easier.

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