Molecule, on 02 November 2012 - 02:27 AM, said:
After having read all the different comments here I have to say the following:
Dual-core rigs that play other state of the art games with a decent framerate (30-40) should not be unsuitable for MWO even if the engine is different. To reply with "but it's another engine so you cannot compare it!" to someone who plays BF3 on a high or even ultra-high setting on a dual-core system without a problem but crawls at a 15-25 FPS at MWO is neither realistic nor can it be considered a very "smart" or "educated" reply.
Fact is that MWO is still too CPU hungry and needs LOTS of optimisation because fact is that it should run smoothly on dual core rigs which are accompanied by a decent graphics card.
I have to agree with the OP that this is F2P and therefore aimed at a much bigger audience. Fact is that roughly 50% of the gaming population is still running on dual core systems (check the
Steam stats if you don't believe me).
Don't get me wrong: I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS GAME and I am lucky that I have a quad-core system with a relatively decent graphics card. What I can see though is that others who are only running a dual-core with a MUCH BETTER graphics card are unable to play this game at a decent frame rate YET are able to play almost every other game on the market on high settings with a very good performance when it comes to FPS.
It is good to defend something because you like it but there are just too many folks who can testify to the above mentioned facts. Something IS still wrong with the tweaking of the engine and it has to be addressed if this game is to become a big hit in the F2P-landscape.
You refute your first statement with your second. So by your logic, since I get great frame rate in D3 I should also get great frame rate in MWO? Look at any review of a graphics card that is tested on several different games, you will see a whole lot of different numbers. Now if it was stated that he could play crysis 2 with no problem, but couldn't MWO, then I would have not had anything to argue about.
World of Tanks - released (NA) April 12, 2011
BattleField 3 - released (NA) October 25, 2011
MechWarrior Online - NOT EVEN RELEASED
Not only are those other games out of beta, they have had over a year to fix any other problems. MWO hasn't even been in beta for a year yet much less released.
Also you need to actually check what the stats are counting. Going by the criteria that steam uses (PHYSICAL CPUS (PC)), my I3 is a 2 core cpu, but it behaves and processes threads like a 4 core cpu due to hyperthreading. Also those selfsame stats show that (4 CPU adoption trend: +2.6% (18 mos)). Yes, this game is currently not optimized, would you rather them spend time optimizing or fixing bugs?
(Added in edit)
Here is a review of Crysis 2 performance that should be looked over.
Even with a smoking hot Video card, a core 2 duo only got 23FPS in DX9
while this is at Extream quality, lowering the quality of the game setting and the performance ability of the Video card at the same time should result in comparable performance to what is shown.
Edit for spelling added content
Edited by StainlessSR, 02 November 2012 - 06:00 PM.