Step 1: Updates!
First, we'll make sure that all your software is up to date. In addition of verifying your drivers and framework 4.0, click the following links to make sure some other vital updates are made on your computer:
** 1) C++: https://www.microsof...s.aspx?id=14632
** 2) DirectX: https://www.microsof...aylang=en&id=35
Step 2: Repair Tool
The Mechwarrior Online client launcher comes with a Repair Tool built in. You can access this Repair Tool directly from your C:\Program Files (x86)\Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online\Bin32 folder, as MWORepairTool.exe.
To use the Repair Tool simply launch the MWORepairTool.exe and click Start Scan. The tool will verify and repair your install files to fix any potential issues. This may take a few minutes to complete depending on how much repair is needed.
Once the Scan is complete, click Fix Errors.
Once that is complete, close the Repair Tool and attempt to the launch the MWO.
If the issues still persist, please proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Reinstall the Game
If you need to re-install the game, please do it the following way:
1) Go to Control Panel -> Uninstall MechWarrior Online
2) Check the install directories and remove any folders leftover
** Path: C:\Program Files(x86)\Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online
3) Delete files from temp folders:
** Path: C:\Users\*Your Windows Session’s ID*\AppData\Local\Package Cache
** Path: C:\Users\*Your Windows Session’s ID*\AppData\Local\TEMP\MechWarrior Online
4) Clean up registry keys, there are a variety of third-party tools which can do this.
** You can download one free here:
5) Run the application with the default options
6) Clear your browser cache
7) Restart the computer
Step 4: Contact Support
If none of these things worked, please e-mail us a support request!
The information you provide us could prove invaluable in helping the development team generate a fix in future updates, or tell our Game Master's exactly what you need to resolve the issue.
1) Attach your crash dump to your e-mail to us.
** Path: C:\Program Files(x86)\Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online\USER
2) Attach your attributes.xml to your e-mail to us.
** Path: C:\Program Files(x86)\Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online\USER
3) Attach your logs file to your e-mail to us.
** Path: C:\Program Files(x86)\Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online and last log in
** C:\Games\Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online\LogBackups
4) Attach your user.cfg to you e-mail to us.
** Path: C:\Program Files(x86)\Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online
5) Attach your dxdiag
** To access it, press the Windows key + R, type Dxdiag and press Enter. Save all information locally.
6) Explain all the steps you did to describe where you are crashing and how you tried to fix it. Please try to include as much detail as possible about the steps leading to the crash.
7) Download the installer from
8) Make sure to not tamper with any files, and avoid playing with your option settings unless absolutely necessary after you make your fresh re-install.
Let us know how you're faring after these changes!

Crash at Login? This may help!
Started by Kyle Polulak, Nov 04 2012 11:32 AM
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