Basic plot of this RP is around the Circinus Federation's military "surplus" trade. (Basically they are a pirating bandit kingdom who's economy is held up by raiding the Lyrans and Marik border.) This RP is Pre-Clan invasion around 3045.
Map of Area of operation
I currently have an idea where i want the story to go But i am inviting other to join in as well (Please through PM as i want only the first post if possible to be the only OOC post.)
If you would like to join i would appreciated if you had at least an idea of how you want to be involved in the black market RP. (Some good examples are: Black Market trader (What i am doing), buyers (Basically Merc corps, pirate, even some house units in this RP), investigators (basically House Marik or steiner trying to stop the trade), or anything i have not thought of.)
Also I am looking for some people to RP in part of the crew of the drop-ship my character will own for the illicide trade.(He is not the captain, just the owner.)
Character Profiles:
(only mine so far will expand with a NPC section of important ones as i write them up)
DigitalStef: Irik "blue Eye" Balk
NPC Character Profiles:
Inital RP
Gust, another gust of wind blew through the window causing the dust and soot around the room agitate bring on a deep cough in the room.
Silently cursing the clutter and dust of the room, Irik leaned back in his chair. reaching up slowly with his tan arms he rubbed his short crop hair and took another look at the specs. Think I'll be able to make a killing off selling this to Always Faithful, he thought, Colonel Riel generally is looking for extra heavy weapons for his special forces unit. Getting up from his chair he looked out the window of his cheap apartment next to the Circinus starport. Wishing he could find an actually decent captain for his dropship, Black Bargin.
"Well nothings perfect." rolling his eyes as a soft glow eminated from the left one.
Settling down back to work he writes down a list of contacts who maybe interested in purchasing his recently aquired surplus from the Circinus Official. Good load there over all though, a large number of infranty weapons and ammo, medical supplies, a light tank, and even a couple mech weapons. All should fetch a fair price on the "free"-market.
Even aquired a needlier pistol for personal use out of the deal. Nasty bit of work that thing, but will be effective to keep any ideas of mutiny or duty desertion for his dropship crew.
Another Gust came through the window shifting the stale air once again. This time cause artifically by a singular dropship leaving for orbit...

Final Note
I do aplogise if i intimidate anyone with my graphics... it's just part of the RP for me and i can help anyone along in the RP if they want graphics but it is definitely NOT necessary to have them. Like previously state if your interested just PM me.
Edited by DigitalStef, 18 April 2012 - 06:17 PM.