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Life and Death: A Mechwarrior's Tale RP

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#201 Jeremy Hunter


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Posted 03 July 2012 - 08:30 PM

DropShip Two For Flinching, detached to Jumpship Aquarius
Decent to Solarius VII Spaceport
April 18th

The lone girl in the lounge barely touched her drink. She just stared at her PDA, which was alive with a picture of her and an oriental girl. A sad look played across her face. She had been alone ever since Sora had disappeared. Two years since the fighting on Northwind, when House Kurita invaded.
She sighed, downing her drink in one gulp. She hated Dropships - they were too crowded, too cramped, and too many times she nearly hurt someone for brushing up against her. Pushing the glass away, the girl stood and turned around to find herself facing a man that was maybe around 6'8 - much taller then her own 5'11. She looked up, blinking once. Her green eyes seemed to sparkle a bit to the man, but to most, they were dull.
"What do you want?" she asked flatly, meeting his eye.
The man merely smiled. "Just wonderin'"
"No." She pushed past him heading for the exit. Then the man's hand clamped on her shoulder.
"Now then, can't we have a friendly conversation?"
"No. Now let go."
Frowning, the man let her go. "Whatever." He took a step back, allowing the girl to slip into the hallway. Taking a right, she headed for her small cabin. She had to make sure her meager duffel was alright before the Two For Flinching touched down.
She keyed the door open and stepped in. Almost carelessly, she picked the duffel up and dropped it on the cot, unzipping it to check her belngings.

Two extra pairs of clothes, check.
Enough underwear for a week, check.
Laser pistol with two extra charges, check.

The girl dug the locket out from her shirt and popped it open, the picture of the oriental girl smiling up at her, cheek-to-cheek with herself. Engraved at the top were the words Izzy and Sora, Galatea - July 10, 3029.
"It's been along time since Northwind..." Izzy murmured to herself. "Wish you were still here Sora."
Closing the locket, izzy shouldered the duffel and leaned against the wall, waiting for the DropShip to touch down on Solaris VII. New planet, new place to make money. Hopefully someone would hire a Sentinel pilot. If not...well...pretty sure there were clubs on Solaris VII. And clubs always seemed to need more dancers.
Always seem to end up taking my clothes off instead of burning 'Mechs. Gee, thanks Mom, Dad, for throwing me to some people and not raising me as your own.
Izzy sighed as the dropship finished it's...drop. Detaching herself from the wall, she headed for the exit.

Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 18th
Cherry Babies Strip Club

No one took her seriously.
Of course, asking the first MechWarrior she saw wasn't the best move. No, she'd gotten ridiculed and told to be someone's dog. Jerk. Guy needed to go step on some archaic plastic building block toy. Didn't even point her in the wrong direction.
Izzy looked up at the sign. Brightly lit and all, it was inviting to anyone needing a warm place to sit and drink.
Of course, she'd be looking for a job as the entertainment.
Least I'll have some cash, then I can hunt down the 'Mech stables and see if I can get a chance to fight.
Izzy pushed the door open, glancing around. Spotting the bar, she walked up and leaned over it at the bartender.
"Hey. Where's the manager."
"Who's asking?"
"Prospective employee."
The man eyed her for a moment, then motioned a bouncer over. After a few words, the bouncer led her to the back, where an office had been set aside.
Glancing at the bouncer, Izzy stepped inside, one wrist ready to release the stiletto from her sleeve.

Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 18th

When Izzy walked out of the club two hours later, she had a job secured. With that out of the way, she started to hunt down a place to stay. Deciding to just walk, Izzy looked around. She didn't take anyone's word on what was a decent place, mainly because she just didn't trust a living soul...besides Sora.
"Well. This place looks like it at least doesn't have roaches."
She stepped into a dull building, where a bored-looking man sat, reading a PDA. Izzy stepped up and tapped the counter, gaining his attention.
"I'd like a room."
"How long?"
"Like 'em all. Four hundred for a month."
She sighed, counting. She had four thousand C-bills remaining from the job on Galatea - ten thousand to off some merc who thought he was a god in his Stalker. Well, when he ended up too close to a rockslide and learned the hard way just how heavy a Sentinel could be when dropping on your head, she got a one thousand bonus. Was a fluke she found him in the right place - job before that, most of the pay went to repairing her 'Mech.
"Here." She placed the cash on the counter."
"You looking for work, too?"
"I got a job already, just could use some direction to the 'Mech Stables? Some nimrod decided to ridicule me and failed to point me in the right direction."
"Wrong direction?"
"I wouldn't have slashed his pants off if he did say the wrong direction."
With a small smile, the man pushed a map and a room key over. "223. Map'll show you the way."
There. The most she'd talk for awhile. Sliding the map into her jacket, she headed up to her room, unlocking it. Everything was simple, but at least clean. Dropping her duffel on the bed, she checked the shower. Good, not horrible housekeeping. She started the hot water.
Returning to the bedroom, Izzy threw her jacket on the bed and undressed before entering the shower.
She sat on the bottom of the shower and hugged her knees, letting the water drop.
"Can't find dad's 'Mech, lost Sora, now have to dance to get by while searching for some who'll let me fight in the Roar. Great."
Izzy sat there for fifteen minutes before moving to grab soap. She lathered herself up before washing the day's worries away.

When she finally was done with her shower and drying off, Izzy slipped on the oversized shirt she always carried with her and crawled under the covers.
"Welcome to Solaris City. Only plus for the day was you got a job."
Izzy sighed and fell asleep.

Edited by Jeremy Hunter, 03 July 2012 - 08:35 PM.

#202 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 03 July 2012 - 09:05 PM

Rainbow Stables
International Zone
Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 18th, 22:32 hours

Despite doing his best to make it in five, it took Randolph seven minutes to reach the landing at the top of the stairs. He had to comb his hair, afterall he didn't want to end up looking like any of the unkept brigands that were slowly beging to take up residence at Rainbow Stables. He tucked a golden lock behind his year then took a moment to reguard the several men standing at attention before him. Tall and broad of shoulder, each man was clad in dark fatigues with matching kevlar bodyarmor, visored helms, riot shields and armed to the teeth. Each carried a Submachine gun and an assortment of grenades. The Lyran faceman arched a golden eyebrow upon sight of the grenades.

"Really?" He pointed at the nades then looked at the leader of Rainbow Stable security, Hugo Gugzenburg. An older, slightly shorter man with leathery tan skin, salt and pepper colored hair and a face that a mother couldn't even love. Silently the ugly man stared back at Randolph with brillant blue eyes. Eyes that looked cold and lifeless, eyes that had seen too much. The eyes of a killer. A cold chill crept up Von Bremen's spine.

The grizzled infantryman shrugged as a response then nodded his head towards the direction of the corridor.

"Bstard dropped two of my boys. He's posted up at the end of the hall. Not fortified. But he's got a shotty, an overgrown pigsticker, and some archaic body armor. Looks hurt." Hugo's raspy voice just added to the creepiness of the man.

"Where are the two men he killed?" Randolph asked looking around for telltell signs of blood.

"Oh they ain't dead. He just knocked 'em a good one. They're out in the hallway, by the elevator. Was waiting for your order to send men out there and try and git 'em." The creepy voice replied and Von Bremen scoffed at brute.

"Blake's Blood!! You four go get them. And you three cover for them, but don't shoot unless fired upon." The LOKI op then whirled upon Hugo and unleashed his wrath. "Christ, just how incompetent are you? Am I going to have to do your job as well now?!" The grizzled infantry man didn't back down just stood at attention and assumed a fifty yard stare.

"Oh don't give me that lame attemp at a fifty yard stare, I've been around long enough to know what they look like, and frankly your's is pretty sh!tty. You're done here, get out of here. I'm going to find someone who know's what the Hell they're doing. Bye-bye. He waved at the chastised man, then followed the other members of the security detail.

From the safety of the stairwell's door he watched as the four guards forged a phalanx of riot shields then slowly crept out into the hallway and slowly inched forward as the other three goons offered covering fire. Thankfully Jack wasn't crazy or stupid enough to open fire. It seemed like a lifetime before the shield wall reached the two downed security guards. They slowly and carefully crept over then stopped as two in overwatch dragged the still unconcious men to safety, then slowly the five remaining men crept back as one to the stairway.

Von Bremen stood there slowly nodding as it all unfolded. That was how that should have been done. When he turned to say that to the old infantry man, he was gone. Randolph just chuckled and inched towards the corridor.

God I hope I know what I'm doing...

"Jack!! it's me, Von Bremen. I heard that you want to talk, so what's up?

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 03 July 2012 - 09:11 PM.

#203 RogueSpear


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 02:58 AM

Rainbow Stables,
International Zone,
Solaris City, Solaris VII,
April 18th, 22:34

Jack managed an embarassed smile and raised his hand in a gesture of apology as the shieldwall advanced to their comrades. He lowered his hand and waited awkwardly, trying to discreetly massage his injured leg, somewhat more painful for prancing about pretending to be a ninja. Dammit Jack, how can ye no think anything through?
He shifted awkwardly and unsuccessfully tried not to fidget beneath the glare of the troopers. It wasn't easy to embarrass Jack, but knocking out two guys who genuinely probably were only trying to do their job of protect Jack Churchill was definitely one way to do it to himself. The beast didn't much like all the guns being pointed at him, but he drew blood from his tongue biting down on the instinct to ask the guards to lower them just to make him feel better. So he squatted and fidgeted and tried to kid on he didn't care.
After an eternity he heard Von Bremen calling out to him, followed by the Lyran sticking his head quickly round the corner and back.
"Oh for...SHHHHHHHHH!" Jack blurted back and limped quickly up the corridor.
"What?" Von Bremen shouted back.
"SHHHHHH! DeMarkus is sle-" Jack rounded the corner and was met by a wall of guns and a surprised looking Von Breman. "Oh ****!" He grabbed the wall and threw his back flat against it. There was an awkward silence.
"What?" Whispered Von Bremen?
"De...DeMarkus is sleeping." Jack muttered.
There was another moment of silence.
"And you care?"
A look of irritation flashed across Jack's face. "Ye would have too if ye'd seen him." He hissed back
Jack could taste the disbelief in the silence.
"Jack...the walls are soundproofed. We can talk normally. He won't hear us."
He cast his eyes skyward. "Okay."
"O...okay. What happened?"
Jack sighed and fidgetted again. "Ye remember oor agreement?"
"Yes? Good job by the way."
Jack bit down a retort. "Thae two wanted to search me fer contraband. So ah thought it was yon tart tryin' to be a *****."
Around the corner Von Bremen rubbed the spot of the hickey through his turtleneck. Tart might be the right word after all.
"So ah figured, knock the guards over, gang away in, put her in her place, whatever." Jack winced at the just audible sound of Von Bremen hold his head in his hands. "But one of them pulled his pistol and was about tae drill me, and then ah checked the clip and it wasnae rubber or anythin', so I figured it mighta been a real thing. Then ah figured if ye hired me, ye mighta hired mair like me. Or it could be one o' yer...uhhh...unofficial reasons. So aye. Ummm...Sent Dan fer ye, dragged them tae the end, grabbed me gun and sat guard till ye got here."
"Mr. Churchill, no one in the Sphere would hire two of you." Von Bremen pinched his nose. "Suffice to say the guards are here for a reason." Like how that crackpoint Dragoon thinks there's an ISF assassin after the stable and we're not sure he's wrong. "I'm here. Now what?"
Jack shifted uncomfortably. "Ah dunno. Your call. Ah can show you what I've got with me, but you don't get to take it."
"Mr. Churchill, I have 7 guards."
"Ah have a shottie."
"They have armour."
"Ah cheat."
There was another moment of silence.
"What do you have in sh-"
Von Bremen sighed. "Show me the rest."
Jack awkwardly led Von Bremen into the team room and through to his bed and opened the blue crate to reveal the contents. Von Bremen peered in for a few seconds and sighed. "Why do I get the distinct feeling you're going to be more trouble than you're worth?"
Jack shot a look at him then quieted the beast. "Because you didn't want to hire me in the first place, but the woman wanted to and ye're banging her, and ye didn't have any better choices at the time. But ye're no a fool an' ah'll admit to a level o' respect fer ye. So keep yer bird in line and we won't hae a problem."
"You said that this afternoon."
"Well...aye but then ah didn't realize she was in line." He sighed. "Ah promise not to belt the guards again, but ye need tae get them to no' harass me if yer wan tells you to."
Von Bremen straightened wearily. "I shall try."
"Thanks." The two men stood awkwardly for a moment. "So...what's the deal with Hangman's game?"

#204 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 08:54 AM

Rainbow Stables,
International Zone,
Solaris City, Solaris VII,
April 18th, 22:37

As they conversed, thoughts raced through Bremen's head.

None of the other mech jockey's got searched so, why were the guards searching him for contraband? Erin has to be behind this, if for not other reason than to bust his balls... And just where did this bandit come across those antiques?

He pinched the bridge of his nose as the grimy looking man rambled on in his butchered English.

You're right, I didn't want you. You've been nothing but a PR nightmare and pain in my a$$ since I took over for Kirnov.

The thought of his predecessor sobbered hi up and he began to to pay attention to the man's words.

"Look Jack, may I call you Jack? Look, I can't keep doing this," his held out his arms and shook them around indicating the crates of contraband, and the shotgun. "I'm already gonna get my a$$ chewed," He unconciously runned at the swelling flesh of his neck throught the turtleneck. "I'll worry about Erin, you just worry about being a good boy."

An akward silence fell between the to men.

"So...what's the deal with Hangman's game?" The unexpected question threw the Lyran off guard.

"Hangman?" He did his best to put on a confused look.

"Oh, you mean Mr. Frankfurt, ah, DeMarkus." He looked around and shooed off the two security guards loitering around the dorm's doorway.

"Thanks for your help guys, good job." He waited for them to walk off before returning to the conversation with the man before him.
"Erin wanted him, badly. And she was willing to do anything to get him in here. She let his tech move in as well, and she's even letting him pick out his own fights. He's got a fight with a top ten opponent, Min the Merciless, in the Dump on the 20th. He's convinced that he can win, but frankly, I'm unconvinced." He shrugged.

"I'm not saying he's uncapable of great things. I just think that he's bitten off more than he could chew. You don't get nicknames like merciless for being a pushover... Wait a second, You actually care?" Von Bremen's voice dripped with disbelief.

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 04 July 2012 - 09:06 AM.

#205 RogueSpear


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 11:32 AM

Rainbow Stables,
International Zone,
Solaris City, Solaris VII,
April 18th, 22:40 hours.

Jack shrugged. "He's kipped oot in there wi' a pretty bird, maps an' picters a' over the place an' her still wearin' a' her clothes wi' the door open. Then the board wiz half blank. It wiz obviously a big fight. Ah wiz curious." He clicked open the green crate and began rummaging around in it. "Plus, the guy's me new lancemate." He glanced up at Von Bremen. "4 rooms, team one. We need a better name. Ye got the other two fer the team yet? Anyhow, it'd be a bit sh*t if ye got him killed straight aff." He found what he was looking for and pulled a small bottle out of the crate, twisted the top off and took a swig. He frowned. "He asked fer that fight ye said? It a duel? Some grudge he's got or...?"

#206 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 02:23 PM

Rainbow Stables,
International Zone,
Solaris City, Solaris VII,
April 18th, 22:40 hours.

"He's kipped oot in there wi' a pretty bird, maps an' picters a' over the place an' her still wearin' a' her clothes wi' the door open. Then the board wiz half blank. It wiz obviously a big fight. Ah wiz curious." Jack clicked open the green trunk and rummage through it.

Von Bremen's brow crinkled up in concentration trying to deciper Jack's thick accent. He looked in the direction of the Capellan's door at the mention of the broad passed out with him, then shrugged. It seemed that the reports he read about the girly girl tech having feelings for the mechwarrior were accurate afterall. The sinister thought of using one or the other to hurt the other one crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed the thought. That was something that Erin would think of.

"In reguards to the board, it must have never got updated becuase we just got the word about this match this evening. It was all Mr. Frankf...errr, DeMarkus' idea to have this fight with Min. I barely had to do anything to arrange it with Min's Manager at Blackhand Stables. It seems that Min saw you fools on the news this afternoon and expressed interest in the Commando pilot."

He paused as Jack fished out and began to chug from a dark bottle. Whiskey if Randolph had to guess. From the smell that waifed over on the mechwarrior's already foul breath, he had to admit he was wrong. It was cheap whiskey.

"DeMarkus thinks that Min gets his kicks by fighting Lyran or Davion mechwarriors. I'm begining to think he's right. I'm guessing that Demarkus just wants to make a name for himself that's why he wanted this fight." He went on as Jack pounded the booze.

"And it's just the two of you on team one at the moment. We do have some prospective... mechwarrior's we're thinking about having join you two. Do you have something in mind for a name? Mad Jack's Jackals?" He snickered at the name.

Beep. The chime of Von Bremen's plain wrist communicator interupted the snickering and brought an annoyed look to the Lyran's face. He looked over the device and the annoyed look deepend..

"Alright Jack. I gotta take this. Try to get some sleep, and I'll try to keep the guards and Erin off your back." Then man turned to leave then turned back around like he had forgotten something.

"Oh yeah and Jack, no more funkups." He looked once more at the wristcomp then turned and left, he had an a$$ chewing coming.

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 04 July 2012 - 04:06 PM.

#207 RogueSpear


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 02:47 PM

Rainbow Stables,
International Zone,
Solaris City, Solaris VII,
April 18th, 22:43 hours.

Jack thought to pass the bottle to Von Bremen, but saw the Lyran wrinkling his nose at the smell. There was a beep and the Lyran checked his chrono.

"Alright Jack. I gotta take this. Try to get some sleep, and I'll try to keep the guards adn Erin off your back." Then man turned to leave then turned back around like he had forgotten something. "Oh yeah and Jack, no more funkups."

Surprisingly casual tonight. Jack tapped the bottle off his front teeth thoughtfully. Glancing across at DeMarkus' door, he cursed softly. As the Lyran stepped out the room he called out quietly, "If ye don't think he can cut down Min...ask him if'n he'll tak' two." He shut the door in the Lyran's surprised face and flumped backwards on to the bed.
Now jist why exactly are ye so reasonable and nice all o' a sudden Jack? Erin got all the bitter? All angered out? He snorted loudly and took another long pull of the whiskey. No bloody likely.
He let out a sigh of frustration and kicked a boot off at the wall. Pack the gear Jack...have a kip. A' this soft sh*te'll be gone by the morn.

#208 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 05:48 PM

((Whoo-Hoo!!! it's the 19th!!!))

Rainbow Stables,
International Zone,
Solaris City, Solaris VII,
April 19th, 4:43 hours.

Kaylee woke with a start and immediatly began franticly looking about trying to figure out where she was. Slowly it dawned on her as to where she was, and who the slumbering figure she was entwined with was. Smiling like she just got her way, she then lay her head back down upon the pillow and watched Demarkus as he softly snored away. Light trickled in through the closed blinds reflecting off Demarkus' chronometer, an ancient Mickey Mouse watch. The time was 04:45 give or take, seeing that she scrowled at the watch

Stupid internal clock, why do I keep waking up at this time?

She left the question unanswered as she spent the next fifteen minutes cuddled up with DeMarkus.

Just fifteen more minutes....
Rainbow Stables,
International Zone,
Solaris City, Solaris VII,
April 19th, 5:23 hours.

Slinging the duffle over her shoulder, Kaylee looked around the small room once more to see if she was forgetting anything. That's when she noticed that the blinds and door were closed, and scrowled at the door.

Mar must have closed them sometime during the night...

She gave one more longing stare at DeMarkus' slumbering form, then peeled off the high altitude photograph that was pasted to his face with drool. Giggling, she pulled out her PDA and took a picture of the man. Then creeping softly left the room. She titppytoed it all the way to the hallway, then walked softly down it, unconcious of the violence that took place there earlier and oblivious to the specks of blood that stood testement to it have ever happened. Her mind was someplace else, back in bed with Markus. She sighed at the thought.

In silnce she rode the elevator down, then slowly made her way to the dreaded gray room. It was a new girl there, a young bleary eyed girl with thick cokebottle glasses and freckles. Seeing the geeky girl, Kaylee didn't feel so intimidated and walked on over to her.

"Hi I'm Kaylee!, and you are... a Lisa." she beamed while reading the girl's nametag then held her hand out to shake. "Umm... DeMarkus in team one is in need of a walk up call.. at six. Can you please see to it that he getts woken up? He's got a trip out to the Dump today."

"Certainly." Nerdy replied while styfling a yawn. "Thanks." Beamed Kaylee as she made her way out of the side door leading out to the mechyard. The scene that greeted her there never ceased to take her breath away. Battlemechs stood talk and proud in their berths, despite the various states of disrepair forcing some to be held up by winches. Techs swarmed over the mechs welding on armor plates or doing various tasks. Kaylee then closed her eyes and breathed in deep, savoring the scents of paint, hot metal, of coolant, the ozone smell of fried electronics, and the pungent smell of good honest sweat.

I love my job.

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 04 July 2012 - 06:22 PM.

#209 Vodkavaiator


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 06:27 PM

McCudden Simulation Hall, Solaris Mech Space
International Zone
Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 19th, 9.00 Hours

"The current time is 9.00 hours, the current simulation has been run 15 times consecutively with a success rate of 95%, would you like to continue?" The female voice of the artificial intelligence respectfully stated as the scenario came to an end. His back ached and his eyes burned from the constant flickering of the computer screens, which were served to present a completely to scale perspective from the inside of a mech. At the most realistic settings the simulations required no less knowledge than that required to pilot a real mech. The simulator pod even simulated the stifling effects of heat and rocked with heavy hydrraulic motors in relation to the motion of the simulated mechs. Of course it was still not as good as the real thing and it left Voss with a bitter taste in his mouth, under the circumstances it was the closet he could get to practicing in a Mech however and at the very least it would keep his routines sharp.

"No, this will suffice for today, thank you." Voss replied as he entered the command to disengage the sim-pod. As the hatch to the sim pod opened he was surprised to see a face other than the tech who had set it up some hours earlier.

A dashing figure greeted the mercenary instead, meticulously dressed and speaking in a very formal manner, in an strange accent which reminded Voss of some guttaral form of British that he had once heard in a 20th Century movie. Regardless this new man positively exuded confidence."A bloody machine is what you are Mr..."


"Mr. Voss! I am charmed to make your acquaintance! I am the proprietor of this fine establishment, Thomas McCudden." The man offered, respectfully removing the widebrim hat he wore. My staff tells me that you have become quite a regular here during the past week. I don't see many pilots that spend half as much time as you in those damn simulators and even fewer that manage to post as promising results."

"One has to do what one can to remain in operational condition." Voss answered politely as he stepped out of the cramped compartments of the simulator.

"Quite so, quite so...Dispossessed I take it? Lose your mech in some battle, perhaps?" McCudden asked bluntly.

Voss merely glared back as one of his fists clenched into a tight ball until the knuckles began to turn a pale white.

"No offense intend of course my good man! It happens to the best of us after all!" The businessman interjected in a sympathetic tone. "I am by no means trying to pry in matters which clearly are not my concern."

Voss let his hand slowly open and nodded slightly, accepting the apology of sorts.

"An idea of sorts has crossed my mind. You see we run a tournament of no small renown here on a weekly basis. A small part of this wonderful event of course being related to the glorious tradition of gambling, naturally it is a strictly under the table affair. However, as of late competition has been a bit droll and you...you my friend are exactly what I have been looking for. Clearly a man of experience and some skill! The real deal, a Mechwarrior in the flesh! "

McCudden moved closer to Voss and began to speak in a low conspiratorial tone,"I must admit that most of the competitors are strictly amateur. Newcomers to Solaris, pilots fresh out of some backwater military academies or fools dreaming of a chance to pilot a mech. As such it would be a bit of shame if we, the house, were to lose out on our well-deserved profit as a result of the unpredictable nature of placing odds on amateurs. I therefore am looking for someone to represent this very establishment in said competition!"

"Not interested, I am not looking for any further employment at the moment." Voss replied disinterestedly turning towards the door.

"Wait! Just wait!" McCudden begged, "Look, we average 500 C-Bills a night factoring in the price of liquor. I'll give you a 25% cut of all profits if you manage to win this little event. Besides, as you so eloquently put it yourself, you need to keep your skills sharp."
Voss stopped without turning to face the man and absentmindedly scratched the shadow of a beard which he currently sported. "Fifty percent, no more and certainly no less." He demanded

"HA! You strike a hard bargain my good man, but we have a deal!" McCudden cheerfully stated, "Surely you will share a drink with me in honor of our agreement!" He continued as he gestured in the direction of the modern and tastefully decorated bar which adjoined the sim hall.

Voss sighed and followed the energetic steps of McCudden. Half past nine the mercenary reflected and he was already drinking.


Stepping out of the dark sim hall and adjoining bar/restaurant, Voss felt the strong glare of sunlight on his eyes as he put on his sunglasses. It had been two day since he had last slept he considered humorously to himself whilst he brought out and lit his smoking pipe in a one fluid motion.

Patting the right side of his flight jacket he felt the small package which Samuel had asked him to deliver. It was addressed to the offices of one "Dim and Sons, Pawnbroker Extraordinaire" apparently located within walking distance of the mech bays.

Preparer of tea, messenger and now apparently sim jockey. Voss considered his current career path philosophically before uttering a string of obscenities to himself as he stalked off in the direction of what promised to be a most unreputable pawn shop. He had no intention of being late...

Edited by Vodkavaiator, 04 July 2012 - 07:08 PM.

#210 Jeremy Hunter


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 06:37 PM

((Too many ninjas))

Founder's Hotel
Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 19th

Izzy blinked awake. Sitting up groggily, the covers crumpling around her hips, Izzy was disoriented, unsure of where she was. After a minute of blinking and brushing hair from her eyes, she realized she was in the hotel room she rented. taking a moment to take a few deep breaths to get air to her brain and get moving, she slid out of bed and padded to the small kitchenette after digging out some panties to put on. Finding nothing in the kitchenette to eat, she sighed and headed to the bathroom. Taking her shirt off, she inspected the scar on her back, It hadn't caused her problems since hitting Solaris VII; thankfully, it wasn't dry. Turning the water on, izzy dug out jeans, a loose green T-shirt, and a light green sweater before throwing the panties on the bed and taking her shower.

Showered, dressed, with her hair pulled back into a ponytail, Izzy sat on her bed cross-legged and checked her messages.
"Customs? Great."
Izzy got up and stretched, tying the sweater around her waist. Time to go spend a few hours getting the Midnight Roar berthed.

Solaris City Drop Port
Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 19th

Izzy stepped into the Customs office and strode up to the counter.
"Black Sentinel. Keyhole logo on the left shoulder."
"Oh. You're the owner?" The man glanced her up and down. "Right. You don't look like a MechWarrior."
"If you say dancer, I'll show you a real neat trick with a knife." Izzy glared. The man paused, then gestured to a door.
Izzy entered the office, pulling her credentials out of her pocket.

Cherry Babies Strip Club
Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 19th

Izzy stopped in front of the strip club she had procured work at. Three hours had been wasted, putting her 'Mech through Customs. It was worth it, while tiresome; Her Sentinel was refit to remove the autocannon and replace it with a PPC. The artifical lightning gun suited her better, but the damn jamming still happened with the SRMs . She had to get that permanently fixed someday; Jams could be cleared, yes, but it was dangerous.
Izzy sighed, shaking thoughts of 'Mechs from her mind. Walking to the employee's entrance, Izzy slipped inside and showed the waiting bouncer the necessary ID. Slipping past him, she found dancers and bouncers alike mingling around. Some dancers were busy putting their outfits on, while others were putting on makeup or downing a bottle of water. Izzy accosted one, who introduced herself as Nicky.
"Hey. New? You have your shift in two hours. Most new dancers work the earlier shifts, when less drunks arrive. Eases you in."
"Thanks. I'll be back then, I guess."
"Nice locket." She pointed at it. Izzy placed a hand over it.
"Thank you."
"Well, nice to meet you Izzy! I'll be back during your shift too; I tend to work a two a day."
"Oh. Well, least I'll know someone."
Smiling softly, Izzy backpedaled and turned around, looking away from the brunette and slipping out the door.

Forget work, forget stables, forget it all: Izzy just wanted to take a nap.

Edited by Jeremy Hunter, 04 July 2012 - 08:09 PM.

#211 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 08:37 PM

Rainbow Stables Office
International Zone
Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 19th 09:25 Hours

Bertie stepped from the cab onto the lawns fronting the cinderblock building and passed another note through the window to the driver, grimly recalling Vimes’ Law of Economics. These cabs were costing him a fortune, but until he actually had some more money, he couldn’t afford to buy a car for himself. Though...maybe he could sell off one of the tracking systems in his cache and buy a motorcycle. They couldn’t be that hard to ride, right?

He checked his watch and looked around, trying to spot Frederick. Would he come? Or would Bertie be doing this on his own?

#212 MacabreDerek


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 08:58 PM

Solaris Mech Space
International Zone
Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 19th, 07:35 Hours

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking 'By the Archon, he's Fast', and you're right! Ya wanna know why? Because I've been lugging a two and a half inch wrench around since I was seventeen, and was mopping floors in a mechbay for even longer. Ya know how it is, mech meets boy, boy meets battlemech, it's love at first sight I tell ya. Speaking of which, hand me those clippers.... God darn wire's hanging loose again. Don't these guys know ya gotta keep everything bound and tight to the frame? Just because the mech is hollow doesnt mean anything should be floating loose. Damn kids.

Now where was I? Ahhh, right, Love at first sight. I'll tell ya, any decent tech would agree it is heart breaking to see these beautiful machines thrown into the trash because someone doesn't appreciate what they are. They think of them like an autocannon shell casing, something to be thrown away, rarely salvaged and re-used. That's not the case though. Each one has a history, has seen things, and if ya know how to listen, you'll learn a lot more. Problem with diagnostic tools is they give an insight for younger mechanics, but then they miss all the little things, and those little things grow like weeds. Nobody wants to be pulling weeds all day, so why would you just leave stuff like this hanging around waiting to get mashed up? It's throwing away good money.

Ya see this bolt? Yea, the threads are gone. It would cost someone a cred for a dozen, or two seconds on a proper threader, but you know what they would do? They'd ignore it. Take this and put it on the bench, we'll re-thread it later.

I need you to step out of this hole in your mech's leg and take a look up. Look up at her, and really watch, until all those little details come alive. Well... Go on! We've been at this for a long time, you and I, and we're gonna be finished up in a couple hours. You'll move on, probably fight in some great match or get hired on by Rainbow Stables, and I'll be here, but the beauty of it? The real beauty of it is being able to share with you what I see.

Are ya looking at her? Let me tell ya, chances are, she's older than you are. She's a piece of history, probably was here before the fourth Succession War. She held the line, she helped break the line. There's a good chance she stood along the road side with the mechs of comrades to owners who's name you'll never know, but she remembers. She remembers every step, the music probably was enough to rattle the armour plates. Your mech was there during the crowning of monarchs and was probably blessed by some member of the Royal Family.

And the hard part about this job? You can listen to their stories. Sure you might not get all the details, but all those little bumps and steps and shots all add up, and each story is followed up by a repair technician who probably was so green he couldn't tell ya the difference between a pipe-wrench and a torque-wrench. He left her hurtin'. And Damnit, what the hell is this?

What do you mean 'WHAT?', I mean this. Look at my hand, you see all that? A new leg and she's already leaking. Get me the damn flashlight.



AH-HA! Remember I told ya the hip actuator wasn't from the same manufacturer? Well, this is what you get when you throw parts together. I'll have it fixed, don't you worry, I won't let anything happen to this little girl. She's a classic, she's an old war-horse, and she's still got a lot more bite to her still. Get yourself a beer from the counter, and hold this light so I can see if we can get this leak problem solved.

I know technology progression is always on an absurd scale, but it would be nice if the manufacturers stopped screwing with the parts to make them their own to promote 'brand loyalty'. Do you really give two hells if you're riding with a ride using Gregor-Junior bolts, or New Crawler bolts? You never heard of them? Well of course you haven't, no one does except the guy placing the order. But at least they understand that a bolt is a bolt, a nut is a nut, the general principle of design hasn't changed in almost a thousand years, because it WORKS. Parts don't work when you try to make them unique, all it does is ****** me and a lot of customers off.

Alright, go to the counter, get me a eight-by-seven-sixteenths and a D-42 E. What's a D-Fourty-wha? Should be the thing by the philips-head screwdriver on the bench, it's in a white box with the GM logo. You do know what a philips is, right? And while you're at it get us a beer.

Last ones, huh? Well, I guess we're finishing this up then. She'll dance for ya after we're done, but I hope ya got a little more respect for her than that.

Yea, I know it's the cheap stuff. Buddy of mine got me hooked on it, though really, the name 'Zoom Beer' should have tipped ya off.

Thanks for those. Gonna see if I am right on the model. They don't make the Bander labeled gear anymore, so it's another one of those branding things trying to be 'unique'. At least GM is pretty good for universal parts.

It's funny how it's the little things that make all the difference, isn't it? Stripped bolt, bad filter, stress fractures. Every mechwarrior worries about internal ammo explosions, but doesn't mind that they might be chewing up the insides by torso twisting. You take care of your tools, and they'll take care of you. Sure ya sometimes gotta work with the tools built by the lowest bidder, but even then if ya keep them clean and don't push them to do more than they can, they usually come through for ya. Guess that's a lot like people, isn't it?

I can only imagine how hard you pushed yourself just to get here. No no no, ya don't need to tell me, it's writen all over your mech. I ain't blind to what an AC did to this leg, but even the rest of her. Ya got her out in one piece, and she did the same for you. That's a kind of trust you need to have with the likes of her. Sometimes it's all about just making sure everything is in place, bolted down, tight and ready. Ya do that, and you'll know her well enough that she'll pull you through. A lot of trust is built between the mech and the pilot, I'd imagine it's like being married, not that I'd know what that would be like. Hell, no girl want's a bald fat man like me who pulls wrenches on walking incarnations of humanity's worst traits. But someone's gotta, and I never really think of them in that way, but you gotta respect that they are exactly that, the worst traits. Still, you can find some good if you look for it. The ingenuity, the problem solving for designing around issues and the solutions to follow. Guess you could say in some cases it gives me hope for the people around me, that there is proof there is some good even in the bad.

That aught to hold her for a while. That coupling will need to be watched. Remember, if she gives out or is starting to leak again, even a drop, it's a D-42 E. Say it with me. Dee, Forty Two, Eeeee. No, I am not trying to treat you like a child, it's just a strange thing about memory, you'll remember something more often if you actually say it aloud. Has to do something with involving more of the senses and brain into it than just your hearing. Well, how would I know, do ya think I'd be inside this leg with welding goggles on if I was brain surgeon?

Yea, I guess you're right. This job is surgery in a sense.

Alright, I think you can handle putting the panel back in place, and that should do it. Hand me your empties, I'll toss em in the scrap bin on the way out. I gotta get some sleep, but first I gotta take a trip to Rainbow Stables. I got a friend I need to talk to. Best of luck kid, and give 'em hell.

#213 Vulpesveritas


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 09:56 PM

View PostSparks Murphey, on 04 July 2012 - 08:37 PM, said:

Rainbow Stables Office
International Zone
Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 19th 09:25 Hours

Bertie stepped from the cab onto the lawns fronting the cinderblock building and passed another note through the window to the driver, grimly recalling Vimes’ Law of Economics. These cabs were costing him a fortune, but until he actually had some more money, he couldn’t afford to buy a car for himself. Though...maybe he could sell off one of the tracking systems in his cache and buy a motorcycle. They couldn’t be that hard to ride, right?

He checked his watch and looked around, trying to spot Frederick. Would he come? Or would Bertie be doing this on his own?

Rainbow Stables Office
International Zone
Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 19th 09:25 Hours

Frederick looked over as Bertie came out of his cab, standing up from where he was leaning against the side of the wall, he nodded to Bertie. "About time you showed up, what took you?" He asked, walking over with a slight chuckle. He hadn't gotten as good of sleep as he had wanted to, but it would do. Letting out a slight yawn, he looked over at the doors. "Well then, shall we sell our souls?" he added in a joking tone.

#214 ChaosGrinder


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 04:01 AM

Solaris Mech Space
International Zone
Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 19th, 07:35 Hours

Rick bombed her with information. Putting her hair together as a Ponytail she did, what she was told to. And Rick talked ald talked ald talked and talked . Stuff she never realized about her mech and about the tech it ran on. Mostly she didn´t know the exact name classification, but she knew what it was and how it worked and where it was built in.

" Faaaar out man, that´s where you got me. I know how to run my Mech but that´s the stuff where´s too much detail for me. And shure as hell, i´m not the one for makeshift repairs. If i get something done, i get it right in the first way. My mech sometimes needs to do sh*t it wasn´t built for, but if you know how to handle it that shouldn´t be your biggest problem. "

That the Stalker was older than she was, was out of question for her. It was a gift, propably not the best thing you could gift, but it worked and it worked good enough for her. She gave a sh*t about blessings and royal families but she was allways interested in history.

" Watch your words buddy. I´ve beaten up guys for talking to me like that, i ain´t kidding. I´m not the one to fool around with. Mostly." She hated when people made fun of her. She used to beat the sh*t out of them but time told her that that wasn´t always the best opiton. Plus Rick helped her fixing her mech and she owed him something.

" Allright, i´ll get some minr things done, if you´re in the mood just drop by and we can fix the bigger things. "

#215 Jeremy Hunter


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Posted 06 July 2012 - 04:44 PM

Founder's Inn
Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 19th

Izzy sat up, glad she had been able to take a nap. Getting out of bed, she used her fingers to comb her hair from her eyes before slipping her jeans and shoes back on. Grabbing her sweater, Izzy stretched. Feeling the pops and crackles, Izzy sighed. She kinda wished she had someone to share a bed with, but most men looked down on her and not many women since Sora...got intimate.
Izzy tied her hair back, checking her knives and PDA before stepping into the hallway. Only three people were in the hallway at that time: A man unlocking his room, a maid stacking towels, and another man stepping into the elevator. Jogging down the hall, Izzy slipped into the elevator and pressed Lobby. The man didn't favor her a glance, instead engrossed in his PDA. Rolling her eyes, Izzy tapped her foot, going to a beat in her head. As soon as the door opened, Izzy slipped through, jostling the man and causing his PDA to fall.
"Sorry." She said a bit flatly.
"Whatever..." He grumbled, pending over to retrieve it. Izzy shrugged and continued on her way, stepping outside and making the left to head for the Cherry Babies Strip Club.

Cherry Babies Strip Club
Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 19th

Izzy slipped into the employee's entrance to find Nicky already there.
"Hey Izzy!" she said, embracing her in a hug that made Izzy go rigid, a bit shocked.
"You ok?" She asked, stepping back.
"Y...yeah...no one's hugged me for awhile."
"Aw. You can't be happy unless you get five hugs a day." She smiled.
Izzy was a bit taken back. No one had acted like that to her in awhile. Usually just formalities and ignorance. Izzy then stepped forward and awkwardly hugged Nicky. "Like that?"
"You're weird, Iz." She giggled a bit. "C'mon, let's get your stuff put in a locker and find you an outfit."

It took a few minutes, but finally Nicky managed to find an outfit that Izzy looked perfect in: the outfit was made of gold shimmery material with emerald highlights that suited her hair and eyes perfectly. Izzy stretched and rolled her shoulders, limbering up for her shift. She had learned very early on that you wanted to be loose and relaxed when starting, to avoid cramps.
Nicky came over in a sailor uniform. "Heya. We'll be dancing near each other. if you need a break, just catch my eye and jerk your head over to the back. I'll get the message." She gave Izzy one last hug. "Good luck. Wanna get a drink afterwards?"
"I'd rather get dinner."
"Girl's night out! I like it. I know a great place, too!"
"Sounds good Nicky." Izzy said. She paused, then stepped half a step backwards so Nicky could lead the way.

The two stepped onto their stages, Izzy takes a deep breath beforehand. The two were a bit to the side, away from the main stage. Nicky grinned.
"Go on, have some fun. You're paid to dance, so dance away."
Izzy nodded, smiling. She actually liked dancing; it allowed her to move.
So she did.

Izzy and Nicky took a short break an hour later. She sprawled on a couch in the back, and was relaxing for her five minutes when Nicky plopped on her waist.
"Nothing. You just looked comfortable to sit on."
Izzy rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well, you do this with all the new girls?"
"Only the ones that pique my interest."
Sighing, Izzy rubbed her eyes. We're back on in two."
"Right." Nicky gets up and offers her hand to Izzy. "Three more hours."
The two head back out to their stages.

#216 guardian wolf


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Posted 07 July 2012 - 08:02 AM

Rainbow Stables Gym
Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 18th 09:00

Sweat poured from Dylan and he could feel his painkillers wearing off. He had been practicing his hand to hand combat, and fighting styles. He looked at the punching bag that had been his enemy. He had been fighting for several hours. It was coming back to him, the training, the grueling hours that he had been in the Kommando Training. He took another set of pain killers to hold him for another couple of hours. Looking to the bag, he approached, and struck. Like lightning, his fist struck into the bag with a right hook. He followed with several jabs, and then finished into an uppercut. The bag shook under the blows, and the chains that held it were groaning under the weight of it. He followed with several more blows, and then finished with kick into the bag. He then went to the weight table, and started to do arm curls, and then several sets of bench. His chest was finally screaming, and his arms, had gone numb. He walked to the door, and threw a towell around his neck. He walked from the gym, and went to check his personal computer.
Two Hours Later
Dylan's room, Rainbow Stables

Dylan logged onto his computer, and noticed that his profile was on partial lockdown. All he had access to was his messenger, and several other rudmentary programs. He checked his messenger, and found several unopenned messages. He scrolled through the list, and found the status report of his mission. No one else had been attacked while he was gone. He intended to make sure it staid that way. Dylan checked on different places where people could be attacked, and decided it was time to find the only other person that had assisted his attacker, the boy.

Edited by guardian wolf, 07 July 2012 - 05:12 PM.

#217 Vodkavaiator


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Posted 07 July 2012 - 11:25 AM

Cherry Babies Strip Club
Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 19th,

Voss entered the house of ill repute, known as Chery Babie's with no small amount of annoyance. It was most certainly not the type of establishment he would have chosen, however, in this case his hands were tied. Returning to the Teahouse, Samuel had tasked him with delivering yet another message. Yet, the voice of his usually friendly employer had a very serious edge to it as he instructed Voss on certain particulars of the transaction. Perhaps most troubling of all he had asked Voss to take particular care that the message did not fall in to the wrong hands. The whole affair left Voss feeling slightly concerned. He preferred to know who and what is was he was fighting. Of course he trusted that Samuel knew what he was doing...

His pistol was in the "safe" hands of two bouncers who guarded the door with a promise of grim things for them if anything were to happen to said weapon. Fortunately, they seemed to be professionals and he doubted they would be tempted to steal a well-worn DCS weapon.

Lighting his smoking pipe, Voss approached the bar of the place and found a seat in a corner, where he could easily observe the door. Though he had not expected any quality service he was surprised to see a waitress approach him quickly enough.

"Hello, name's Joanna! What can I get you before the show starts? We have some wonderful new dancers today!" She continued winking.

"A glass of Whisky if you please madame, no ice. Preferably a vintage, Sullivans Cove Single Malt Whisky if you have it in stock." Voss replied, exactly as he had been instructed after which he waited and watched the features of the women with a clinical focus.

The waitresses mouth shifted into a small grin and her eyes widened with mirth as she completed the remainder of the code. "Oh! Terribly sorry, but we ran out of it last Sunday. However, we have a very nice blend from Hellyers Road which came in just this morning. Would you like a glass?"

"Please, do you mind telling the barkeeper, Loyd that his friend Otto is here."

"Sure thing honey," The women added before heading in the direction of the bar.

All that he had to do now was wait and taking the advice of the waitress Voss turned his attention to the stage, where apparently the show was just about to begin.

Edited by Vodkavaiator, 07 July 2012 - 11:33 AM.

#218 Jeremy Hunter


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Posted 07 July 2012 - 04:18 PM

Cherry Babies Strip Club
Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 19th

Izzy and Nicky were in the back, taking their five minute break before the next show began. In the span of the few hours she had been here, Izzy was feeling more comfortable around the pretty brunette. She downed her water before looking at the clock.
"We're on in two."
Nicky nodded, hopping up and adjusting her really revealing sailor uniform. Izzy glanced at her shimmery gold outfit, slightly indifferent to revealing most of her body, but also wanting to get back in her own clothes.
"Hey, Iz."
"That locket...what's inside?"
Izzy looks in the direction of the lockers, a sad look in her eyes. "My only connection to someone I cared for."
"Oh." Nicky nods. "Wanna go somewhere after work and, uh, talk?"
Izzy stayed silent for ten seconds. "I'm not good at talking."
Nicky laughed, pushing Izzy towards the stage door. "No kidding. I usually am doing the talking during breaks."
"And the sitting on me. You the dominant part of the pair?"
Nicky blushed scarlet, then giggled. "You're cute, you know that?"
"Half-tempted to make that girl's night out a date."
Izzy went pink. "We're on."
Nicky, grinning mischievously, lead Izzy to their spot at the right. The more experience dancers took the center.
"Just remember - stay close, and don't be afraid to have fun. Experiment a bit. If you're being paid to take your clothes off, then have some fun with it."

It was halfway through the show that she and Nicky began dancing together, causing C-bills to be tossed towards them. The close contact sparked Izzy's subconcious.

Northwind, Kearny
December 29th
One year before

Izzy groaned and blinked awake, unable to sit up. Then she remembered why.
The sleeping form of Sora Hikari was nestled on her stomach. Izzy stroked the black hair and breathed softly. She smiled to herself, waiting for her love to wake up. It was only ten minutes of waiting, though, before the woman blinked and sat up, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
"Oh, gah...what did I drink..."
"Terran Vodka. A whole bottle."
Sora groaned, flopping beside Izzy. "Gah, I'm exhausted. That fight back wherever was heavy. Didn't think my poor Katana would handle it."
"It can." Izzy grinned. "Like you can handle anything."
Sora smiled, kissing Izzy's cheek. "Not you when you smile. Blows me away."
Izzy blushed. "Don't ever leave me."
"I won't." Sora stated. Her hands began to wander. "And...I'll prove it."

Cherry Babies Strip Club
Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 19th

Izzy and Nicky finished their dance arm in arm, cheek to cheek. Some more C-Bills were thrown at them, which they collected before absconding to the back with their costumes. Izzy collapsed on a couch, Nicky collapsing on her waist.
"Where did you learn that?"
"And the ending?"
"From the one person I cared for."
Nicky fell silent, then tapped Izzy's nose. "It's a date then."
"Doesn't feel right to do that unless I know you better."

Izzy facepalmed. Why couldn't people just leave her alone!

#219 guardian wolf


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Posted 07 July 2012 - 05:46 PM

International Zone Slums
Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 19th, 10:00

Dylan had been searching for the boy since seven this morning. The slums were full of cardboard boxes in makeshift shanties, it was enough to make Dylan sick. In the Homeworlds, homeless and jobless would be at work, and have a roof over their head, they would be productive members of society. He felt the scar on his face, a tribute of a Strana Mechty Wolf, one that he alone had fought, and killed with naught but his barehands, and a knife. He saw they homeless bums, the jobless, and those too lazy to work, and then he saw a small crowd of five boys. Four were standing in an outer circle, they wore what appeared to be school uniforms, while one was tossed around in between the circle, that was smaller. That was the boy, and Dylan walked forward slowly. Suddenly the boy stopped being tossed around, and stood his ground. One of the bigger boys sneered, and the small one struck. Not before his fist left the face of the bigger boy, when the four swarmed him. Dylan rushed forward to drag the boy from the melee, caught the boys arm, and dragged him out, while the small boy was still swinging. The four were about to rush him, when they saw the Dragoon patch on his coat, and the scar on his face. One of the bigger boys took a small step forward. Dylan's voice stopped him cold.
"What is the point of this?" He spoke with his voice low, and cold as ice. The kid, he could not have been seventeen, spoke in return.
"He stole the rest of my lunch,"
"You blame him?"
"He has to pay for it,"
Dylan's eyes hardened, and he spoke slowly to get his point across.
"Leave, him, alone, before I decide to involve myself with this,"
They backed away slowly, and then left. Dylan looked at the smaller boy, and then spoke.
"Are you alright?"
"I think so,"
"What is your name?"
"It's... I don't know,"
"Well, I will call you Sam Johnson, can you remember that, Sam?"
"Sam, I think so,"
"Well Sam, where did you find that lady that told you to steal her pruse?"
"She found me while I was around the diner, and gave me some food, and this,"
He held out 20, cbills? Yes, that was what they were called. Dylan nodded to himself deep in thought, it was a random location, they thought this out. Dylan immediately figured the next viable target, the Cappellan, his name was DeMarkus. He had to warn him, but first, he had to get this boy to Outreach, the fire in his eyes in the middle of the fight, had shown that he would have made a good sibkin to Draco, and Phiro. He would talk to command later about getting a crack team put together, all made of freebirth orphans of the sphere. Dylan hailed a cab, and sent him to the hangar in Black Hills. He made a note to himself to call David and give him instructions on what to do with the child. As the cab turned away, Dylan walked back toward the stables, he had to warn DeMarkus. Little did he know, he was being followed.

#220 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 07 July 2012 - 07:39 PM

Rainbow Stables,
International Zone,
Solaris City, Solaris VII,
April 19th, 6:03 hours.

Groggy and pissed off, DeMarkus woke to the sharp rap against his door.

"Huh, what'da, who da funk?!?... " DeMarkus stumbled out of the bed alone. Whirling he saw that Kaylee was gone. And reguarded the continued knocking at his door as a possible threat and instinctivly reached for his pistol on his dresser/bedside endtable.

"Hello? Ummm.... Mr Frankfurt, this is Lisa, your couritsy wake up call.... Ummm Kaylee instructed me to wake you at six." the unsure voice offered to the closed door.

Contemplating this DeMarkus halting reaching for his needler and turned to reguard the door.

"Mr. Frankfurt... Are you awake?" He could have sworn that he heard the college intern impatiently stamping her foot outside his dorm room door.

"Yeah's I'ms awake..' He quit reaching for his pistol and turned about to head for his door. Opening it with a star he revealed the intern in all her emo/geeky glory. Clad in black clothing with streaks of purpel through her dark hair, the glassed unconventional beauty smiled at him with a sleepy grin.

"Yeah... I'm's awake. Thank you's very's much." He offered at the coed.

DeMarkus stared at the bleary eyed beauty and cleared his throat.

"Well, it's good to see that you've awaken... Ummm...I'll be on my way now." She stampered out.

"Yeah's... is der anyting else?" He asked.

"Ummm... no. I'll be on my way." She replied then went on her way.

It took moment for him to awaken to the point were he realised that the door and blinds were closed.

Kaylee must have shut them....

He also noticed that his duffle and dirty clothes were gone....

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 08 July 2012 - 03:49 PM.

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