Munkhausen, on 12 November 2012 - 12:30 PM, said:
13.11. Patch notes:
-Both PPC missile speed increased to 1800m/s
-ERPPC Heat reduced to 11
-DirectX 11
-Performance better for low end machines
-Netcode optimised
-Collisions are back with increased damage and no rubberbanding
-Mechlab freezes fixed
-Black screen bug fixed
-4 FPS-bug fixed
-Crash to desktops fixed
-3 new mechs
-3 all new maps with random weather
-phase 3
-Flamers do 30% more heat to enemy
-narc fixed, duration 30sec and allows no los -fire
-ECM and BOP implemented
-more to come
edit: 100th post anniversary and it turned out to be utter crap. -.-
Nice wish list or is their a link to what you just posted
Purlana, on 12 November 2012 - 12:37 PM, said:
That's not a patch, that's a hot fix.
I agree