Nevrath, on 05 November 2012 - 01:38 AM, said:
...played two matches on Friday.
She actually liked the game and figured out how to dodge LRM while still not haveing figured out how to moove her awesome without running into walls.
I, her big sister, started playing this like 3 weeks ago and i too think MWO is quite good to learn even if you had nothing to do with Mechs before. Ok i admit i did play with Mechs once, i think when i was arround 7 i played with my best friends Autobots.
My sister is the type who uses godmode in skyrim cos she thinks its to hard on easy mode and still figured out how to avoid getting murdered by LRMs.....*troll*
Can we have a Thread like "QQ here" and just moove all those "LRM OP, Streak Cats are unfair, fix matchmaker" threads there because right now the general forum has turned into a massive troll and QQ fest.
Its kinda ruining the community spirit because after reading enough of those threads even a pretty girl like me turns into an ugly troll (/sarkasm) who feels the need to post a thread on how her little sister learns to play better then most of those QQ therad openers.
Im going to play the game now and have fun blowing stuff up.
And..totaly revolutunary: I will have fun even if i dont win and get blown up by a streak cat because i got stuck on a stone because: *gasp*
Its an unfinished game which is currently in beta but they still let me blow stuff up with 35 tons of scrap metal. ARRRRR!
Isaac Corbett, on 05 November 2012 - 06:50 AM, said:
Get thee to
the Memeory...
Lyteros, on 05 November 2012 - 09:38 AM, said:
For your pink jenner:
I barely ever scout and I already want one.