We MUST have the Duckatron 2C and the Mouse-a-pult in time for launch!
As a resident of a Florida I must say that seeing Duck and Mouse square off in an epic battle of lasers, ballistics and missiles that Neither will likely survive is the be all and end all of the heartfelt wishes of many of my freinds and neighbors...we need to make this happen!
In any case the superlative Art-Mecho/Armored Beast concept art dispalyed on the blog absolutely screams for inclusion and I think Flying Debris can even top these concepts with some tweaking. (Phased array E.A.R. radar system for the Mouse-a-Pult and Merc VIP style C-Bill nose radome for the Duckatron 2C).
Please tell me these two incredible Monsters of Metal Mayhem will be included as premium purchaseable content in the game store...Pawease!!
Edited by Rhinehart, 04 April 2012 - 07:37 PM.