Kurayami, on 22 November 2012 - 01:32 AM, said:
they promised. im waiting.
also whyle i personally ok with mc gambling im pretty sure that real world laws are against such things.
Where and when was such a promise made? Link please...
What was actually said (and published in issue #233 of PC Gamer, on page 39):
Incredibly, Piranha is also exploring integrating melee combat into MWO. It may, however, appear in an isolated context: a standalone planet called Solaris, famous in BattleTech canon as a venue for gladiatorial mech combat.
"We're super keen on Solaris as a future expansion to the game, where we introduce a whole set of new maps, new content, and different styles of battlemechs, but also new control features and ways the player interacts with the enemy. That's where we would look to introduce advanced melee, beyond just running into each other and maybe the occasional swat," Ekman says.
They're "keen on Solaris as a future expansion to the game", phrasing which indicates that they would, at the very least, look into what it would take to implement it as an option.
In other words, the Devs
appear to be considering a game mode that may better promote the likelihood of 1-on-1, duel-type matches.
Declaring that "the Devs have promised to do X" without any substantiating citations is at best disingenuous (as it undermines one's own credibility, as well as theirs), and at worst leads to much deeper and more-widespread ill-will when people start complaining about "the breaking of promises"... when it turns out that said "promises" might have never actually been made to begin with.