having played this game since early closed beta and TT since well inception...im going to throw my two cents out there:
i will add the disclaimer that i realize that the game is still in beta and is subject to massive changes...monthly and in some cases even weekly...
1) game is going backwards and the devs seem to be caving to the twitchy arcade low skill players...
a) shake is gone from all weapons it seems...this may be temporary or not im not sure but the rational for removing escapes me...unless an arcade game is what we are after
collision (bad as it was) is also gone...this was done supposedly because it wasnt working as intended...well what we are left with is nothing more than an arcade game that loses any sense of drama and skill...now all you have to do is run up to a mech and stand there with no thought as to size and speed...whatever the reason for removing it...it was a bad one
2) weapon balance
a) well the weapons are drifting farther and farther from TT every patch...ammo is being added where it isnt needed....weapons are getting heat and damage buffs where they arent warranted....it almost seems as if the devs are caving into the players who want want want...rather than actually standing their ground
weapon systems are being buffed/nerfed in multiple groups per patch...this is skewing the data since you are judging multiple variables per patch and making adjustments on multiple systems...this is simply too much data and the systems arent being looked at one at a time...the net result is constant buffing/nerfing week in and week out of the same weapons...almost bringing us full circle in some areas...weapons should be isolated and judged independently and not in multiples
3) game play:
a) game play is not imporving...new components are being added but added sporadically and not in tandem...i reference as my main example artemis and guardian...artemis is released first...almost wrecks the game due to insane LRM capabilities...and then promptly nerfed to the point it might as well not been added...the end result is that players spent millions adding the system to mechs and now are left with a non-working system that is waiting for guardian to be added to function properly...
both systems should not have been added until both were ready
in conclusion:
i love this game plain and simple...this is meant to be a critic not a flame...i continue to play week in and week out...and have no plans on leaving the game...my list of things wrong is by far not complete and is simply my view point on certain high profile (to me) subjects
i sincerely hope the very arcady feel that the game bears now is simply one of expedience and a placeholder for a more robust battletech feel (one the game had prior to going open beta)
people are beginning to spend real money on this game...and although it is in beta still the last thing that should be happening is a bad experience that drives players away...8man V pugs was a huge fail that very likely lost many people who might have paid to play...the artemis debacle is another example...better internal testing is needed...these two kinds of mistakes cant keep happening
i would also add a word of caution: dont stray so far from TT that the game becomes something else entirely...TT was and remains a very good system and adaption to a computer environment aside works very well
Pov-State Of The Game
Started by Gogopher, Nov 09 2012 02:41 PM
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