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#1 eZZip


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 07:34 PM

As far as I know, there hasn't been much talk about the way the game will sound, and sound is definitely a huge component to atmosphere. I've noticed that in videos of the gameplay that, while you can't hear much, when the mech you are viewing is shot, there's a bit of a clanking sound (check the video at the bottom of this post; 57 seconds in is a good example) from what looks like a shot from an AC/20. I expect it to sound more devastating than that, so I'm curious as to how the game will sound once it is open to the public and what other people expect.

If there are more examples of the in-game sound, I would be happy to know.

#2 Motionless


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 07:45 PM

I can hear sound thru the entire thing, AC20 hit is probably the loudest. While I do think weapons should especially be 'devastating,' I would honestly prefer LESS of things like a weapon being so loud it causes a ringing in your char's ears so they can't hear anything or causing such massive rocking so that you can't mount any offensive back.

#3 pursang


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 08:10 PM

The AC/20 sounds pretty weak-sauce. You would think it would sound much louder considering it's pretty much a large-bore tank cannon.

Oh well, WIP is WIP.

#4 Nathiel Surefire


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 08:17 PM

There was a similar thread to this one awhile back, and surprisingly a lot of people like the AC/20's "clank" sound of metal slamming into metal. It just needs to be a bit louder and have a more visceral feel is all.

#5 Tannhauser Gate


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 09:38 PM

Regarding the importance of sound, theres a game I play called Clive Barker's Undying. Its an old vintage game (and looks it) but its sound is amazing. Its a horror adventure game with incredible mood and eeriness that I have yet to see in any game since... and its all due to its amazing sound. Imo, visuals are exciting and cool but, for a game to reach deep down and create incredible immersion, its the sound that creates that immersive feeling of depth.

The Atlas low altitude hot drop trailer had impressive sound that got me really excited. The game play trailers from GDC though were heavy on the music (and Russ) so the sound component could not be heard in its own glory. I understand why.. you cant just demo game footage with out some music to queue the excitement but Id like to see (hear) the same trailers without the music. From what I could tell though the sounds didnt appear finished... sort of canned and pulled from common stock.

If the hot drop trailer is any indication of what the game will have, MWO will be glorious.

#6 Fooooo


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 10:56 PM

I'll wait till beta to make comments on the quality of the sounds, however I do hope that PGI leave some of the sounds "open" as in able to modify with your own set of sounds in a simple mod.

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