Life and Death: A Mechwarrior's Tale RP
Posted 08 April 2012 - 10:45 PM
April 5th 3031, 1042
Isleifr cracked his eyes open, his headache had gone down from a furious roar of background sound, to a dull throb. He slowly slid off the couch he'd been sleeping on and stumbled over to the counter, where his Tyr contact had left a note and something to help with the hangover and headache. Isleifr popped the pills into his mouth and swallowed them, picking up the note and reading it, Lars said he would be in contact, whatever that meant.
He stretched, the note also said that Lars had taken the liberty of moving Gungnir to a Mechbay near this apartment, which Lars had also taken care of for a week. Isleifr felt something pop in his spine, which felt great, then he collected his Neurohelmet, wallet and his sidearm, which Lars had said not to leave home without; apparently there had been some muggings and other criminal activity above norm in the area.
Isleifr exited the apartment, closing and locking the door behind him, his head still throbbing uncomfortably, and heading toward the Mechbay.
Jerome's Mechbay and Garage, Silesia, Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 7th, 3031, 0944
Isleifr dug into Gungnir's leg servo, some wiring had burned out during the test run yesterday, causing the Cicada's leg to become dead weight, he'd managed to limb the mech back to the garage so he could fix it, but hadn't the time that day. He triumphantly removed a bundle of wiring that had indeed shorted and melted as he had suspected.
He dumped the old bundle onto the garage floor some seven feet below, Isleifr expertly inserted a new bundle and plugged them into the sockets. He clambered up the ladder extending from the bay catwalks above him to inspect the larger laser he'd installed some years back, as well as the heat sinks accompanying it. Everything looked good, but it didn't hurt to check, especially so soon after the left leg had totally failed.
Isleifr climbed up the ladder to the catwalk, raised the ladder, strode to the little elevator in the back corner and lowered it to the bay floor.
Having little else to do at the moment, Isleifr decided to find himself a good beer, he left the bay, passing up place after place until he saw a bar called 'Bjorn's Alehouse'. Isleifr entered the establishment, taking a seat at the bar he greeted the bartender.
The bartender, a middle aged fellow with a shaved scalp and a bushy blonde mustache, glanced at Isleifr and returned the Swedish greeting.
Knowing himself to be in good company, Isleifr ordered a Trondheim Ale.
Posted 09 April 2012 - 03:39 AM
Unknown mech bay international zone
April 6th 3031, 21:35
Solaris 7]]
Alex took a step back, wiping the sweat and grease from his forehead, wrench still in hand. He was admiring his work, the paint was multi coloured and faded, the armour was scruffy and welded together, it looked less than professional but it was finished, the techs kept clear of his mech bay after he showed them why you don’t steal from a boy with the Periphery. Whilst he was working on the mech a tech took a heat sink from a delivery meant for Alex, The tech wasn't walking off with anything after Alex broke his leg. He wasn't usually a violent person but when it came to his dream no one was getting in his way.
He was receiving mixed reactions, some techs looked worried, others had the nerve to laugh and a few congratulated him on what he'd done seeing the parts he started with, the MechWarrior’s on the other hand, where in two camps, those rich boys and snobs who laughed, and those who recognised the situation and sympathised. Alex didn't know which p!ssed him off more but he'd prove them wrong tomorrow on the proving grounds.
[[Alex Miller
April 7th 3031, 08:00
Solaris 7 proving grounds]]
Alex sat in his mech twiddling a business card in his hand. On the day he got a mech a man offered him to join a stable... He thought this was too good to be true; this was the first mech he’d purchased or piloted in the Inner Sphere so he couldn’t have seen him pilot before and the mech he bought was marked as scrap at the time. How could that man know know what he was planning to do with it. Honestly the whole thing worried him... But he wasn’t going to think about it now, his dream was one step closer, he had a working mech, in the proving grounds.
There was a burnt out car to his right, perfect. The twin small lasers began link firing at the target, at first both lasers missed spectacularly but eventually they converged on the target, after Alex was satisfied they were zeroed perfectly, he began strafing the car practicing his marksman ship, after 30 minutes the car had become molten slag and Alex continued on to find a new target.
Target sighted, someone had painted a bull’s eye on a cliff in the distance, range 800m, perfect. The PPC began to whine and whir as it charged for the first time in god knows how long. A blue streak shot out going well high of the cliff and the cockpit got hot, Alex laughed, the small lasers made it warm but this PPC was something else. Alex pressed a few buttons and the PPC lowered itself by about 1 degree, He fired again this time it hit the cliff but went off to the right of the target. The PPC adjusted and fired again and again until it was just right.
Alex smiled at his work, he’d hit the target consistently now. Time to turn up the power. Until now the PPC had been on reduced power, time to put it into battle ready mode. The PPC whirred and whined getting louder and louder until there was a blinding flash of blue, pain seared through Alex’s body, he was in agony, he fought the pain but he couldn't take it any more, then everything went dark and quiet.
[[dun dun dun daaaaaaaaaaa]]
Posted 09 April 2012 - 05:29 AM
Thom Frankfurt, on 08 April 2012 - 04:16 AM, said:
Nor shall you ever sugar. Character Christina is a private person, who only does private shows...
Um, this post is more of a flashback regarding the guy who keeps knocking on people's motel room doors at 2 in the morning. Christina thinks the guy's a ghoul...
Wait, is that Kaylee? Hi Kaylee!!! *waves* Are you on vacation too? [For a visual of kaylee refer to me own siggy!))
[Solaris VII, Solaris City]
[April 4th, 3031, 2215 hrs]
[outside ‘Cherry Babies’ Strip Club]
Christina was in time to hail a taxi. She needed to go back to reassess. Just as she entered the cab, she heard a commotion somewhere back. Chris turned in time to look into almost mad eyes. The taxi speeded away.
“So where to?”
“Tower Motel.”
Christina still looked back, but as the taxi drove on and the man faded from view, she returned to her thoughts, to her new mission briefs in a brown file in her jacket…
[Solaris VII, Solaris City]
[April 4th 0315hrs]
[In a cheap motel room]
…Christina took off her clothes and took a shower.
The cold waters fell on her like beating rain, drenching her through. Christina always liked the rain, always liked to walk through it in the open sky. She always felt clean..er… Christina smiled ruefully. She had forgotten her shampoo in her luggage. Christina took her towel and went back to her room for a quick… What Christina saw shocked her.
A man was going through her luggage, in particular her underwear. He was wearing a well-worn brown coat and was wearing Christina’s bowler hat. What was most alarming to Christina was that she had not sensed the man in her motel room when she was in the shower, or him ever entering her room. Christina had honed her senses over the years to least tell her that much. Christina noted the man had brown skin, probably scrawny because his brown coat seemed to hang loosely, short rough black hair, wearing a pair of glasses and seemed to be eating something. The man started to sniff Christina’s bra.
“Ooi” Christina was not amused.
The man looked at Christina in total surprise, then began choking on whatever he was eating, and fell to the floor, dead.
Christina blinked not fully understanding what had just happened. A moment or two passed. She realised she had a dead body in her room. Great. Christina, still holding a towel to her, kicked the corpse at its foot just to be sure. Nothing. Christina kicked it harder. Nothing. Christina really had a dead body in her room. Christina frowned at the sudden nuisance. For going through her underwear and sniffing her bra, Christina stomped the corpse on its stomach. Jerk. The dead man coughed in pain. Christina jumped back surprised. She realized she may be dealing with an undead, like those in the ancient terra movies Christina always watched. Christina looked around the room for her silver brass knuckles.
“Oft, oft, well, I guess sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.” The man coughed as he sat up, smiling sheepishly, looking up at Christina through notched glasses.
“Peace, peace, I am no ghoul.” The man showed his open hands to show no weapons. “Roti prata?” The man offered her what he was eating and supposedly choked on. “Its just fried dough really, but it may seem exotic in these parts.”
Christina blinked. She wasn’t eating that.
“Well, you usually need curry to get the right kick.” The once-dead man shrugged, putting the half-eaten roti prata in his coat pockets, and got to his feet, rubbing his rump.
“I’m A-mail-Man, A-mail-Man. You are Christeena yes? Sargent Christeena Martinez of the Delian Guards?”
Christina did not answer, as she still tried to understand the situation.
“Oh yea. Forgot. Maybe this will clear things up.”
Slowly A-mail-Man began to show hand signals to Christina. Christina had no idea what it meant.
“Hmm, maybe that doesn’t work right not.” A-mail-Man scratched his cheek in thought.
“Anyway, been looking for you. Have a delivery. By the way, there are some mean people in this motel. They yelled at me when I knocked at their door looking for you.” A-mail-Man suppressed a sniffle.
“The hazards of the job.” he shrugged, whistling.
A-mail-Man began to search his many coat pockets and then showed Christina a little wobbling head geisha doll, a toy dinosaur, some grenades, a half-eaten roti prata, and finally…
‘Ahh here it is,” A-mail-Man delivered to Christina a good sized package.
“Was a bit troublesome to get this past spaceport security. There was a particular customs officer who was unusually nosy…”
Christina took it in hand and examined the package. It was unmarked.
“That’s a nice dagger.” A-mail-Man remarked leaning in to gawk at Christina’s wakazashi which was prominently displayed on a small ceremonial weapons stand.
“Don’t touch that.” Christina warned. “And put my hat down. And that’s my bra…” Christina pointed out, referring to her black bra that was sticking out of one A-mail-Man’s coat pockets.
A-mail-Man smiled sheepishly, leaving Christina’s hat and bra on the bed. The odd man began to look Christina up and down appreciatively. Christina had come out of the shower, her hair wet, with only a towel covering her. A-mail-Man gave a lecherous wink.
Christina shivered in eww-ness.
“Well maybe next time. When you’re in the mood.”
Not bloody likely.
“I need you to sign this,” A-mail-Man produced pen and delivery forms from his pockets.
Christina signed.
“And that’s that.” A-mail-Man kept the pen and forms. “You know, I am not really a mail man…” There was something in his voice that made Christina think the man wasn’t exactly a fool…
“I’m a merc!” A-merc-Man sang showing his unbrushed teeth. Christina took it back.
There was an odd pause. Their transaction being done, neither seem to want to make the first move.
“Well now.” A-merc-Man said to fill in the pause.
“Yup.” Christina agreed.
“I’ll appreciate it if you turn around first.”
Not bloody likely.
“Um, you left your shower on.” A-merc-Man noted.
Christina psshed and quickly went to turn off the shower. “I need to ask you some questions.”
When she came back to the room, A-merc-Man was gone.
The unmarked package was left on the bed.
[Solaris VII, Solaris City]
[April 4th 0331hrs]
[In a cheap motel room]
Christina took her time to check through the package. She unrolled a lovely long black traditional capellan cheongsam dress. Red mandarin collar with red threadings and long scandalous leg slits. The fabric was silk with patterns of cherry blossoms and dragons.
Christina looked at the dress admiringly as she read the card attached.
“Hey Sarge. Heard you’re off to Solaris on vacation. You?! Here’s a dress from the guys to mark the event. –The Guys”
Christina smiled. Those morons. What do I need a dress for? Christina traced the patterns of cherry blossoms and dragons on the black dress. Her fingers tingled at the touch of silk.
The last item in the delivered package was an old terra movie, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” in ancient dvd disc format. Christina squealed. The guys knew how to treat a girl. Christina went through her luggage and produce a relic dvd player with screen combo. Christina had to go all the way to far flung Ariel to find this lovely piece of junk. Christina slipped the dvd into player and began watching. She fast-forwarded the movie to the end credits where no one ever watches. As she suspected, a conversation about goslings began to play out in the audio.
Christina understood the code.
“Sargent Christina Martinez. This is Jubal. I understand you are on Solaris VII for R&R. No one deserves it more. However certain matters have risen and we need you to do a number of things for us. There is a place called Cherry Babies…”
Christina listened fully. She did wanted to work after all.
Guess its time to get ready.
Edited by Nor Azman, 09 April 2012 - 07:00 AM.
Posted 09 April 2012 - 09:15 AM
Sloth901, on 09 April 2012 - 03:39 AM, said:
April 7th 3031, 08:00
Solaris 7 proving grounds]]
Alex sat in his mech twiddling a business card in his hand. On the day he got a mech a man offered him to join a stable... He thought this was too good to be true; this was the first mech he’d purchased or piloted in the Inner Sphere so he couldn’t have seen him pilot before and the mech he bought was marked as scrap at the time. How could that man know know what he was planning to do with it. Honestly the whole thing worried him... But he wasn’t going to think about it now, his dream was one step closer, he had a working mech, in the proving grounds.
There was a burnt out car to his right, perfect. The twin small lasers began link firing at the target, at first both lasers missed spectacularly but eventually they converged on the target, after Alex was satisfied they were zeroed perfectly, he began strafing the car practicing his marksman ship, after 30 minutes the car had become molten slag and Alex continued on to find a new target.
Target sighted, someone had painted a bull’s eye on a cliff in the distance, range 800m, perfect. The PPC began to whine and whir as it charged for the first time in god knows how long. A blue streak shot out going well high of the cliff and the cockpit got hot, Alex laughed, the small lasers made it warm but this PPC was something else. Alex pressed a few buttons and the PPC lowered itself by about 1 degree, He fired again this time it hit the cliff but went off to the right of the target. The PPC adjusted and fired again and again until it was just right.
Alex smiled at his work, he’d hit the target consistently now. Time to turn up the power. Until now the PPC had been on reduced power, time to put it into battle ready mode. The PPC whirred and whined getting louder and louder until there was a blinding flash of blue, pain seared through Alex’s body, he was in agony, he fought the pain but he couldn't take it any more, then everything went dark and quiet.
[[dun dun dun daaaaaaaaaaa]]
John Reeves
Solaris City, Solaris 7
Proving Grounds
April 7th 3031, 0800
John had rented a VTOL from the spaceport just outside the proving ground, he had hope he could find some talent here in the proving ground but as of yet he had nothing to show for his search. John noticed a Hatchetman stumbling a round swinging its hatchet wildly although the mech was quite impressive the pilot was of poor quality and not worth the effort. John noticed a Panther off in the distance zeroing out his PPC with great effect, John pulled the VTOL closer to the mech close enough to get a good look but not so to catch the pilots attention. As John watched the pilot zero in on his target Johns sensors detected a strange build up the only thing that could cause this would be a overload. The Panther began to glow a brilliant blue John knew that if the pilot didn't eject he was surly going to die but instead the pilot stuck with it narrowly stopping the mech from blowing, as the energy dissipated the Panther fell face first on the ground.
John Couldn't let a pilot like that just die out here he could be useful, John swiftly moved the VTOL down next to the downed mech. Unbuckling his seat belt John leap out of the chair grabbing the first aid kit and ran to the hatch of the Panther. John could feel the build up of static in the air as well as a distinct smell of burnt electronics the mech looked in dire repair either this pilot was suicidal or desperate piloting it out here. As John approached the hatch he pulled a pair of gloves from the first aid kit to avoid any discharge from the mech as he pulled the hatch open he heard the sounds of a man groaning in pain.
“ Hey are you ok in there? You took a pretty nasty fall.”
The man didn't answer John so he slipped into the cockpit, smoke had filled the upper section of the cockpit smothering the pilot. John positioned himself under the pilot then pressed the release on the restraints the pilot fell limp onto John. The weight of the pilot was unexpected John struggled to stay upright sliding back out of the hatch into the open air.
“Hey wake up.” John removed the pilots neurohelmet and tapped him on the head.
“That was some impressive piloting the names John and I'm looking for a few good men, would you think you be interested. If you accept ill make sure you and your mech here are well taken care of... so what do you say?”
Edited by Durgan Carlyle, 09 April 2012 - 09:16 AM.
Posted 09 April 2012 - 11:18 AM
Black Hills Zone
Arena Bloodworks
Mech Hangar A7
April 7, 3031
Akron made sure that his mech was heavily coated in the new green paint. Oh the burden of a family name. Any indicator of Family crest or regimental insignia had to be carefully covered up. He had arranged to be in one of the freelance battles that serves as warm-up shows to the main team face-offs later in the day. Hollingway was carefully ensuring that the trio of Medium lasers were focused and the SRM-4 had the ammunition to sustain the battle. Fortunately, this was a Solaris Arena and not an open field. His Jenner would be out of ammo before any significant damage could be done. Reed came down from the legs and reported an all clear.
"The die has been cast, Akron whispered to himself", before climbing up the rope ladder into the cockpit. His index finger rubbed over an aluminum switch causing the kindling of the other various lights in his cockpit. Various start up sounds that were programmed to reflect the factories of Furillo flowed into the cockpit. A sextuplet of bright orange holograms materialized at his flanks with a warm seductive voice indicating that "All Systems were online".
"Damn, Hollingway, were did you get those new AI audio tracks," Aedris mumbled quietly impressed. The middle-aged Chief Technician wryly smiled.
"Bought 'em of this guy from the International Zone, said the he paid some lovely lady at the Cherry Babies Gentlemen's Club.
"Figures, those places aren't exactly filled with the sort of curtsies are found."
"Actually, lad said the lady was a patron of the bar, not an employee."
Akron grew more and more intrigued, but decided that the upcoming battle was far more important and cleared his mind. New information flushed in. 2 years of battlefield tactics and weapons systems and mech components that he had studied diligently at the NAIS College of Military Science flooded into his mind with disregard for any mental levees. The intercom buzzed on causing a dramatic halt in the sea of information.
"A7 to gate 1, I repeat, A7 to gate 1."
Aedris felt a calm go over him, it was time. He eased the joystick forward and Jenner trotted ceremoniously up the ramp into starting position. He would be in an intense 1 v 1 battle in a few moments. His only opponent will be in gate 4 , a mere 600 meters to his left. The booming voice that was so fond on the pub monitor echoed again.
"This is Mr. Fischer, and let's get ready for some Mech-Combat!
The door bolted apart under hydraulic power and the bright natural light glared through the seafoam tinted cockpit. Akron rushed the mech forward and the seductive AI voice came in for an encore.
"Enemy mech, 10 o'clock, 600 meters."
Akron smiled as the voice comforted him despite it being the bearer of bad news. He couldn't quite put a mark on the accent. His left back-slapped the port joystick and the Jenner made a sharp but curt left turn. The enemy mech appeared to be a Locust, which was expected just because of statistics. The medium laser made it's entrance and began shooting at Jenner's legs. Aedris was very green in mech fighting, but he was still a solid tactician. Remembering a technique that his grandfather had used, Akron engaged missile controls. He had no idea if this actually would work or if his aging grandpa had just made up a tale, but here went nothing. The SRMs flew, he knew full well that the Locust was out of reach, but they would buy him time. The missiles created the dust cloud that Akron expected, but he wasn't looking. The plan was running in his head the only way he knew how, as a school project involving digital icons. The Jenner used it's speed and jumpjets to cover the distance fantastically. In a J shaped maneuver, he had managed the land the Landshark, 50 meters in parallel to the Locust. Using another twitch of his left hand, he rotated the cockpit and opened fire with all 3 Medium Lasers. The Locust returned fire with it's Medium laser and got one noticeable spark on the jumpjet, but Akron had no other plans. From here it was simple fire and maneuver until one of them gave out. Akron still had his trump card though. Just as the energy weapons were about to overheat, he fired another salvo of SRMs. 2 made contact and violently knocked the Locust over. The panicked pilot ejected as multiple systems began to fail.
"That light is definitely down", boomed the voice from the commentator's box. Akron briefly gazed at the destruction, but as soon as the cheering began, the overwhelming attention caused his panic receptors to kick in and he ran the Jenner back to his gate.
"Our victor, contestant A7, callsign The Landshark!"
[[Apparently, "****" has to be censored.]]
Edited by Aedris Nova, 10 April 2012 - 03:17 PM.
Posted 09 April 2012 - 12:36 PM
April 7th 3031, 09:30
Solaris 7 proving grounds]]
Alex awoke being lifted out of his mech, he was dazed and could taste blood in his mouth, he tried to move but he couldn’t. His limbs felt limp and motionless and try as he might he couldn’t move them, he managed to turn his head to see his Panther, brilliant streaks of blue were shooting from metal work to metal work.
He felt Neurohelmet being lifted off; he could now hear the crackling of the electricity around him. A man was taking him on the head, saying something. Alex strained to hear the man. “That was some impressive piloting the names John and I'm looking for a few good men, would you think you be interested. If you accept ill make sure you and your mech here are well taken care of... so what do you say?”
Alex was stunned, He was only just conscious and this guy was asking me about a job. Even though i just near enough blew up my own mech, Alex reviewed the events of the last few minutes in his head, as he fired the PPC overloaded and the backlash of electricity took him down. But there was more to it, he should have ejected but he didn’t, he remembered powering down the mechs computers and disabling the auto eject Warnings were flashing everywhere but he didn’t eject. He saved the mech. Why did he do that? Sure this mech was his dream but was it worth his life. Feeling began to return to Alex’s body, he was in agony but he managed to raise his hand to the guy who had saved him,
“I’m Alex and you’ve got a deal”. This man had saved him and Alex didn’t like being in debt, besides he needed a job anyway, and with that thought Alex blacked out again, the pain proving to much even for him.
Posted 09 April 2012 - 01:56 PM
April 7th 3031, 1100
Solaris City, Solaris 7
Solaris Memorial Hospital
John was pacing Alexs hospital room stopping every few steps to look up at the television and watch the action in one of the arenas. The hospital room was a testament to medical advancement with multiply medical consoles lining the wall hocking themselves into Alex monitoring everything from his blood pressure all the way down to when he twitched, and a view out over the city only the rich and famous could afford. As John stopped to look at the action on the screen again a nurse enter the room looking at the monitors.
“Mam how is he?”
“His fine we’ve patched up his burns and medicating him now we just wait for him to wake up.”
The nurse finished her round and left the room as she did Alex began to regain consciousness, John came up beside Alex as he opened his eyes.
“Don't bother speaking your in no condition just lay there and listen. Your in the Solaris Memorial Hospital I'm making sure your getting the best medical care available here on Solaris all you need to do is rest and recover. My techs have already recovered your mech and have began repairs to it although it has to be one of the most beat up scrap heaps I've ever seen would have cheaper just to buy a new one.”
Alex gave John a look of disgust as he spoke of replacing his precious Panther.
“Don't worry your Panther is in good hands my techs assure me that will have almost everything but in new condition before you know it. Theirs one problem the PPC has apparently fused itself into the arm so we wound be able to remove it until we can find a replacement which might take sometime but they assure me the weapon will fire again.
John pulled a small envelop from his back pocket and placed it on the night stand next to Alex bed.
“Inside you will find a credit card and the address of my Mechbay in the international district. Once you have recovered meet me there feel free to take your time the credit card has a limit not even I could max out consider it a gift for signing on with me.”
John gave Alex another look over satisfied with the work of the medical staff had done John left intent on returning to his mechbay.
Posted 09 April 2012 - 08:04 PM
[Solaris City, Solaris 7]
[April 4, 3031 21:50]
Kaylee hit the ground hard, and Rick was quick to grab his wrench from his workbench and made a mad dash towards Jimmy. Jimmy had slugged her good, as she crawled around at the base of the Wolverine. Trying to push his way through the onlookers of techs. A bitter taste of disgust came into his mouth as he couldnt believe none of these guys would help, seperate the two. Coming up behind Jimmy, wrech raised ready to come down on the back of his head, suddenly a Neurohelm came out of knowhere and knocked Jimmy for a loop. Before he knew what was happening, an odd man jumped on Jimmy and started laying into him. Catching a glimps of the man currently beating the snot out of this bully of a tech, Rick could see a pistol and knew this could get ugly. Lowering the wrench slowly, he took a step back.
The man looked about, pistol drawn and looking about the crowd, and Rick decided it was best to slouch more and become unassuming. He was about to jump to the same violence this man had, but in the end, he'd litterally be bringing a wrench to a gun-fight. Not that he wanted the man to stop, as Rick would have a few words with the now beaten and broken Jimmy.
Though it looked like the man would have his own words with him, though it was too quiet for anyone else to hear, it must have been effective. Rick prayed that Jimmy just sat in a grease puddle.
He was moving to Kaylee when she leaped into the Mechwarrior's arms. Kaylee had always been a little clingy, and a hopeless romantic. Rick felt a twinge of jelousy that this pilot beat Rick to it by a spare second, but instead of dwelling on it, he decided to get his techs back to work, and deal with Jimmy's 'Release'.
[Slums of the International Zone/ Solaris Mechhanger]
[Solaris City, Solaris 7]
[April 4, 3031 22:04]
Jimmy was sitting in the corner of the bay, trying not to let people see how badly he got beat. Rick walked over, lugging a large wrench in hand. Jimmy was damn near psychotic, completely useless as a tech, but had been here longer than him.
"You almost cost me one of the best knuckle-draggers I got Jimmy, I'm not happy."
"#$%^ You Mop-Boy" Jimmy exclaimed. A sudden 'Bang' of metal on metal made him pay attention that Rick came armed, and was clearly in no mood to play as he lifted the wrech away from the I-Beam to his side.
"You dont get it Jimmy, you're done. Pack your things, and get as far away from here as you can. Hell, get of Solaris, go wreck someone elses mechs, because I cant use ya."
"And you're not the boss here Rick, you're just a mop-sweepin clean-up grease monkey wanting to play at Mechwarrior. Ole' Alphonzo -"
Rick took a breath in, Jimmy's comment stung. Trying to put on the most deadly-serious face he could, he took a step forward, making it very uncomfortable for Jimmy. "You're right, but I cant promise that you didnt die because of some internal bleeding from the beating that pilot gave ya, or some unfortunet 'ack-so-dent' doesnt befall you. And you know I can do it. You're gone, you disappear tonight, dont ever come back to this mech bay again, and I'll have no reason not to start seeing how much of you it takes to clog up a heat-sink. Ole Alfonz isnt going to save you, and no one in this bay will either. You know it, I know it. Now.... Get OUT of MY Bay"
He lifted his wrench to the exit... It would be the last the mechbay ever seen of Jimmy.
[Slums of the International Zone/ Solaris Mechhanger]
[Solaris City, Solaris 7]
[April 4, 3031 23:25]
Kaylee was getting ready to go home for the night, or go off to find her 'mechwarrior in shining fibrus'. Rick couldnt care which, so long as she was safe.
"You alright? Havent seen you around the bay since... well... since Jimmy went ape-****."
"And everyone just sat there and watched." Kaylee scowled. She had folded up her suit and hung it up in her locker. "You all just let it happen."
"You wouldnt believe be if I said I wasnt.... or I didnt... urg.... Kaylee, you're one of the best techs in this bay. I dont want there to be bad blood between us. You know Jimmy had half the guys scared for their own lives. But he isnt a problem anymore, you wont see him again."
"What do you mean?"
"I took care of him. Get some sleep, or a drink, maybe both, and if you're not ready to come in tomorrow, give me a call. I can pick up the slack, just ... Do me a favour."
"What's that?" Kaylee asked cautiously.
"If you find the pilot again, tell him I owe him a favour. He did right by me, looking after you, and if I can hit him back somehow, I'd gladly do so."
Kaylee nodded. A favour from Rick was a big thing, and not to be taken lightly. She closed her locker hard, clearly still angry. "Is that all?"
[Slums of the International Zone/ Solaris Mechhanger]
[Solaris City, Solaris 7]
[April 7, 3031 11:50]
Rick kept an eye on the Mech Pilot and Kaylee since they entered from the scafolding atop a Jaggermech. The man looked hung over, and rick decided to test the theory, kicking an armour-plate from the scafolding and letting it hit the floor with a loud 'Clang'. The Pilot's reaction was enough, and the stupidest grin crossed Rick's face. That a boy, celebrate well. You deserve it, you son of a -. Rick caught himself in mid thought. He was still jealous on how this Pilot somehow caught Kaylee's attention, but he wouldnt begrudge her the chance to be around her saviour. Though Rick couldnt help but think of what he would do to the man if he ever hurt her.
Rick sighed. Who was he kidding? He wasnt a tough-guy, wasnt much of a warrior, and this guy was clearly skilled in and out of the mech. What kind of mech does he pilot anyway?
Watching, he saw them interact with Slater, one of the few men in the bay who made Rick's 300lb frame look small by comparison. He watched them approach the Commando that Rick had been forced to jury rig the arm back together earlier. It was a wreck, not surviving the light-weight devision fight well. If there was one mech in the bay that made his Archer look show-case, it was this one.
A look of worry came across Kaylee's face as she talked to the Pilot. It was that horrified look she had the first time she found out she would be helping him on his Archer. Suddenly what Rick was seeing was starting to make sense.
Rick started down the scafolding. He didnt know how to even introduce himself, or if Kaylee would even speak to him, far less make introductions to smooth things over. It was a horrible nervous feeling he had, it reminded him of when he accepted his first piloting contract. Hopefully this goes alot smoother.
On the ground, he walked towards the Pilot. Out of the corner of his eye other techs were pointing and watching this man with Kaylee. A small grin came to Rick's face. Suddenly he bellowed.
"Hey Hero!"
Rick stopped, and clapped slowly to rythem. It took a small akward time, what felt like an eternaty. Then another pair of hands joined in. Then another nervous clap from a third, then a forth. It was slow to build, such was the meekness of the crew, but soon the applause echoed near deafening in the mechbay.
Posted 09 April 2012 - 11:29 PM
International Zone,
Solaris City, Solaris VII,
Lyran Commonwealth
5th April 3031
1151 Local Time
Kevin had returned to the Rainbow Stables' apartments and began to change into 'The Darkness.' He put on a thin white tank-top (wife beater), a pair of jeans, and a newly minted Rainbow Stables hat. He grabbed a small bag of powder and poured some out onto a small hand mirror. He admired himself in the mirror for a moment, his nose, wider and flatter than before from the breaks, his thick neck and muscled chest. He smiled, in spite of himself, quickly cut the powder into lines and snorted it up. "It feels good to be back." Kevin said aloud to himself, but he knew this could lead to similar problems as in the FRR. As he looked down one last time, he noticed the stubble growing on his face, thought once about shaving then decided to keep it. He grabbed his Mechwarrior (Aviator) sunglasses and his skull bandana, black with a rainbow colored skull on it and wrapped it around his face. He then filled two pint flasks with Donegal Whiskey and began to wander the streets.
Kevin ended up at a strip club, which was perfect for the state of mind he was in. As he walked up two bouncers, who both looked somewhat intimidating, even to Kevin's large frame were waiting to take all weapons and goodies one might have. Kevin handed over: two of the three pistols, the vibroknife and both flasks(one empty the other getting there), he kept the needeler and the garrote hidden, but only for a moment, and thought better of it as he knew he was getting to the point where he needed help to stand. "Forgot some," he said as the bouncers back off when they thought he was done. The boucers looked quizzicly and asked in a gravely tone, "Done yet?" Kevin just nodded and went though the doors.
As he entered the dimly lit bar and club Kevin noticed a small gathering of what seemed to be a few mechwarriors, new to Solaris judging how Kevin didn't recognize them from the holovids. He walked up to the bar and sat down heavily. The stool creaked under his weight, and the bartender approached, "What'll it be?" she asked politely. "Pint of bitter." Kevin said none to friendly. She looked longer than Kevin wanted, so he repeated louder, "Pint of bitter." A few patrons turned to Kevin as he repeated his order, but quickly turned away. She left quickly then and brought back a tall glass of Dixie ESB. "Thank you ma'am." Kevin said politely as he could. He drank the ESB in a few gulps, and went and got a private room. 30 minutes and nearly 200 Kroner (426 C-bills) later Kevin emerged with a smile on his face. Kevin approached the woman behind the bar and told her to call if any of the people in the pictures he had ever came by to call him. (THAT'S ALL YALLS!) He paid her 4 Kroner for the beer, and another 250 to make sure she contacted him.
It was nearly one, when he was supposed to train at some point today, to make sure he wasn't as rusty as he was when he had to fight on Skye. Kevin began the trek back to the Rainbow Stables, and cried quietly to himself.
Edited by Kevin Kirov, 09 April 2012 - 11:34 PM.
Posted 10 April 2012 - 12:42 AM
[Solaris City]
[April 5, 0320]
Mad Jack stumbled through the streets towards his apartment, more by dim recognition than conscious intent - truth be told (Not that he would, outside the privacy of his own head) he couldn't read the street signs at this point.
[[For a slightly less exaggerated, undrunken version of the song: ]]
"Weeeeeeeeeeellllllllllll a Scotsman clad in kilt left the ball one evenin' faaaaiiirrr," Mad Jack began slurring the ancient drinking song as loud as he could manage.
"An' it wiz clear fae how he walked that he'd drunk mair than 'is shaaarrree," He certainly had. By the time he'd disentangled himself from the bouncers and cooled them off, the tech had showed up and the girl, whoever she was was long gone (His name asked, but swiftly forgotten).
"He stumbled roun' until 'e could no longer keep 'is feeet," They'd gotten back in to the club somehow, possibly because the two bouncers believed his story and didn't want another fight. Jack had downed his two drinks and ordered two whiskies.
"Then fumbled off intooo the grass to sleep aside the streeeet," They had then, it seemed, to proceed to get 'rather inebrienateded' as Hans James Bracken-Steiner would have called it.
"Ring-ding-didildidilyde-oh ring-ding-didildidily-aye-oh then fumbled off intooo the grass to sleep beside the stret." Or maybe not. That didn't sound right. It would seem his cultured half was also f*ckin' foocked, as Mad Jack Churchill put it.
"Abowt that moment two young and lovely girls jist happened by," Jack seemed to remember talking 'mechs with the tech for some time. After all, what else did they have in common?
"An' wan sez to the ithir wi' a twinkle in 'er eye," A tall poofter with a bandana bearing a tye-dye skull on black had interrupted, the flamboyant skull distracting Jack long enough for the man to avoid an instant beating for interrupting him.
"See yon sleepin' Scotsman's o' strong an han'some build," Mad Jack was a man of few principles, Hans James was a man of many, and neither of them were tolerant of gaybashers or the like, nor wanted to be thought to be one.
"Iiiiii wonder if it's true what they don't wear beneath the kilt," The man had introduced himself as...K something. Kelvin Kirev? Cormac Kislov? Kenny. Just Kenny. No need to compliment things. Wrong word. Hans knows what Ol' Jack is thinkin'. Probly.
"Ring-ding-didildidilyde-oh ring-ding-didildidily-aye-oh, Iiiiiiiiii wonder if it's troo what they don't wear beneath the kilt," He'd said something about running a mech stable, sky-thing. Unicorns at the end with kettle of gold. Buggrit. Noble House of Sparklypoo or something. But simpler. Some silly poofter name.
"Theeeeyyyy crept up oan that slippin' Scotsman quiet as can be," Christy had prattled on about gathering up 'warriors from all over the 'Sphere, Hans James paying attention out of politeness as the fairy began buying drinks as he gathered some of the other mechwarriors at the bar. Mad Jack drank and grunted occasionally.
"An' lifted up his kilt abowt an inch soo theyyy could seeee," Man probly wasn't a fairy. Shurrup Hans, had a silly gay hat. Might've had wings an' would've looked less...pixyish. So eloquinent. Pah! Hans can't hold his liquor!
Jack stopped and shook his head before continuing. Arguing with himselves was never a good sign.
"An' therre behold fer them tae view beneath his Scottish skirt," Karl had extended an invitation to contact him through the bar for interviews. Jack...had announced he was fighting the next day and challenged the elf to take that as an interview.
"Waaaaaaassssssss nothing more than God had graced him with 'pon his birth," Christian had been very interested in that. You still can't remember his name, you keep changing it all the time. Shrup. He'd asked him if he had his own crew. Ohhh...
"Ring-ding-didildidilyde-oh ring-ding-didildidily-aye-oh, wass nothin' more than God had graced him wi' apon 'is birth," He'd bet the tech double the cost of ammo and repairs if he lost, the tech joining him as his chief tech if he won. Bollocks.
"They marvelled fer a momen' then wan said 'We must be gone!'" Might be an advantage though. Especially if he did well.
"'Let's leave a present for our friend before we move aloonnnggg,'" Corwin had laughed at that, as had the others. Jack remembered nearly fighting them and being 'asked' to leave by the bouncers.
"As a gift they left a blue silk ribbon tied intae a bow," That had resulted in a brief scuffle when one of them realized Jack was still armed. Waving the blade in front of them singing 'Nannynannybooboos' and blowing a raspberry was probably less than diplomatic.
"Aroond about the bonny spar his kilt wid lift an' showw," Funny though. Hadn't even seen the headbutt coming either. He'd gotten out fine. An' the poof had laughed, Jack thought.
"Ring-ding-didildidilyde-oh ring-ding-didildidily-aye-oh, aroound abowt the bonny spar his kilt wid lift an' showw," He'd need to check the reserves in the flat. There was at least a bottle of whiskey, but he wasn't sure about ketchup. Ketchup would be needed.
"An our Scotsman woke to nature's call an' stumbled towards thae trees," Bacon he had. Bread? Maybe. Lorne sausage he still had, but not much. Easily remedied in Silesia. Butter?
"An' behent a bush he lifts his kilt an' gawks at what he sees," Jack leaned against the left wall of the close as he climbed the stairs. Keys. Where are keys. Pocket you drunken oaf. Aye, which one? Left or udder left?
"In a startled voice he said to what's before his eyes," Right. Oh yeah, inna minute then. Jack leant the tech against the doorframe. Or meant to. It would be more fair to say he dropped him in the general direction of the door.
"WOW! Lad I don't know where you've been but I see ye've won first prize," Jack fumbled for the lock with the newly recovered key. The tech had not gotten out fine. In a rare fit of gallantry, the man now owing him something resembling money being irrelevant, Jack had gone back for him. Silly ****** had been nightsticked heading past the door by the bouncer in the weapon slot.
"Ring-ding-didildidilyde-oh ring-ding-didildidily-aye-oh, wow, lad I don't know where you've been but I see ye've won first, priiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeee," Jack shoved the door open and pulled the sputtering tech to his feet, checking the wall clock as he did so. Nearly 0400.
"Right, name? Ah've fergot."
"Dan, Dan Abnett, Mad-"
"Yer at mine. Bouncer got ye, but Ol' Jack got him and you. Lissen. That Corran Kelloggs guy could make us alotta money if'n ah win the day, aright?"
"You mean Kevin Kirov? The gu-"
"Aye, the poofter. Anywa-"
"I don't think he's ga-"
Jack slapped him. "Don't interrupt me when ah'm pissed. Ah'll ferget what ah wiz saying." Jack blinked for a second. "Yes! Could make us a lot of money Dan. But I need t'win today, k?"
"Well yeah, obviously, if he watches yo-"
"'Course he will. So I need you to remember some things aright?"
"Eh...yeah sure."
"Wan, Match is 1600 in the international zone, in an old blasted bunch of ruins."
"Two, wake me for ten hundred."
"Uh, kay."
"Three, bacon and lorne baguette. You'll need to buy a baguette. And ketchup."
Dan stared at him. "What?"
Jack slapped him again. "Breakfast! Ah'll be hungover as an old wumman's **** whin she leans oan a fence if it's not ready when ah'm awake. An ah'll stop hittin' ye when ye're mah chief tech. Got all tha'?"
Dan rubbed his face as Jack let go of him and the two men wobbled. "Yeah Jack, sure."
"Oh good." With that, Jack silently dropped sideways into the faded green carpet, asleep before he splintered the floor through it.
Dan looked around the dark living room. It was small, with two decrepit old armchairs, all the stuffing missing, the thin grey threads matching what was left of the curtains, the walls cracked and stained.
"What a sh*thole."
Posted 10 April 2012 - 07:36 AM

[[Solaris City, Kobe district
Joe’s house
April 5th, 3031 0650]]
Joe’s alarm went off as usual, and as usual Sharyn smacked him awake. Years of routine kicked in as she promptly rolled back to sleep and he stumbled out of bed to the bathroom to wake up.
A few minutes later Joe stepped into the living room all dressed and picked up his tablet to see what news had come in overnight. He nibbled on a bagel as he read, “Rainbow Stable? Yeah sure check it out…” he idly typed a reply to those contacts. He’d have to find that person to interview as well. An “brave new faces” or “the new face of combat” or something like that.
Then a direct message got his attention, “Dear Joe Monagan. At least they spelled my name right. I wish to have a meeting with you let’s say 0900 local time at your place of choosing. Trust me this meeting will be very lucrative for you? Who writes like this? Who wrote this?” Joe looked at the message header and was baffled for a moment before realizing that this must be the mysterious backer starting a team that he had heard about.
Joe checked his calendar and the time and sent out a fast reply:
“Thank you for your kind offer, I look forward to interviewing you. Please meet me at the Whispering Gardens café in the international zone at 0900. Don’t let the open inviting look of the place fool you, the staff have placed the best anti-eavesdropping equipment available throughout the garden and I have a special table just for interviews with those who don’t wish to be widely known yet. Discretion is their motto and they do it without the usual dark moody room that most places do. I look forward to meeting you.”
Joe sent that one off and headed for his vehicle, it was shaping up to be a big day!
[[Solaris City, International District
Whispering Gardens café
April 5th 0855]]
Joe pulled in front of the Whispering Gardens café and stepped out and nodded for the valet to park his vehicle. Joe took his ticket and walked up to the maître d and smiled, “Jacob you old dog, why are you working morning shift?”
The maître d rolled his eyes and said, “To avoid loud clouts like you! How you doing you old dog you!”
“Still alive, working as always.”
“Of course, you still married to that fox Sharyn?”
Joe smiled, “Of course, like I’d ever let her go.”
Jacob punched Joe playfully in the shoulder, “Way to go. Be sure to tell her Mary says hi.”
“I will, we still on for dinner next week?”
“You bet, your usual table?”
“Of course, I smell a scoop walking this way.”
Jacob smiled and the two chatted away like old friends as they went to the table. Joe sat down and ordered a coffee while he waited for his mysterious interviewee. He idly watched as two aerospace fighters flew overhead.
((I will continue my post after Durgan arrives. I've got that interview to do, a witnessing of the aerospace fighters and the hunt for the "Rainbow Stable" to do still.

Posted 10 April 2012 - 10:31 AM
[[John Reeves
April 5th 3031 0900
Solaris City, International District
Whispering Gardens café]]
John pulled up in his sleek new white sports car approaching the cafe John brought the car to a halt and putting it in park. A valet approached the John car opening the door and politely greeting him, John proceed to dismount the vehicle and handed the keys to the man as well as a small bundle of C Bills.
“take good care of it for me, thank you.”
John noticed someone approaching him an older gentle man the kind of man that doesn't weather well over the years, John was hoping this was not to be the man he was here to contact.
“Hello sir may I help you” the man said with a soft voice.
John thought to himself thank goodness his only the help “Yes my dear man I'm looking for a gentleman by the name of Joe Monagan would you happen to know were he is?”
The man pointed at a table in the corner a table had been set for two and one seat was been occupied. John neared the table and just like the other man this one looked to be just as older if not in worse condition, but John was willing to give the man a chance to prove himself.
“Hello you must be Joe Monagan its good to meet you.” John reached out his hand and gave Joe a firm handshake.
“may I?' gesturing at the chair, Joe nodded as to give John permission to take the sit.
“So I'm not sure if your exactly what I'm looking for but I was told you may be able to help me in some way, so lets get down to it. I'm here on Solaris to recruit a team so how do you think you can help me?”
Posted 10 April 2012 - 08:05 PM
[4th April 3031, 22:13]
['Cherry Babies' Strip Club]
As the crazy guy walked away, I finished swinging the bouncer by his feet and released him gently into the wall across the alley. 'You stupid guys are dumb people.' I was starting to think the last few drinks I had were actual gasoline. I decided to go home so I wandered up the nearest gaggle of humanity and inquired in the civilized tones of Tharkad where my hotel was. 'Tower. Sleep. Gasoline.' It was about that time the urge to vomit overtook me and I can still remember the look on the little guy's face as my puke began eating his shoes. But, I was pointed in the right direction and began stumbling off.
[Tower Hotel]
[Solaris City]
[April 5, 1020]
I awoke to the familiar feel of a sharp, pokey object poking me sharply. 'What are you poking me with?' She replied, 'This? This is a katana?' 'Looks like a sword to me. Quit poking me, that sword is sharp.' As I looked at the dame a little closer, she started looking familiar. 'I know you. You gave me space herpies.' As she rolled her eyes and removed the pokey implement from me, I soon realized I had not made it back to my room after all. Close, the hallway outside of my room. I began rolling through the door because everyone knows rolling is more effecient. 'You might want this, I heard your mech storage is overdue.' She tossed a huge bundle of bills on me. 'You are lucky I found you first.'
At about that time the most obnoxious sound I had ever heard started up. All I heard was a bunch of 'ring a linging' mixed with some ungodly melody of a sheep choking on its vomit. 'You shut that hole or I kill you!' I suggested. A few seconds later another body was in my room and I could tell there was not much happiness around him. As I looked at the newest guest with one eye, the broad started talking, 'Good Lord, don't you buffoons remember last night?' That was a stupid question, of course I didn't. Then the ape screamed 'Boyo' and clapped me on the shoulders. I gave a cheesy grin and decided to go along with whatever the hell this was.
Posted 11 April 2012 - 07:50 AM
Solaris City, International District
Whispering Gardens café]]
Joe took a sip of his espresso as he idly watched the aerospace fighters go through some basic shakedown maneuvers when approaching footsteps drew his attention back down to earth. A tall, stocky man with brown hair and blue eyes approached his table. Joe put on his best TV face and stood as the man approached.
“Hello you must be Joe Monagan it’s good to meet you.” John reached out his hand and gave Joe a firm handshake. The stranger’s hands were soft and his diction clear and distinct, ‘noble’ Joe thought.
“May I?” the noble asked and Joe smiled and motioned to the seat and sat down a few beats after his guest. Nobles always required special care when handling and Joe was going to do his best to not let this scoop slip though his hands.
“So I'm not sure if your exactly what I'm looking for but I was told you may be able to help me in some way, so let’s get down to it. I'm here on Solaris to recruit a team so how do you think you can help me?”
Joe gave his TV smile and replied, “That’s correct mister…” Joe let the sentence dangle to allow the noble answer in his own way.
“Mr Reeves, as a new arrival to our fair city it is to be expected as my own small fame would be unknown to you. You’re expert evaluation of my current physical condition is correct, I’m probably not what you’d be looking for in a Mechwarrior anymore, but I do believe I can be of assistance. I am a local broadcaster for Solaris Broadcasting Network and my specialty is in the games. Since I’m always looking for news stories concerning the fights your call for pilots should be headline news and I’m here to make that happen.”
Joe leaned back and smiled, “If you’d like I could do an informal interview now and just do a write-up and a simple broadcast blurb.” Joe waved his hands like those are beneath him and then leaned in with a conspiratorial grin, “Or if you’d really like to make news we could do an on camera interview. Get you some real face time with the pilots here on Solaris and give your new stable a big flashy entrance into the games. With your noble visage putting out a call to all capable mechwarriors I’m sure you’ll have a line around whatever office you have set up. What do ya say?”
Joe leaned back after making his pitch and glance up at the aerospace fighters as the tenor and speed of their maneuvers began to change.
Posted 11 April 2012 - 08:10 AM
Solaris City, Solaris VII,
Lyran Commonwealth
7th April 3031
0821 Local
Karel raised his painter's mask and wiped his brow. He'd been working with the airbrush through the night and now stood staring up at his handiwork. The Vindicator was matt black, the notation for the playing card "Jack of Spades" stenciled in white on the central plate of the mech's chest. The "wings" of the mech's shoulders carried the stable's symbol, seven bands of vibrant colour that glowed in contrast to the Vindicator's otherwise drab appearance.
Spaten had signed Marsden's contract with alarm bells ringing in his head, a survivor's sense of things being too simple. But no other offers had presented themselves and, as he'd promised, Brian MacIvor had given him no more than 9,000 Kroner for his salvage. A job was a job. But looking up at his mech painted in the stable's fighting colours, he felt a sense of pride. It was good to belong to something again.
Marsden had arranged a fight for him on the 10th.
Posted 11 April 2012 - 11:00 AM
8th April 3031, 1600
Outside of Cherry's Ladies
Dylan cursed as he left, something wasn't right with the damn water, and he knew it. He'd been jacked, and was now stumbling through the streets. He checked his holster, and no one had taken his pistol. He remembered to grab it when he left. He shook his head as he headed back for the hangar. Dylan looked up and remembered that how to get to the hangar.
Solaris VII, Solaris City
9th of April 3031, 0900
Battlemech proving grounds
Dylan took a hard right and came up on the right of Draco. Draco reacted instantly, twisting his torso and fired his lasers, two missing wide, but the third hitting Dylan's left torso. They were set to a practice mode so they wouldn't do any damage, but his computer reported several hits. Dylan immediately turned right and began to zig zag towards Draco, and then Draco moved to Dylan's left. Dylan shifted his mech's course to intercept, and then Draco took a hard left, cutting across Dylan's field of view. Dylan fought the controls back right, and he felt his slow, plant and then change direction to chase Draco. Draco was weaving in and around the junk, and Dylan checked his speed. It was at about 3/4 to full, and Dylan then brought it to full. He noticed Draco had done the same, and both were moving at 120 kph. Dylan smiled, he finally was getting the hang of it. The chase continued, until Dylan finally called it to an end.
"Alright, let's get these beasts back into the hangar,"
"Awww... I was just getting started,"
Dylan laughed, this kid was reminding him of himself. They moved the Fleas through the tunnel, and finally brought the mechs into the hangar.Dylan moved his mech into the bay, and then shutdown the mech. It crouched visibly, and Dylan took off his helmet. He set it on the front of the cockpit, and climbed out of it. A tech was standing there waiting.
"Sir, a message from Captain Gonzales,"
"Go ahead,"
"He says to meet him at landing pad number 4, in this area ASAP sir, a delivery, and they're here to take Draco back to his sibko sir,"
Dylan looked over at Draco, who was walking over. He had his helmet in his hand, a tech ran over and relieved him of it quickly, when he approached.
"The ship is here isn't it?"
"I'll get my things together then,"
Dylan nodded approval. Draco understood that there was no changing this, and that he just as well not stir anything up over the inevitable. Dylan watched him leave, and looked back at the tech.
"So, have you found Phiro and David?"
"Yes sir, they are waiting outside,"
"Good, you are dismissed,"
The tech nodded, and left. Dylan went to the lift, and lowered himself to the floor. Dylan walked forward to the hangar doors that led outside. Dylan had found them quite easily. David was standing with one of his hands on Phiro's shoulders. Phiro, looked a bit saddened by the news, but otherwise, was not overly affected. As Dylan approached he heard Draco behind him with his gear. Dylan turned to see the small duffel, was packed as always, efficiently, and neatly. Draco tossed it in the back, and looked over at Dylan.
"Well, let's go,"
Dylan nodded in approval, Draco was taking this extremely well. David got into the driver's seat, and they got in as well, with the two sibkin in the back, and Dylan riding up front and passenger. They drive was long and uneventful, and they arrived to find the dropship waiting. They disembarked, and Dylan spoke quietly to David.
"Escort them the rest of the way okay?"
"Where will you be?"
"On the pad, behind you, just make sure nothing happens,"
"Aff, you can count on it,"
Dylan nodded, and then followed them to the pad. The pad was busy with activity as techs, and workers scrambled around doing various jobs. Dylan spotted Gonzales, and then made his way to him. Gonzales nodded to Dylan.
"Anyone follow?"
"Neg, I made sure that we weren't,"
"Well, this has just come in from the Kommando, and Wolfnet, they want info on the various states of the houses. We need information, and also, no contacts through the HPG, we cannot have this be compromised by anyone, quiaff?"
"Aff, why does command not trust Comstar sir?"
"Officials can be bought, this is the harsh reality of today, here this is a local Stable we found that we thought would be the most useful to your mission. Lay low, your Warhammer is here, but only use it in dire circumstances, use the Fleas instead," Gonzales passed Dylan a flier, Rainbow Stables.
"Aff sir, will do, anything else?"
"Neg, now get to it,"
Dylan nodded and left, he headed back to the car. David was waiting.
"So, what's the mission?"
Dylan passed over the flier, David stifled a laugh.
"Rainbow eh? Well, I will get contact with the head man at the stables, and set up a meeting,"
Posted 12 April 2012 - 03:33 AM
April 7th, 3031, 11:21
Isleifr sat on his stool, watching the TV broadcast of a Solaris Arena Mech Gladiator Battle, it took all of his willpower not to stare slack-jawed and drool from boredom, the two medium mechs were playing a game of cat and mouse, the Centurion was hunting the Enforcer who'd left arm had been crippled.
What in the frak do people find so exciting about this crap? Isleifr thought to himself, it was so... bland. He thought back to all the times he'd actually been in the cockpit fighting to stay alive. This by comparison was just the chance to smash potentially irreplaceable machines into unrecognizable pieces for the amusement of others.
Isleifr grunted as he stood, fishing his wallet out to slap some c-bills on the bar to bay for his drinks and tip the bartender, who nodded in thanks. Isleifr walked out of the bar, pulling his black leather jacket closed, making the multitude of GDL patches much more visible, making most people give him a wide berth, some people still remembered the allegations made against the GDL about the slaughter of Sirius V, even if they had been cleared officially.
Isleifr thought, his feet on auto-pilot, taking him back to the mechbay. He thought long and hard about what he was going to do since he wasn't all that eager to risk his Cicada, let alone his Marauder in the Arenas of Solaris. But his other ideas of what to do now that he had negotiated his lapse of employment in the GDL for a full two years were expensive, very expensive.
He pushed the door open, entering the warm garage, the sound of powered tools and the smell of fuel a welcoming memory of times long past. Isleifr came to a decision, it was time to check the entirety of his assets, Isleifr had made a killing with investments in several arms industries after the Helm Data Core had been recovered, his fore-knowledge of the boom had made him a tidy sum. Time to cash in the chips.
Apartment Block 97, Room 34, Silesia, Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 8th, 3031, 14:27
Isleifr cruised through the statements on his computer, according to the three bank accounts in his name, in addition to the one under a false name, he had a small fortune available, plus favors if he decided to cash them in as well. Isleifr had also come to the conclusion that he would have to risk his Cicada in the Arenas, it was easy money, he'd in fact signed himself up for a match tomorrow afternoon, if he won, he'd walk away with half a million c-bills; if he lost he'd be without a mech and 3.7 million c-bills poorer from the loss of the machine.
Isleifr sat, contemplating, he wasn't sure that with the resources he had available to him he could collate enough materiel, gear, personnel to acheive his goal of creating his own mercenary corp. It would definantly take time and money, one of those things he had plenty of, the other he didn't have enough of.
The Factory Arena, Montenegro, Solaris City, Solaris VII
April 9th, 3031, 13:41
Isleifr ran his last diagnostic on Gungnir, it was almost go time for the arena battle, he and four other contestants were in their gates, waiting for the match to begin. Isleifr had gotten the most basic information on his opponents from the briefing, he was facing a Vindicator, Centurion, Clint and an Enforcer, for the most part Isleifr's Cicada was outgunned; especially by the Vindicator and it's PPC.
A horn blew and the gate slammed open, Isleifr gunned the throttle, launching the Cicada forward, he knew his major advantage was the fact that his top spead was nearly double that of all other mechs present. The targeting system locked onto the nearest opponent, which was the Centurion, the pilot was tagged as a Fred Maxson.
Isleifr opened fire as he weaved through the shredded factory, his larger laser carving a new scar across the enemy mech's torso. The Centurion returned fire, it's autocannon chattering angrily, blasting new craters in Isleifr's armor and the surrounding terrain.
Isleifr popped out from behind a rusted out boiler of some sort and fired all of his lasers on the right arm of the Centurion, the heat caused some of the munitons to cook off, blasting the armament apart in a spectacular display of 'fireworks'.
The Centurion spun and unleashed a salvo of missiles, which collided with the left portion of Isleifr's Cicada, alarms blinked furiously, reporting that one heat sink had been destroyed while another had it's effectiveness reduced by half. Ignoring the alarms, Isleifr pressed the attack, firing again at the damaged mech, carving away more armor as he dashed behind Maxson's mech, the Centurion started it's turn as Isleifr danced in again, firing his lasers at the LRMs stored in the chest.
There was a dull whompf as some of the LRMs detonated, and Fred Maxson ejected fifteen seconds before the Centurion fell face first into the ground and exploded in a raging fireball.
Isleifr took note of the damage to his mech as he sprinted away, his left med laser had taken some hits, in addition to the heat sink damage, all in all, he was in good shape. The targeting system picked up the next nearest foe, this time it was the Enforcer, who the Vindicator was mercilessly blasting apart, Isleifr bounded over a ruined wall and fired into the Enforcer's back, causing the already heavily damaged mech to slump as it's reactor shut down, within a moment the pilot had ejected.
The Vindicator turned and fired it's PPC, coring out the left mount and destroying the already damaged laser in the Cicada, Isleifr ran in past the other machine and blasted it's knee joint in the hopes of turning it to slag, the already damaged knee strained as the Vindicator turned ponderously, firing it's LRMs, causing additional heat sink damage to Isleifr's Cicada.
Isleifr turned, noting the already destroyed Clint, and pumped shots into the weaker rear armor of the Vindicator, the other pilot angrily fired back with all weapons in what Isleifr took as a sign of desperation, Gungnir limped to keep behind the Vindicator which had managed to score several hit's on it's right leg. Isleifr blasted his remaining lasers into the torso, cutting deep into the innards of the other mech, which took a menacing step forward, raising it's PPC, Isleifr undid the heat safeties and fired again at the charging weapon.
The Vindicator's right arm vanished in a roiling inferno, blasting the mech clear off it's legs, it's pilot ejecting off at a diagonal angle. Heat alarms howled inside the cockpit, Isleifr could smell burnt hair, most probably his own, as well as vaporized coolant from the overheating engine, he shut down the weapons, as he limped his damaged Cicada out of the arena.
"In Today's Medium Brawl a pilot new to the Solaris jock circle took the prize, he goes by the tag of Forseti, an ex GDL mercenary who put on one hell of a firework's display for us today. Lets give a hand for Forseti and his win today, lets hope his gives us another show soon ladies and gentlemen."
Edited by Janitor101, 12 April 2012 - 05:06 PM.
Posted 12 April 2012 - 03:52 PM
International Zone,
Solaris City, Solaris VII,
Lyran Commonwealth
6th April 3031
0900Local Time
Karel Spaten had begun to move in an hour after Kevin had gotten up at 7. He introduced them to the goons and to Erin. He handed over 15,000 Kroner, nearly 33,0000 C-bills as a signing bonus to the League man. He showed Karel the hangar and attached training area. He then showed him to the apartments he would occupy. Kevin then took his leave and headed to the training yard.
As Kevin climbed up to the cockpit of his Cronus he saw the the Vindicator of Karel being transported into the Mech bay. The mech was smaller and slimmer than Kevin's Cronus, but it still looked a powerful beast. Kevin had stripped down and changed into his Darkness get up after he showed Karel around. I am too hungover to be doing this, thought Kevin to himself. The last few nights had been constant drinking. This is going to be the death of me. After running a few maneuvers and drills Kevin was pouring with sweat, He was already exhausted and it was only a 10 minutes into his run. Unless I am very lucky, any match I have on the 10th will be just as long or longer.
After a while Kevin exited his mech and went to Cherry Babies to get good and drunk, as well as to check with the bartender.
Rainbow Stables Apartments
International Zone,
Solaris City, Solaris VII,
Lyran Commonwealth
7th April 3031
1123 Local Time
Kevin phoned the man known as Mad Jack, whom he had meet drunk off his *** at a bar a few nights earlier. The conversation seemed to go well, from what Kevin could tell.
A few moments after he got off the phone with Mad Jack, a strange man who called himself Dylan called and asked to join up with the Stables. Kevin gave him the address to the buildings the Rainbow Stables owned.
Posted 12 April 2012 - 05:58 PM
Private hangar
Black Hills
Solaris City, Solaris VII,
Lyran Commonwealth
7th April 3031
1130 Local Time
"It's set up Dylan,"
Dylan nodded, David had said that he, was him and set up the meeting. David handed him a small note card with the address. International zone. Dylan had been there, and liked to stay closer to the hangar, but, a mission was a mission. Dylan looked at the car, and walked toward it. On the way he checked his holster, right where it should have been. Draco opened the car door, and got in. He started the engine, and started to drive down the street, noticing some of the people as he passed. The city while beautiful, was rotten to the core. Dylan watched as he drove past some of the slums, and the sight made him sick. On the homeworlds, or any where back in Clan Wolf, these people would be at work, upstanding citizens, with jobs, a life, and a home.
But instead they chose to live here and rot.
Dylan looked up at the sign nearby, he was finally in the international zone. He passed by a small checkpoint, and the guards just cleared him through. Nothing suspicious about anything going out, what was going in was what they'd be monitoring. Dylan checked the map and drove accordingly. It took him about five minutes, and the he arrived at the address. It was a hangar, and next to it, an apartment building. As he glanced inside he saw some of the mechs, a Panther was one, and it looked like some poor fool had overloaded PPC, and practically welded the weapon to the arm. Dylan shook his head, how could someone be that careless? He spotted someone, probably a guard running towards him, and he stopped his vehicle. Rolling down the window, he definitely saw that this man was a guard, and he was armed. An assault rifle was on a shoulder strap, and a slug thrower as a sidearm.
Bit high security for just a just a mechbay, and no gate guards?
He figured he just got there when they had changed the shifts.
"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave,"
"Oh yeah, you and what army?" Dylan asked jokingly.
"Sir, I don't want to make you, but if you-"
"Oh pipe down, I am here to see your commanding officer, Kevin I think his name is?"
"Wait one,"
The guard backed away out of earshot, and then began talking into his radio, probably trying to get a confirmation on it.
Posted 14 April 2012 - 04:43 AM
Solaris City, Solaris VII,
Lyran Commonwealth
10th April 3031
1951 Local
His eyes were closed; his breathing, measured. The arena was the one he feared the most, the winding tunnels of the "Iron Mountain" exactly the wrong environment for his Vindicator's long range firepower. Spaten took a grim comfort from the knowledge that his opponent was similarly disadvantaged. He'd met Alex Zhu that afternoon, after the pre-fight press circus that Erin and Kevin had wanted to "sell" Rainbow Stables to the public. Fighting in Ishiyama was part of their marketing strategy: Marik versus Liao, in the Kurita arena - guaranteed viewers in three-fifths of the Inner Sphere.
And there we had the real reason for Spaten's nerves - the fight would be going out in prime time, with every arena pundit on Solaris watching.
Karel opened his eyes to the warm glow of his cockpit instruments. Just a few minutes until showtime. All systems nominal. He rested one hand on the school rag Tori had made a great show of loaning him for good luck. With the other, he eased forward the throttle and maneuvered his mech towards the starting doors.
In the dark of the Vindicator's cockpit, he waited for the clock to run down.
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