Hi everyone, not sure if this is the right placeto put this or not but i was just over at GOG.com and was pocking around the forums and found a list of games the devs/editors put put up for the community to vote on for their near future projects. All GOG releases are DRM free, under $10, and pretty much compatibile with any system setup.
If you are like me and loved Mechwarrior 3 or any of the old MechWarrior PC games please head on over to: http://www.gog.com/wishlist/games and vote for MechWarrior 3 and if you dont mind post something here to keep this thread popular. If you've never been to the site before look around you'll probably find something you like.
I just double checked the place of MW3 on the voting and its currently in 37th place, LETS MOVE IT UP THERE!!!

MechWarrior 3 Possible Rerelease on gog.com
Started by Sabre Howell, Apr 19 2012 06:27 AM
9 replies to this topic
Posted 19 April 2012 - 06:27 AM
Posted 19 April 2012 - 06:33 AM
I voted. And voted for system shock 2 as well.
Posted 19 April 2012 - 06:33 AM
Can they even do it? I think it classifies as an abbandon ware. 
Oh, and sorry, but I will not vote, because there are too many good games I played and have equal right to be once again available.

Oh, and sorry, but I will not vote, because there are too many good games I played and have equal right to be once again available.

Posted 19 April 2012 - 06:39 AM
It technically is classified as abbandonware, but GOG has a long history of "rescuing" abbandonware. fixing setup/compatibility issues. By no means am i asking for you to only vote for mechwarrior 3, i voted for Grim Fandango as well, but if we can get the votes for it up to 5-10k then that would likely go a long way towards moving the project up on gog.com's priory project list.
Posted 19 April 2012 - 06:54 AM
For those of you who are new to MechWarrior, i dug up a few vids
and the games complete mechlist
and the games complete mechlist
Posted 19 April 2012 - 07:04 AM
GoG once meant "Good old Games" but its now GoG.com only as they offer not only Abandonware officially, they also offer Indie-Games now and maybe even new AAA-Games in the future - not only keep they great Oldies alive, they get their offers rid of all the DRM-Crap (but sometimes they have to leave the old style security question ins the older games).
If you ever missed i.e. Wing Commander, Red Baron, Interstate 76, Outcast, Fallout or Ultima VII you should look into their catalogue and play some of the best games of history!
If you ever missed i.e. Wing Commander, Red Baron, Interstate 76, Outcast, Fallout or Ultima VII you should look into their catalogue and play some of the best games of history!
Posted 19 April 2012 - 07:22 AM
Nice, I got it to work on Windows 7 64 bits, but it is rather choppy.
It would be awesome if they cleaned up the network code a bit to avoid the extreme lag issues the original game was known for.
It would be awesome if they cleaned up the network code a bit to avoid the extreme lag issues the original game was known for.
Posted 21 April 2012 - 05:49 PM
I would love to see this happen, I can't get MechWarrior 3 to run smoothly and I'm using a Win 7 64-bit PC. I'm hoping there's support out there for a re-release of MechWarrior 2!
Posted 22 April 2012 - 02:05 PM
Posted a link to vote for MW2 to be updated and released by GOG.com a while ago but went mostly unnoticed. Votes for MW2 are spread out over around 10 different versions/spellings (MW2, MW2 31st Century combat, Titanium, Mercs, 3dfx etc.) so are not very big individually, however when all MW2 votes counted together it would be in the top 10 most wanted and then be in with a chance of being selected. People should head over and vote for one (or to be safe, all the) MW2 options.
Edited by Fiachdubh, 22 April 2012 - 02:08 PM.
Posted 26 April 2012 - 10:54 AM
Hey i just checked over at GOG since its been awhile and the votes for MW3 have spiked +1000 since this post went live, im not saying its all been us but i do thank all of you for your support!
oh and by +1000 i mean the voting total has increased by over 1000 just to be clear
oh and by +1000 i mean the voting total has increased by over 1000 just to be clear
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