Happy 237th Birthday to all the devildogs that I know, and have known. I reminisce about the good ole days back when I could run, and hike with the best of them. Whether you were the shortest marine with the 249 or the biggest ape that was afraid of my needles during shotcall. I miss the devildogs that started an accident with the phrase watch this or the marines that had no game with the girls, yet asked for a box of condoms. I miss Marine Corps conflict resolution of taking off of your collar devices, and meeting at the treeline. I miss betting a marine he couldn't eat MRE crackers $20 without any water. I miss the part if someone had a problem with you, they would have the stones to tell you to your face, and not hear about it a month later as they do it in the civlian world. I miss the food on Marine Corps birthday, all the steak and lobster at other regimental chowhalls and marines looking at me trying to figure out if I belong there in 6th, 8th or 10th Marines.I want to make a special toast to the ones that are not with us today, that walk the halls of Valhalla. You are missed brothers, and I thank you and your family for your sacrifice for giving all. SEMPER FI from an FMF Corspman!
Edited by MuffinTop, 10 November 2012 - 12:47 AM.