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#1 MrPowers850


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 07:58 PM

I feel like it takes way to long to get c-bills. Also the people who are shelling out acctual cash have a huge advantage and usually win. I hear alot of complaint from new players that dont wanna shell out cash for a game they just started,but really if you want to do well you half to. just saying its kinda twisting the arms of the people who are new to this game. At an average (of new players) of 64000 c-bills per match it would take 64 matches to get tenmillion c-bills and thats not even enough to buy and set up a decent heavy mech. Thats 13 hours of time just straight play. I just wish as a new player i got a litttle more incentive to play. Better trial mechs would be a start or maybe just a light mech to customize when you start.

Edited by Niko Snow, 03 April 2013 - 04:22 PM.

#2 Squiffy


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Posted 02 November 2012 - 02:03 AM

The forest map is still way to brown for me, its like playing caustic valley with a few trees. I'm running the game with a HD7850.

#3 Dragonelle


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Posted 02 November 2012 - 01:53 PM

I found a MAJOR Bug in the game. If you have your own mech and go to load out but change your mind and click cancel it deletes your mech and your loudout COMPLETELY!!! It has done this twice to me as the first time I didnt know what happened. Please fix this so that when you click cancel it only returns you the the choose mech to customize screen.

#4 zudukai


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Posted 03 November 2012 - 10:09 PM

No C-bills or Xp or kills after match

I played two matches today both were wins in a group of 8 in a MC bought CPLT-K2,
i made one modification; pulled the MG's for two heatsinks and played, i sold the guns for those heatsinks.
after one match in caustic valley i was going to start modifying the mech more but found i had no extra cash, so i un-checked the auto-repair boxes and then went to the mech XP tab, this was also empty, when in match it showed me with 710 at the end of the first round.

this was odd, so i then proceeded to re-start the client, after login, it shows myself still with only 7,875 MC (from 10k to get the k2) and 2,000Cb from the 10k the MG's got me, minus the two heatsinks i got, i looked at the mech experience and this also was still at 0, so i re-grouped and dropped again.
this time was in frozen city, i got far more damaged this time, nearly cored right through but survived without losing a weapon, by the end of the match i had either 580 or 640 XP i think, and again, loaded the mechlab, and had no extra cash or xp of any kind, nor did i have to repair my mech for some strange reason,

both games i scored a single kill and both games i did damage all but one person on the opposing team.
i would like to note that i was in the same near-stock Katapult for both games.

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