CoffiNail, on 01 April 2012 - 08:44 PM, said:
Because I was requested to add this one up to due to the cute factor that is my oldest sibko member.
Your son is too adorable. I'm going to die of aegyo overload if you keep posting pictures of him~
Skoll-, on 01 April 2012 - 08:43 PM, said:
Fine, I'll bite.

WHOA. That is the sickest jacket evar. I don't see lots of people looking so "bad boy" dangerous with nerdy interests like BattleTech xD
Helmer, on 01 April 2012 - 08:43 PM, said:
Sure, why not.
In order of importance.
Wife , a few years ago.
Me, a few years ago after a fight. (Bald guy in the middle)
Everyone here has kids. I'm not old enough to be a parent.
Edited by Tyrael Snow, 26 September 2012 - 02:38 PM.
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