John MatriX82, on 29 November 2012 - 09:36 AM, said:
I report that me and many of us in the italian channel have experienced a mass ban in the Unofficial Mwo EU server for "too many complaints". I and my friends have never received any complaint at all so I guess someone joked us.. even many other germans, russian players have been banned as well like this.
I'm afraid someone found a loop hole with the server and exploited it. It used to have a function where you could click on a name and make an automated complaint. If one person got enought complaints they were automaticall 'banned' for a short period of time (I think it was 20 minutes or so). Someone triggered this complain system for everyone that was on the server and we all got banned. Thankfully the server Mods figured it out and, after having to take the server off-line for a few minutes, removed this option so it shouldn't happen again.
No one was really banned, the servers were back up and running in minutes and I'm sure who ever the bright spark was that caused this hassle now has a warm feeling...