Why are you going to declare allegiance to House Marik?
For me, it's a bit of two things: For one, I don't like space-feudalism, so just about all the other houses are right out. I know that's probably a gross over-simplification of the Battletech lore but that's the impression I get from all the other houses. The second reason, I have to admit, sounds really hipster: The most popular houses (which seem to be Davion, Steiner, and maybe Kurita - or at least they were the most popular all those years ago when I played the tabletop game) are too "mainstream". My excuse for being repelled by that is because in ANY game with factions, not just MWO, the more popular factions always seem to attract the most small kids and flat out horrible players.
So for me, that left 3 other houses to choose from: Liao, Rasalhague, and Marik. Well, I already mentioned I don't like space feudalism, and while Liao is actually an autocracy, I still don't like it. Plus I just flat out don't want to be the mustache-twirling bad guys which is the impression I always got from House Liao (again, perhaps a gross oversimplification). Which left Rasalhague and Marik. No offense to anybody who are dedicated to Rasalhague, but the way they seemingly popped up out of nowhere in the Battletech lore just seemed to me like a single Battletech writer came up with his own glorious pet faction that he wanted to ram right into the Battletech lore one day, and found a way to arbitrarily just shoe-horn it all in suddenly (it's for a similar reason that I don't like the clans at all).
So that left Marik who, I'll admit, seemed to be one of the factions that have had the least attention paid to it as far as lore goes. And that's fine with me because, given the nature of how community warfare is supposed to be when MWO officially launches, it means we have a whole lot of wiggle room to blaze our own trails and put our own stamp on battletech history (provided the devs stick to the hype and let us take over - or lose - certain planets) - my hope is that with player influences on the game, the developers will also reflect this in newly written lore even though we are effectively just re-living history. Marik has always been portrayed as a "great house" that pretty much just sat still effectively doing nothing while the rest of the galaxy was on fire and just sold weapons and mechs to everybody else. Perhaps with community warfare, Marik can be portrayed as a much bigger "mover and shaker" in the battletech universe as players blast each other to pieces for their respective houses.
I'm fine with Marik eventually being a "doomed" faction down the line - Marik, to my knowledge, never got completely stamped out. Just like Rasalhague. That just makes them the underdog, which is fine with me.
Well, those are my reasons. No doubt somebody who is much more well versed in Battletech lore will be by shortly to detail out how my perceptions about everything I've mentioned are wrong. But how about you? Why are you going to align yourself with the purple eagle?
Edited by Signal27, 03 November 2012 - 03:53 PM.