Honorable Members of Clan Cloud Cobra, hear this! Even now, valiant members of all castes and cloisters depart on jumpships on a return voyage to the inner sphere on a most dangerous of tasks. These warriors of the 231st Assault Cluster have departed under the banner of a mercenary group similiar to that of Clan Wolf. Clan Cloud Cobra will use this group to investigate properly the cultures, doctrines, and ways of those our brothers would deem to be simple barbarians. Those of you who wish to join these intrepid explorers may apply here and now, and join them on their path to enlightenment regarding those decendents whom our ancestors left behind all those years ago.
Clan Cloud Cobra has created the 231st Assault cluster as a mercenary unit to expand into Mechwarrior: Online. In the event that clans are announced as a playable faction this unit will make every possible motion to ensure that as many of it's members as humanly possible are brought over to that faction as a part of the clan invasion, the refusal war, or any potential player-controlled clan play.
It is painfully obvious that this is not a Canon unit. This iteration of Clan Cloud Cobra has it's origins on the Mechwarrior: Living Legends mod for Crysis wars and is now expanding into Mechwarrior Online. Those of you who wish to join a unit upholding true clan values alongside friendship, tactics, and teamwork, then apply for a position in one of our sibkos today.
Visit our website and www.clancloudcobra.com and apply for a position in one of our Sibkos today, Trothkin.
Name: Clan Cloud Cobra 231st Assault Cluster
Tags: [CC]
Website: WWW.ClanCloudCobra.Com
Leader(s): Khan Judah Kardaan, saKhan Blasto
Events: Skirmishes, Trials of Entry, Trials of Bloodright, Training
Games: Mechwarrior Living Legends, Mechwarrior Online
Focus: Clan Culture, Team-based tactical gameplay with or without Zellbrigen.