On February 5th, players will have the ability to permanently unlock patterns for MC, and permanently unlock colours for C-Bills or MC! This planned update offers more value and additional options for players, especially those collectors out there. We will be processing a refund of all MC purchased on Colours and Patterns since Camo Spec came online in November! Enjoy! All player BattleMechs will also be reset to the default pattern and basic green colour.
We have also listened to the community and increased the offering of colours: There are over 130 new colours to choose from!
Patterns are now available to unlock per BattleMech type. A type is defined as: Commando; Spider; Jenner; Raven; Cicada; Hunchback; Centurion; Dragon; Catapult; Cataphract; Awesome; Stalker; Atlas. Each type of pattern has a one-time unlock cost per Mech type.
Players also have the option of applying a single use pattern. Single use applications are permanent until a change is made by the player.
Patterns now have three pricing tiers:
- Free
- Standard - 75 MC for single use and 750 MC for unlock.
- Premium - 125 MC for single use and 1,250 MC for unlock.
To reflect the permanent nature of colours, costs have been adjusted accordingly.
Colours now have four pricing tiers:
- Free
- Basic - 1,250,000 CB
- Standard - 500 MC
- Premium - 1,000 MC