Funny you picked out 2 lines of my whole post, when i already wrote, that they will be nerfed by several things. When i've read that correctly, they are going to revert a part of netcode changes to the old system, which should help to reduce the lag shields and so on. Which is fine for me, even when i'm piloting one.
HaDeZs, on 05 November 2012 - 10:59 AM, said:
They really do need to implement knockdown again. I miss the feature.
Me too.
HaDeZs, on 05 November 2012 - 10:59 AM, said:
Your mentality on the issue is wrong. I can't speed fit my atlas to fight like a jenner and im paying for the cost of 2 fully fitted jenners for a fully upgraded atlas which is close to 20 mill.
HaDeZs, on 05 November 2012 - 10:59 AM, said:
Like it or not, each mech has to fit into specific roles, regardless of what price you put on it otherwise the game becomes unbalanced.
So it's lame that you can't speed fit your atlas, but each mech should have a specific role? Get used to beeing in a slow boat. ^^
HaDeZs, on 05 November 2012 - 10:59 AM, said:
Why are jenners able to have the option of the superior DPS of a bohemoth like an atlas while gaining super maneuverability speed and tankability while the atlas is still a big slow clunker that can't use its DPS against a jenner at all? Why can't any of the other med/heavy/assault mechs be fitted for speed like the lights? We are paying way more per than the jenner, we should have that option.
First, please show me jenner doing half the DPS of a decent atlas build.
Second, please show me a mech heavier than a jenner, having less DPS.
Third, I've killed a lot of jenners with my hunchbacks during the last hours.
Fourth, i did the same with my dragon. No streaks involved there.
It is hard, but possible to compensate for their speed, if you can turn faster than
they circle and lead your lasers, even if that's stupid..
Your atlas is the one currently having most troubles. It's the slowest mech in game, remember? That said, they still have to balance and fix lag stuff.
HaDeZs, on 05 November 2012 - 10:59 AM, said:
The only light not able to do so without a super long fight is a commando because of its limited weapons. My atlas can't do the same, and right now an atlas caught alone with a jenner is a dead atlas, it really has no chance.
If the most agile mech in game couldn't outcircle and kill your atlas mech, which mech should be able to kill your atlas in a one on one? Remember rock, paper, scissors? It's more like that and less like sticks, crossbows, shotguns, nukes.
HaDeZs, on 05 November 2012 - 10:59 AM, said:
The issue isn't that lights have too much DPS although it should be lowered a bit,
They can have a pretty bad alpha, but aren't able to sustain it ...
HaDeZs, on 05 November 2012 - 10:59 AM, said:
] ... but that they are extremely hard to kill due to lag/bugs/ect.
That is the issue. And they are going to reduce it, or fix it soon.
HaDeZs, on 05 November 2012 - 10:59 AM, said:
I am fully for the mech balance where every mech out there is able to do a fair amount of damage according to their role.
Oh ok ... mech balance is fine, as long as no one can beat an atlas 1 vs 1.
HaDeZs, on 05 November 2012 - 10:59 AM, said:
But I do not think that lights should have the damage output of an assault or close.
They don't have. Build a 6 med laser jenner, that has an alpha of 30 and you will be going with reduced speed, reduced armor, reduced jumpjets, without ams and have to hide quite a while after the second salvo. They aren't as bad as you make them.
Edited by Lerzpftz, 05 November 2012 - 02:10 PM.