Pilot 'elsie' (me) was leader of a group of 4. When launching, 3 of us got into match while one resulted in "Failed to find match". That member was the last one invited to the group. As a test, because I had already played several matches, I restarted my client and had one of the previous members (now the leader) invited me and launched. As the last one invited, they got into the match and I got "Failed to find match".
This was consistent twice in a row.
We dropped one member and reinvited and I noted that there were now two leaders, myself and the leader who invited me. I was leader originally, then dropped and rejoined. I should not have been leader after another member (not the leader) dropped and rejoined. I was able to launch the group but the previous leader ended up in River City and the remaining 3 were in Caustic. The match in Caustic ended up 7 (us) vs 8 while the match in River City was 5 (Xmar's & 3 man ghost group) vs 8.
We tried disbanding the entire group and then re-invited each of the 4. After that we all ended up in the same match.