Alright, this has been bothering me to no end for some time now, and the torment will not stop until my query is resolved. Given the nature of what I seek, I found it appropriate to give a shout out to the BT community.There was a music video that came out somewhere around 2000-2001 that featured two giant Gundam-style 'mechs destroying a city, one looking strikingly like a
Warhammer with jump jets, and the other a
Panther. I would really like to say the song was by Creed or someone similar to them, but have found nothing. I just remember a heavy base with a deep voiced vocalist, but that is about it. It was on MTV for a number of years (yeah, they did play music at one point). To this day the video taunts me by denying me its name, or even a means by which I have a chance of finding it again!
No good reason why this is killing me, but it is, and
I must have answers. Any help would be appreciated!
Edited by Lord Trogus, 07 March 2012 - 10:13 PM.